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Virgin Festival in Newcastle


Virgin Festival in Newcastle  

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Just got back after the £20 freezeout tonight 213 runners, no dealers and plenty of fish lol Best i managed is a double up after my AK bust JJ on the flop and then when short i pushed Ad2d and was called off 55, It held up Still a few PLers in when i left, work tomorrow morning so see ya all at aspers at lunchtime

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Uber was the only PLer to cash :sad. He got 7th for £220 :clap. A couple of the guys then played a cash game for a while, not sure of the overall ups and downs, rest of us retired to the bar to discuss strategy for the big event today...:beer:beer:beer:cheers

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Quick note a little conerning did you have to confirm you were attending the festival? I havent recieved any e-mails about the festival. ie car parking or to confirm

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle

Quick note a little conerning did you have to confirm you were attending the festival? I havent recieved any e-mails about the festival. ie car parking or to confirm
I got an email with the festival details (a copy of which is posted on the site somewhere I think), but that's all. Aspers is in a mall (G centre I think) which has a car park underneath, don't know if the car park closes when the shops etc do though. When we left last night we had to use the 'back door', ie not the one into the mall. Might be worth phoning the casino 01912550400 to find out.:unsure
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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle just popped in2 aspers to meet some of the guys nd gals nd wish them luck! I met AvonGirl, Runadrum, Morlspin, MoFace, Heniek, Dave488, Rosco and Swampy!! There is 230 runners making the prize pool £23,000 with £5000 added by virgin! :ok Good luck to all Plers playing.... lets have a few going through to 2moro!! P.S. Apparently there is a 'forum challenge' taking place later on this evening which should be good fun so will probably turn up to watch that!!

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle yeh morls out.. raised to 350 (blinds 50/100) wit AA under the gun... 1 caller flop comes a nice 9 2 3.... morls leads out wit a bet of 500, his oppo raises to 1500... morls pushes all in for 8500 and an insta call from his oppo showing 99... giving him trips! :puke

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Unfortunately, most PLers out... think Runadrum nd a few others were left in when I left at 1ish! Forum challenge was just about to start when I left... I cudnt get a game for PL as I'm shit and not an established member!! Morls nd Swampy thru to STT final 2moro! :ok

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle No Favours Gaz, i run a tight ship haha Ok....Gaz explained my outage and theres no need to go any futher on that lol, Runa, Borokp and Mole are still in (top PLer not to cash gets a WSOP Satellite seat after i negotiated one off Joe) STT Final tomorrow, Me, Swampy, Dave in the 20 man final £1000 prize pool + 50k virgin miles for the winner, (i played 2 won 2) Forum challenge, well we never won but beat the forums that mattered and we only lost by 6 points Results 1. LIP = 64pts 2. Punterslounge = 58pts 3. Eat my Stack 4. D P 5. A World of Poker 6. Blonde poker Notable results were: Me and Gaz Blades 2nd, Fonzie and Tipper 3rd 10 player £10 Single table at 4am Results 1= MoFace £45 1= Morlspin £45 3 = Woody? £10 Wasnt a bad day even though im out, 2 sng wins, 2nd in forum challenge and a split with mo made me £170 winnings (£136 profit)

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle UPDATE Between 35 and 50 left borokp is chipleader :cow Heniek is in line for the badbeat prize after hiss JJ was called by AJ. He turned the Jacks full of Aces FH for the River to give the other player A's full of J's. :puke Good Luck to any PLer still in. :hope

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle they are down to final table with Lucy Rokach chip leader! Lucy 508,000 Luckbox 481,000 (the crowd favourite) Shelley 225,000 I Fold 219,000 Darren 215,000 Sneak 208,000 EMSChalky 128,000 Eck 118,000 Ramchip 87,500 Tricktree 58,000 no PLers from what I can gather.... Borokp went out in 13th!

