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Stan James WSOP League Promo - Teaulc takes it home


Stan James WSOP League Promo - Teaulc takes it home  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo Looking at previous numbers we had 36 the first week and just 23 last time and I think the numbers are only going to decline here on in. Surely a culmative total over 12 weeks would have been the better option with regards to maintaining numbers.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo Well I managed to stay connected. :cow Just had one short lag. Used the mini table but was running 2 tables on Virgin at the same time as well. Might just be because it's not 'peak' time over Xmas but :hope for the next few weeks.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

Well done to our winner tonight GazBlades :clap with davey and Gremlin on the podium. :clap New table is up. :ok
:clap:clap:clap:clap well done you 3 and well done to Dave488 for his 4th place as well,he aint making this league easy. my luck eventually ran out in 5th place after getting extremely fruituitous earlier on against Hen when my KK beat his AA
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo Ok so this doesnt count as 2/7 off winnig on the river * Hand # 2351718710 starting - 2009-01-06 20:34:44 ** PL League Promo - Game 9[2367093]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 NL - MTT) Real Money glceud sitting in seat 1 with 1340.00[Dealer] uberpl sitting in seat 2 with 3172.00 BrownPlonks sitting in seat 3 with 2520.00 teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 4 with 2410.00 bradfordlad sitting in seat 5 with 1602.00 heniek31 sitting in seat 6 with 815.00 DaMatrix sitting in seat 7 with 1231.00 scarface1975 sitting in seat 8 with 2910.00 uberpl posted the small blind - 25.00 BrownPlonks posted the big blind - 50.00 ** Dealing cards to glceud: 2h, 7s teaulcsg1 folded bradfordlad folded heniek31 folded DaMatrix folded scarface1975 folded heniek31 > fish glceud raised to 200.00 uberpl folded BrownPlonks called - 200.00 ** Dealing the flop: 9c, 8s, 4h teaulcsg1 > flmao BrownPlonks checked glceud checked ** Dealing the turn: 6d BrownPlonks bet - 250.00 glceud called - 250.00 ** Dealing the river: Ah uberpl > he he who cashed last nite BrownPlonks checked glceud went all-in - 890.00 heniek31 > fish BrownPlonks > sick river heniek31 > :P BrownPlonks folded glceud mucks: glceud wins 1815.00 from the main pot

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

Ok so this doesnt count as 2/7 off winnig on the river
First 72o All Ins to win a hand on the river without a showdown and less than one pair in PL exclusive games (must show the 72o to the table)
I think it fits? :unsure
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

I hope you enjoy Vegas Al :ok
not counting my chickens yet mate...... well played PG,nice win and well done Lizzy on 3rd place :clap:clap:clap i have to say cards where very nice when needed,especially my nemesis hand (which i have now put to bed) 9/9,, twice all-in with pocket 9`s and 1st time a Full-House and then get Quads..
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo Table is up. :ok Well done to Gremlin, teaulc and beano on the podium tonight. :clap The guys at the top just keep on banging in those good performances. But the league is far from over. Current league leader teaulc needs to score more than 73 now to improve his overall score. Dave's low score is only 28, followed by a 39 and a 58 so a good finish should net him counting scores which increase his overall total. Gremlin, beano, boro etc, similar applies. Going to make an exciting finish. :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo Good game tonight and with an enormouse amount of jam I came first. thankyou to the poker gods :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy. I only entered by mishtake - I never entered last week as I figured I had little chance of any of the grand prizes, entered tonight thinking that its the one I won last week (PokerKings) .... now I'll feel honour bound to enter next week. It was a great headsup with some strange split pots. One was me starting with KJ and River starting with K2 followed by a flop of K52. I check and River goes all-in and I call thinking I've got him - turn of a 5 switches the position so that I'm now ahead and river K makes the split....

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo Opportunities missed tonight? None of the top 5 managed to put in a counting score :spank, so well done to gazza who took top spot :clap with hen and eyesallin on the podium with him. :clap One week left and the top prize not securely in the bag yet. Teaulc has got a nice cushion but a win by Dave could overhaul him and in a decent sized field Gremlin would have a chance with a win too. Good luck everyone next week. :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

One week left and the top prize not securely in the bag yet. Teaulc has got a nice cushion but a win by Dave could overhaul him and in a decent sized field Gremlin would have a chance with a win too.
Well Done Al, you'll be better off not playing next week - to keep the numbers low :lol Unless theres a turnout of 26+ I can't see its possible for Dave to catch you Enjoy Vegas :clap:clap - and keep away from the 'Pai Gow' ;)
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