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e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions


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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Sorry for being a bit negative towards Valiant there. Was supposed to be a strategy tip for the whole team, really, rather than criticism. (Everybody's already proven that they can play, after all.) Top 15 get points, so just try to get there before risking it all on marginal hands. (Which of course doesn't mean you have to fold everything. But maybe think twice before pulling the trigger with a pair of 5's or something. If you flop a full house - go for it.) :ok And to explain: I was just a little puzzled at Mr. V's actions in that game. Going all-in after 5 minutes because you're annoyed with the table (that's what it sounded like, anyway) isn't entirely acceptable in a team event in my book. (And I'm gonna stand by that. And I sincerely hope I'm not the only one who feels that way... even if I am the only one "negative" enough to say so.) That's like a football player having to cover an annoying striker, and mowing him down, getting sent off, and being glad about it. Not good. My apologies if I rubbed you the wrong way, Valiant. No one likes to be criticized. (Including myself - which is why you all get this rather lengthy justification of my criticised comment(s) now.) :tongue2 But I hope you can see it from my point of view. Rest assured, I'll just keep my trap shut from now on.

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Sorry for being a bit negative towards Valiant there. Was supposed to be a strategy tip for the whole team, really, rather than criticism. (Everybody's already proven that they can play, after all.) Top 15 get points, so just try to get there before risking it all on marginal hands. (Which of course doesn't mean you have to fold everything. But maybe think twice before pulling the trigger with a pair of 5's or something. If you flop a full house - go for it.) :ok And to explain: I was just a little puzzled at Mr. V's actions in that game. Going all-in after 5 minutes because you're annoyed with the table (that's what it sounded like, anyway) isn't entirely acceptable in a team event in my book. (And I'm gonna stand by that. And I sincerely hope I'm not the only one who feels that way... even if I am the only one "negative" enough to say so.) That's like a football player having to cover an annoying striker, and mowing him down, getting sent off, and being glad about it. Not good. My apologies if I rubbed you the wrong way, Valiant. No one likes to be criticized. (Including myself - which is why you all get this rather lengthy justification of my criticised comment(s) now.) :tongue2 But I hope you can see it from my point of view. Rest assured, I'll just keep my trap shut from now on.
I've not read back through to your comments or Mr V's response - so I'm piling in completely blind here :tongue2 This tournament is very very much akin to the Maxim King of Poker - it's all about getting past the sit outs - that's the first and absolutely overriding goal (IMO) - it has very little to do with poker and everything to do with patience, strategy and "awareness" of the situation.if there are 5 sit outs at the table, then every circuit has a "profit" to the available players of 7.5xBB - even if all the active players are after you and the inactive players before you, you dont need to get many of these spare blinds to be growing your stack (and the first game after I pointed this out to my team, I was eliminated for nil points :$)
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Lol, at least someone knows where I'm coming from with this. Even if he's not on our team. Thanks, GaF. ;) And team - again... I'm really not trying to be negative or anthing. Just trying to maximize our (currently pretty good) chances of winning this thing. If that takes a little criticism, so be it. I realize I'm making myself unpopular with that. But someone has to do it. (And I seem to have a knack for it. I vaguely remember a similar "incident" at work. Oh well.) But if being unpopular gets me 900-something bucks in the end, I'll live with it. (And you all know what they say about nice guys, and where they tend to finish.) :tongue2 But I'm all criticized out now, you'll be glad to know. Kill the sitouts; take it from there. The end. ;) Now, bring on Sunday! Peace out.

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well I guess its my turn now. A player raises every single hand. What do you do? Sit back and let him build a stack and try and last longer than the sit outs, or do you play back at him when its obvious that he's just at it? I played back at him twice. Once I was confident I was ahead pre flop he put me all in after the flop and it had missed me, so I folded and was short stacked. The second time I went all in with a suited Ace on the button. He called for a third of his stack with KJos and hit. Most of the players I've played in these league games play similarly. They want to beat the sit outs and play 'normal' poker. This player obviously has a shit or bust strategy which must work for him. However, I'm not going to sit there and watch him raise hand after hand with shite without trying to stop him building an unassailable chip lead. If I do I may as well sit out myself. I don't/didn't need telling that going out first was a bit daft but I don't think it will help anyone if we start questioning/criticising each others results, especially as results can be slewed by having more or less sit outs on your table. I saw that in my tournament on Wednesday when there were 2 live players on the other table and the final table started with them having huge stacks. Saying that, I finally figured out how to find and watch other tournaments on Wednesday and I saw how everyone else did, and was especially gutted to see your connection problems SJ.:( Despite that, you all did very well and I'm very lucky to be in this team. Best of luck for tomorrow. :clap :notworthy :hope

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well said Val and SJ. :ok I think we all agree that the sit-outs are extremely aggravating, but I think we are just stuck with them for this season. Hopefully next season, when the people joining the league will have paid cash to enter, there will be full participation. As for this season, lets just knuckle down and win the damned thing....I could do with the $$$$$. ;) Good luck all for tomorrow.:hope

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Thanks for the explanation, V. I guess that would be very frustrating indeed. Wish you would've said what happened earlier. Would've saved me all of this. :tongue2 The way you wrote it made it sound like you just couldn't be bothered with all the sitouts. But perhaps just grin and bear it, let him have the little blinds every hand, wait for those Aces or Kings, and then double up through him. Or even if he then folds - you basically just need to win one single hand to beat all the sitouts and get a good result. As GaF said, it has nothing to do with poker anymore. But as annoying as it may be, it's the key to success in this league. Half the teams consist of nothing but sitouts. We really don't wanna be giving them our points. But enough of that. Bring on Sunday, and (in the words of Al Bundy) let's rock! Good luck everbody! :hope PS: It wasn't connection problems as such. My whole computer kept freezing, and when I restart, the network connection is always gone, and I have to restart again to get it back. And two restarts is an absolute eternity when someone's stealing your chips at a rate of 800 per hand, or whatever it was, every couple of seconds. I don't blame him, of course. But it's pretty bitter. Haven't had any more problems with PokerRoom, so I don't know what was going on. The only software that keeps making trouble is usually Pacific Poker, since their update. :\

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

This player obviously has a shit or bust strategy which must work for him.
Over the season, this player will do far more poorly for his team than the others (I do hope you're not referring to me :$ :loon) - IIRC when I was on your table, I was playing too aggressively/badly and that was the week I bust out for no points :sad
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

wish you had' date='nt told me that![/quote'] :lol:lol:lol just play your normal game mate,you`ll be fine :ok:ok there is no reason at all why the good start we have had cant continue,,we actually have an advantage in my opinion in the fact we dont have to keep chopping and changing the team around too much
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Hi guys, Just to let you know I am going into hospital :( next Friday (4th Apr) for about 5 days, so will not be available for next Sunday. Fonz
and you think that is a good enough excuse ???? :tongue2 if you were on your death bed you would still be expected to play,,bloody youngsters these days,;);) seriously though i hope it aint serious
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Good Morning Team, it has been suggested that with regards to the $7700 freeroll tomorrow night that we pool any winnings.. personally i am happy to do this as this will bond the team more,but give me your thoughts please :ok

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Good Morning Team, it has been suggested that with regards to the $7700 freeroll tomorrow night that we pool any winnings.. personally i am happy to do this as this will bond the team more,but give me your thoughts please :ok
I'm happy with this.:ok
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Mr V - I deserve all the stick you can muster to throw at me :$ I had 4 or 5 Sitouts after me - but Hodgey was raising every hand and I just couldnt back off :$ I dont think his strategy was good (He went all in very early with AQ v KK and got lucky), but mine was worse .....

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