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Thank you for the kind words


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Hello All Thank you for the kind words and PM's, its nice to back on PL. To cut a long story short, because of real life I haven't played seriously in a year and nothing regular since Feb this year (apart from 2 STT games in June!). Life is great, but work and my soon to be 3 year old daughter takes up most of my time, so I will be sporadic at best here. Will endeavour to post as much as I can, but am very rusty at poker and posting on the interweb in general (the luddite that I am:lol:$:lol). Nice to see the PL Poker forum going strong with lots of new sub-forums and folks posting their current targets (and profits hopefully!):ok Take care all Damo

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Re: Thank you for the kind words

Hiya Damo, Good to see you back here mate. The last time I saw you on here, we had just wacked the Foxes :nana ; you got your revenge for that recently :sad.
LOL, we are scoring machines at the mo Nice to win a game or three for a change :) Damo
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