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"PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight!


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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight!

Jeeez, spent about 45 minutes opening accounts at poker room and esporte, finally get it all sorted and now can't log in to PR but can log in to thjeir website. PS Happy birthday Al
At PokerRoom you need to logg in with you mail adress (username) and your password. give me a notice if this works out. cheers, alex
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

Suspect they are legitimate players (new signups to PL?) as theres no money up for grabs in the freeroll. Are we allowed substitutes in case one or more of the players proves not to have the stamina for the competition (or the funding as I assume the "real" league games involve entry fees). Happy Birthday Al :cow:cow:cow -
SQuad size is 10 players in the Pro League (20 in the qualification league) - but only 5 play each matchday, so there is a certain amount of rotation allowed
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

(or the funding as I assume the "real" league games involve entry fees).
The pro league is completely freerolls, and there are no season charges, just prizes ;) The qualification leagues (which is not what we're playing for tonight) has a charge of $50 per season (4 game season) per team - so with a maximum squad of 20, that's $2.50 per player
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

I was sent a password to get into a freeroll tomorrow but I'm not sure it's the right one ! As for the 'security code' to be entered just once as part of the password update process - it's just as well it is only once as it is ridiculously long ;)
"Security code" I have not had one or used one, when via the instructions put up and go PW via PM. Them re regged at PRoom as wiped it all from my old pc, new account and in:nana Good Luck all:ok
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight! Have read the responses from Paul and WASP. Must be honest I knew nothing of this until I read the threads this morning. I am now more than happy to play in these games, as I expect everybody else should be as well. Thanks to Gaf for all the arrangements at such a late stage...well appreciated.:ok {Having a Matrix day today...watching all three films, for about the fifth time I'd reckon. So will ensure we finish the third before this game starts. No doubt I'll be feeling invincible, just like Neo, by then so woe betides anybody who gets in my way.:tongue2}

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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight!

:-) So is anyone here who still needs assitance to join the Qualifiers? Cheers! ;-)
gone through it step by step as per your instructions, but yet to receive the email I,ve checked in the junk folder but nothing their?
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

Happy birthday Al:cheers Do they deliver telegrams on a sunday?or did you get yours from the Queen yesterday:rollin
got my 2nd telegram today special delivery :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 thanks all for the birthday wishes,,,, i am now regged for this so i expect you all to donate 25% to me :ok:ok:dude:dude
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight! With regards to guests getting into the PL team - this will absolutely and totally not happen - regardless of finishing positions in the freeroll, we can guarantee that the PL Pro team will be made up of 10 PL Players :ok (which might involve "transfers"). Expect some good news from Alexander shortly too on a few added opportunities to PL'rs to qualify for a Pro team :ok

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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

i am now regged for this so i expect you all to donate 25% to me :ok:ok:dude:dude
Bearing in mind I usually donk off a third of my chips to you, a third to someone from Aberdeen, and the final third to someone called gaz, does this mean I can keep some chips to myself?
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight! Didnt get the password sent to me. I did contact the site and got a email back saying it was a problem with blueyonder and they have set my account up manually. Next question(talk about dumb and dumber)how do I register for the team my user name is readie.

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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight!

filling in the 6 step reg i keep getting this :unsure Please check your entries (Passwort enthält keine Zahlen und Buchstaben, ) for completeness.?????????????????????
password has to over 8 letters or digits minimum:ok
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight!

filling in the 6 step reg i keep getting this :unsure Please check your entries (Passwort enthält keine Zahlen und Buchstaben, ) for completeness.?????????????????????
something about no backstabbing ? :ok
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Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League - 8pm Tonight! Ok I have read and read and read.....(theres a lot to take in from such a short period of time) and if its good enough for Brian, Paul and the mods, then its good enough for me. It does seem a great promo and hopefully our members can make a lot of money through this. Ill play as Morlspin as usual and see ya all there, best of luck everyone

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