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AWOP Forum Challenge


AWOP Forum Challenge  

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    • Yes - I wish to score points for Punters Lounge - chaaaaaaaaaarge
    • Yes - but I dont want to win, so will be scoring points for one of the other forums
    • No I will not be able to make this event

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Good luck guys in this weeks final challenge game, And I would just like to congratulate you all for taking part and making this event fun and sportsman like. You are all a credit to this forum and your moderators should be proud... Thanks again guys and good luck:hope:hope:cheers

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Thanks for those kind words Dave. How did Sunday's date with GaF go? Did you or GaF remember to get your BOGOF Sugar Puffs from Morrisons? Was it your turn to lead? Just drop me a PM if you don't want to tell the whole PL forum :ok

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

Damn there goes the little forum comp !!! Avon girl your far too bright for here' date=' Come and play for us..[/quote'] Dave You also need someone to check your spelling. Your article includes the phrase "the rest of there great team", when it should have read "the rest of THEIR great team". More worryingly, I have been pondering over your motto of "IN HOC SICNO VINCES" (I don't get out much), and you've even got a Latin typo. The phrase is actually "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES", meaning "in this sign you will conquer" :ok
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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

Dave You also need someone to check your spelling. Your article includes the phrase "the rest of there great team", when it should have read "the rest of THEIR great team". More worryingly, I have been pondering over your motto of "IN HOC SICNO VINCES" (I don't get out much), and you've even got a Latin typo. The phrase is actually "IN HOC SIGNO VINCES", meaning "in this sign you will conquer" :ok
In Cumbria its right lol. And you are indeed correct sir, Its this Dyslexic Keyboard I found.
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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Good luck everyone,,, we want a clean fight in this the last game, and played in the same manner as all the others, keep it clean and do not listen to tales of collusion so as to avert fall outs. Have fun and do your best for Punters Cheers Guys Dave

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

Ladies in Poker (but with a few gentlemen in for good measure.)
They have a thread about changing their name as the "Ladies" isnt really applicable to them anymore and not representative - I thought it was quite a good "niche" they had there....
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