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PL Players Club


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PuntersLounge believes in YOU. PuntersLounge believes in its players. We have therefore decided to start trialling the "PL Players Club". PuntersLounge will periodically offer to buy players into value added events, and split any profit 50/50 (profit, so stake is returned to PL Players Fund, then remainder is split 50/50). You therefore get to play an MTT risk free to your own bankroll, possibly at stakes higher than you would usually play. How will we decide who to stake? Well we want skillful and consistent players, so we will use the BPP rankings at a set date - they're not perfect, but they're the best system we have :ok Of course, you may be happy to bankroll yourself into these games in which case you can of course politely decline the offer, and we will stake the player below you in the rankings. We can offer flexibility on the tournament - whether it be host or date, but want to ensure that similar levels of added value are available. Final decisions will be made by the moderator who is managing the scheme (i.e. for the moment, me!) PuntersLounge will start this fund off with a donation of £200 to get it going. Just for completeness, if the fund is ever wound up with a surplus, then it will be distributed by proportion according to net (positive) contributions from a player. e.g. Player A made €300 profit Player B made €100 profit Player C lost €200 It is wound up with a surpluss of €200, 75% (€150) goes to player A, 25% (€50) goes to player B. Our first investment will be to stake the BPP after the focus game on 31st March. We are looking to buy this player into the PokerTrillion €100+€9 MTT with €5,000 added. Statements here: Opening Balance (Gift from PuntersLounge to PL Players Club) £200 Edit Latest (Post 111)

The result of this added investment, and the games costing $100 instead of €100 is that we can put players in this event fortnightly :ok We have approx $300 now, so will be giving seats in this tournament to the BPP after the games on: Wednesday 21st May Wednesday 4th June Wednesday 18th June
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Re: PL Players Club Fantastic idea, especially for us low stakes players. Mind you, on current form, don't think I'll be giving the mods any tough decisions just yet :lol :$ However, it has got me off my arse and made me open a Pokerkings acct, so that I can try to earn some BPPs. Well Done PL....:ok:ok:ok

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Re: PL Players Club Lovely idea PL :ok I have seen this done before and been involved, I must admit its a great way for the lower stakes player to get involved in higher staked games that normally would be out of reach for them wether it be playing or investing.. Sure with some players perhaps the preasure of playing in a higher stakes game for the forum as a whole might be a big ask but at the end of the day poker is poker and all you can do is play to the best of your ability with whatever your dealt on the day .. :ok

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Re: PL Players Club Great idea. I will need to play more focus games and (hopefully) move up the table..... if I ever do qualify and play then I would be totally happy with sharing the proceeds and propagating the scheme into the future. An alternative way of describing it might be "Punters Lounge Online Poker Pimp Scheme" or PLOPPS (very similar to previous acronym) - brings a new meaning to Poker Whoring :lol.

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Re: PL Players Club What a good idea (and not just cos I am doing well BPP wise at the mo!). An added incentive to play in the focus games, and should raise the skill levels of all involved. Top notch idea, and gives everyone a chance to cheer on the relevant poker pro as Red so eloquently put it.

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Re: PL Players Club Another top offer from pl:clap Was thinking along the same lines uber instead of surplus for those that had already cashed could be put into the pool and maybe r/u could be entered the following month also:unsure

yeah blinding idea:ok with the amount of good players on here it may get a tidy return and could even be expanded to more players ,if the bankroll grows sufficiently:hope
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Re: PL Players Club Fantastic idea :clap:clap As a question, would you be taking ie the top 10 from the bpp chart ? or would it be better to run a seperate table along the one that you are already running so everyone is starting a fresh as such, so people can see how they are currently running as obviously some people are in form and some are out of form. So the ones that are finding a bit of form may be currently way down the present BPP chart and may not get picked.

