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Aussie Millions - Runadrum out in 19th for AUD $65,000


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Re: Aussie Millions :$:$ Ashamed to say I've slept through all this tonight:$:$ :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Still got everything crossed:hope Stunning performance...and when you're still in it...ANYTHING can happen:hope:hope:hope

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Re: Aussie Millions Kenna James Eliminated in 53rd Place ($20,000) Matt Kirk raised to 28,000 from UTG. Con Angelakis called. Kenna James moved all in for 80,000. Kirk and Angelakis called. The flop was 6s.gif5c.gif3s.gif. Kirk and Angelakis both checked. The turn was the ac.gif and both players checked again. The river was the 10s.gif. Kirk bet 56,000 and Angelakis called. James: 9-9 Angelakis: A-Q Kirk: A-A Kirk won the main pot and side pot with a set of Aces. Kenna James was eliminated. He won $20,000 for 53rd place.

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Re: Aussie Millions Nick Putt Eliminated in 52nd Place ($20,000) Nick Putt was eliminated off the featured TV table. _______ Dominic Sinagra Eliminated in 51st Place ($20,000) Peter Mobbs raised to 18,000 pre-flop, Dominic Sinagra re-raised to 75,000, Mobbs moved all in and Sinagra, feeling pot committed, called all in. Mobbs as.gif10h.gif Sinagra jh.gif6c.gif The board ran out ac.gif10s.gif5d.gif4c.gif8c.gif and Sinagra hit the rail.

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Re: Aussie Millions Robert Salter Eliminated in 50th Place ($20,000) Robert Salter raised to 15,000 from the cutoff, Alexey Rozenberg re-raised to 36,000, Salter moved all in for 120,000 and Rozenberg called. Salter as.gifqd.gif Rozenberg 10h.gif10c.gif The flop was 9h.gif9d.gif5c.gif, the turn was the 6c.gif, the river was the 10d.gif, and Rozenberg took down the pot with tens full of nines as Salter headed to the rail.

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Re: Aussie Millions I've got to go to work now, so "au revoir" to the forum for 11 hours, and :hope:hope:hope:hope Runa. Catch you all later - I'll be incurring the wrath of the Gestapo by getting pokernews updates, but it's worth it. PL CHAAAAAAAARGE

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Re: Aussie Millions

11,650,000 AUD-
21,000,000 AUD-
3700,000 AUD-
4500,000 AUD-
5400,000 AUD-
6300,000 AUD-
7225,000 AUD-
8175,000 AUD-
9175,000 AUD-
10135,000 AUD-
11135,000 AUD-
12135,000 AUD-
13100,000 AUD-
14100,000 AUD-
15100,000 AUD-
16100,000 AUD-
17100,000 AUD-
18100,000 AUD-
1965,000 AUD-
2065,000 AUD-
2165,000 AUD-
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2365,000 AUD-
2465,000 AUD-
2540,000 AUD-
2640,000 AUD-
2740,000 AUD-
2840,000 AUD-
2940,000 AUD-
3040,000 AUD-
3130,000 AUD-
3230,000 AUD-
3330,000 AUD-
3430,000 AUD-
3530,000 AUD-
3630,000 AUD-
3725,000 AUD-
3825,000 AUD-
3925,000 AUD-
4025,000 AUD-
Looking good for serious money and even a shout at winning the big one
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Re: Aussie Millions His M is just over 9 at present, so he's still short, but with enough chips to hurt just about anyone left. Actually I find this a difficult position to play, too many chips for the push / fold strategy, not enough to play slow poker.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Aussie Millions FCUKING HELL :loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon Awesome Dunc, fanfcukingfantastic :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Re: Aussie Millions Forgot this was in here

Today, 08:31 #10
kevsul Keeping Quiet. ball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifball.gifavatar7516_12.gif Join Date: 08 Oct 2005 Location: Birmingham Age: 49 Posts: 6,110 im_msn.gif
Awards Showcasetccupthumbtr9.gif Total Awards: 1
icon1.gif Re: Runadrum - A real experience of a lifetime
Originally Posted by AJ viewpost.gif he's doing very well, in 35th place just now. Has won a minimum of $20,000, but likely to finish on a whole lot more
:clap:clap Come on Runa, bring it home mate:hope __________________ http://kevsuls.blogspot.com/
user_online.gifreport.gif progress.gifedit.gif quote.gif multiquote_off.gif quickreply.gif
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