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle

Just post your name to say you have qualified, any other posts, questions, ideas etc, please use the original thread here: Forum challenge : http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=61127 Festival Chat: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=60432 Its McG Runadrum Avongirl Football-Tipper Fenner Washman Moface Mike Saban Morlspin Gazblades Kippe Rivrd nkb2005 Swampster Rosco Spannerjago FatboyFat Gilsan WASP! Ubermonkey AA Hall Beanolizz Valiant23 BoroKP Adetrick Mad Duke NorfolkEnchance Heniek31
sorry didnt see the link
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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Noticed Runadrum in the video of the last 19 players. :clap Hopefully he managed to beat his Aussie Millions finishing position, if not his prize money. ;) Thanks for the links to the videos. :ok

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle

Noticed Runadrum in the video of the last 19 players. :clap Hopefully he managed to beat his Aussie Millions finishing position, if not his prize money. ;) Thanks for the links to the videos. :ok
Thanks Red - finished 15th for £250. 19th wasn't a money critical position (16th-19th the same prize level, £175) but I did note the significance to myself and made sure I was 18th or better ! I started today in 28th of the 49 left on 38550, average was 46000 approx. Told myself not to make the same mistake as in Australia when on my final day the only hand I played was the one that took me out. So got involved in a few pots, got up to 87000 and just ahead of the average when the blinds and antes got really serious but my cards weren't ! Eventually down on 44k, my SB was 7.5k, antes were 1k, folded round to me so pushed all-in with TJ. BB had about 150k and A2. Aces on flop and river (K on river would have made me a straight) and I was out. Have now 'cashed' in my last three live tournaments so I'll settle for that ! As always, great to meet existing PL friends and new. Sat out of the forum challenge as was pretty tired but stayed to watch and it was played in a fantastic spirit, a credit to all concerned, and (dare I say it) I think the paper result was secondary to everyone getting together :clap:clap
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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Will reiterate regarding the forum challenge. Everyone played this in a great spirit with only friendly banter. Morls did a brilliant job of sorting out the team and finding everyone as we were scattered about the casino and then played a captain's game, being the last table to finish and losing out in a nip and tuck battle with a guy from EMS. The whole team did us proud, and so did the two who played for other forums, managing to make an early exit. :lol Morls also managed to us get a Vegas satellite seat (or something like that) for the longest lasting PLer not to make the money, after it had been announced that AWOP were getting one. Nice work Graeme. :ok I believe this will go to Mad Duke who went out late on day 1, but will need verifying. News of my demise seems not to have reached you all. :eyes I lasted until around 11pm, having moved tables 5 times I think, I ended up sat next to the pro and bounty Maria Demetriou. Sitting with 27k chips I look down at QQ (the best pair I'd seen up to then was 99), Maria on similar stack to me raised to 10k, I pushed all in, folded back round to her and she called, turning over 55. The 5 came on the flop with nothing to help me and after a count up she just had me covered, so out I went in 64th, leaving just Mad Duke, Run, Mole and Boropk running for us. Stopped at 50 runners overnight with 3 left in, and all 3 made the money. :clap We actually thought Mole had bubbled, but he jammily made it in 25th after 2 went out together just before. Run 15th and Boro 13th. :clap:clap Great casino and thoroughly enjoyable tournament so already looking forward to the next one. A big thank you again from me to slapdash who let me use his seat. I think I did it justice. :ok

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle

News of my demise seems not to have reached you all. :eyes I lasted until around 11pm, having moved tables 5 times I think, I ended up sat next to the pro and bounty Maria Demetriou. Sitting with 27k chips I look down at QQ (the best pair I'd seen up to then was 99), Maria on similar stack to me raised to 10k, I pushed all in, folded back round to her and she called, turning over 55. The 5 came on the flop with nothing to help me and after a count up she just had me covered, so out I went in 64th, leaving just Mad Duke, Run, Mole and Boropk running for us.
I think this may be the link to ur demise Avon.. very unlucky by the way :sad http://www.thenutz.tv/videodetail.php?video_id=66509
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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle :lol @ morls. Should just add to mine, that it was great to meet up with the regulars again, and to meet several people for the first time. This is where I miss someone out....:$ Mad Duke, who is never going to drink whisky with the Mole again, Gilsan and Borokp (looking forward to your post Keith :ok), Fonzie, he really is you know, AA Hall and Eyesallin, my fellow Red Acer GazBlades, Heniek at last, Football-Tipper, RIVRD, SpannerJ, GeordiGaz. Also another mention for morlspin, who I think probably cashed the most of everyone, coming 2nd in the STT challenge, winning 2 STTs on the way, 2nd in the forum challenge and the PL game. :clap

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