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Re: PL Players Club

Fantastic idea :clap:clap As a question, would you be taking ie the top 10 from the bpp chart ? or would it be better to run a seperate table along the one that you are already running so everyone is starting a fresh as such, so people can see how they are currently running as obviously some people are in form and some are out of form. So the ones that are finding a bit of form may be currently way down the present BPP chart and may not get picked.
I think that is a very good idea RIVRD don't know how Gaf feels about it.:ok
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Re: PL Players Club Glad it seems to be going down well :) Cant see why it wouldn't, but you never know till you try ;) If we can build up some winnings and a pot, then we would love to use the prize pool and expand it to be more frequent/cover more players :ok In general, staking someone for a 50/50 split is pretty large negative expectation, even if they are a class player with a significant edge - that edge cannot normally be enough - however the value added in this poker trillion game probably does give us an opportunity to build a fund,a nd have a positive ev :ok Not sure I totally understand rivrd's point - but the BPP table is on a 28 day cycle, so in 28 days time, no currently counting scores are applicable to someones achievement - the table will now almost totally recycle before the award therefore.... I'm not keen to generate too much more bureaucracy for myself ;)

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Re: PL Players Club Great idea:clap, I was just saying to Steve'O' the other night that I needed to start playing more focus games, only problem is I seem to have completely lost the poker plot in the last couple of months:$.There are more than enough great players on here to make a success of this:ok

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Re: PL Players Club Think rivrd probably meant would the table be reset each month instead of the cyclical 28 day period more like a monthly league:unsure What do you mean not too keen to generate more bureaucracy for yourslef I noticed you weren't logged on earlier,you know you're not allowed outside of the forum:spank

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Re: PL Players Club :lol :lol :lol Yeah - sorry for my (brief) absence!! I will use the existing BPP struvture (which completely renews on a 28 day cycle - so is basically the same as a monthly league) - in general, I will try and announce it 28 days in advance of the prizes, so that everyone knows what they are playing for...

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Re: PL Players Club Nice Idea - and now makes the BPP more worthy. :clap Couple of questions 1. If the initial gift from Punterslounge eradicates how is the fund going to be funded in the future. 2. Will the tournaments all be Net based or will some be land based .... and the next bit is a reiteration of what RIVRD was trying to say (I think) , in respect of the points. I think you need to know where you stand in the overall position to be top within the 28 days prior to the cutoff date. I think its just another formula column to your spreadsheet. That would do a running total of points earned in the 28 days prior to the cut off date, as you may have a scored a big total the 30th day before cutoff, and be top, but which wouldnt count towards the total for the prize ?? :unsure (there clear as mud)

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Re: PL Players Club 1. Well we have to win dont we ;) It's a bit of a trial at the moment - it may be that we can get another gift out of PuntersLounge, it may be that we need to find another means of funding, or it may be that we decide it hasn't really generated much interest and we let it slide .... basically we just need to wait and see how it goes... 2) Intention at the moment is that all tourneys are net based - we will not be staking in to sats either - if the winner was to come to us with an offline tourney they wanted to enter, for a similar buy in, and with similar added value, then I'm sure we could be persuaded :) THough I imagine they'd be quite hard to find. The value is essential to try and avoid the fund going bust too often and too quickly..... Another column in my spreadsheet would throw all my macros out - and those macros scare me now :loon I daren't touch it.....

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Re: PL Players Club Was just trying to point out that there is not a problem with the BPP table or anything, but would you be picking the person at the top of that table ? Yes they are the BPP but someone who is much further down the table may have actually scored more points than the present BPP but are so far down the table not being able to overtake them but is actually playing more consistent.

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Re: PL Players Club The BPP table is solely a measure of how someone has performed in the last 28 focus games :ok If you dont play 28 consecutive focus games then you have 0 points. The player who is top of the BPP table after 31st March is the one we will stake in :ok I did want to give 28 days notice but it took a little longer than I hoped to sort everything out and confirm it (mainly because I've been very busy with the eSport league) :$ It is likely that the 2nd player we stake will be the player who is BPP on 30th April - so there will be the full 28 days for that one....

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