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Virgin Poker Festival


Virgin Poker Festival  

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    • Yes, I have won my seat
    • No, I have given up and wont be trying any more

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival Players left Table no and chip count Table 3 steve appleton 49,500 joe gerguty 27,450 steve mcgowan 34,950 howard keen 21,950 peter hathaway 33,650 ok [aul gibb 46,150 joe carrrhill 34,250 tom butlihn 31,400 philip ankers 43,275 Table4 Anthony williams 73,725 john parker 34,900 graham burt 22,550 tim magnus 34,500 karen sherman 28,850 steven sass 38,550 alistair findlay 23,175 tim higgins 41,575 duncan lovett 35,550 Table 5 brian clarke 17,100 martin carty 33,000 rob mcuss 29,150 john crawford 89,300 mark ryan 63, 835 #rob hewlitt 24,700 ted smith 161,675 jess middleback 23,000 graham scott 23,300

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival My views on the tournament. Very good set up good blind structure and a nice starting stack. No complaints there. The standard of play I would describe as interesting. I saw someone call a 25K all in bet with 9Ts. In fact twice someone called a very big bet with 9Ts. There were lots more strange calls but I guess that happens. My play. OK started with 10k and in the 1st hour I hit trips twice a top straight once and QQ. However due to people being careful it only took me up to about 17k. I then went wondering and left my table to see how others were getting on and to sit out for a while. I came back and sat around for next few blinds not getting any hands. The dealers IMO were poor. They could not work out the blinds and Anti's they took ages in dealing and they had no idea how to work out the pots. It was getting very frustrating TBH. We were playing perhaps 2 rounds per blind structure. And considering it was 40 minute blinds I thought this was slow. Any way we had a break and then a couple more levels which took us to dinner. I was still sitting with about 16k. About average probably slightly above. After dinner I was moved to another table where the dealers were better. It was in the main section. Which makes me wonder were they getting through more hands. This obviously makes a difference but again thats live poker. OK after dinner in the 1st couple of hands I went back down to about 10k after a AJ was no good. A few hands later I picked up the blinds bluffing with 42s in position. The blinds were now 600/1200 or 800/1600. I was moving up a gear now playing more hands in position and taking blinds when I could. I noticed that whilst in position that It was easy taking a SB and BB whilst I was 1 off the button. It kept me fairly level. Out of position I was then dealt AKs. I have put in a 5k raise and someone on the button called. Flop come rag rag Ace. We both checked. Turn was rag which paired the board. I put in a large bet of 10k which was most my stack. After about 5 minutes of thinking button calls. River a rag. I go all in last 2ish K. He calls and turns over KK. I am now up to over 35K and sitting very nice indeed. The next break comes and goes and im staying level ish. I then get dealt AK again out of position. Blinds now 800/1600. I bet 6k and a late player pushes all in with about 8k. I obviously call. His TT holds up. No issues there. I am now down to about 25k. The table then takes a drastic change. A few new players come to the table with high stacks and some of their play was shocking but they were getting very lucky. I new I had to do something to give myself a stack for day 2. There was less than an hours play left. I am sat on the button weith about 22k and for the 1st time in quite a fwe rounds it folds round to me. I am holding K2s. Again I am up against the players who like to fold so I put a raise in and make the bet 6k. The SB folds and the BB calls. Oh dear i think. The flop comes K96. Happy with the flop especially after he checks. I bet most my stack to take the pot down. He pushes all in. I have about 5k left in front of me. I guessed I was behind but im pot committed.. I put him on AK or KQ or maybe KJ. When I put my initial raise in we were fairly equal stacked so with his call thats what I put him on. Anyway I call and he has K9 hittting 2 pairs. Fair play he made the call and he hit. I made a play with a fairly crap hand but no complaints at that time of thr tourny. Game over. All in all happy with my play. Not hapy to go out like I did I should have perhaps waited but I was getting more and more frustrated with the slow play and was getting tired as so much waiting round.

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival I managed to save one of my worst performances ever for this tournament (:$), and the less said about it the better. :\ Anyway, we touched down at the hotel around 12-30 and met up with Gazza and Uber for a quick pint before getting to the casino. The queue for membership was ridiculous but thankfully they let those already members through a bit quicker. The bar in the casino weren't prepared at all for the 200-300 people arriving at a short space of time and several people were kept waiting by the few staff and (seemingly) fewer clean glasses. When the draw was made for the golden ticket there were quite a few passes left and we thought that they would be giving more than one ticket out, but alal it was not to be and the lucky winner made there mark by taking Lucy Rokach out very early on when her trip 3's beat L.R.'s KQ on a queen high flop. The day wasn't over for Lucy Rokach and she can now claim to have had the ultimate peak of an illustrious career when she finally got to play heads up with Mike Saban, although I'll leave Mike to fill in the details. What I enjoyed was the seemingly huge number of PLers who were there who introduced themselves, including Its McG and McG Jnr and Swampster, and it was good to see the usual suspects such as Fenners, Burnley Joe and the inimitable Mole. Qualifying for these events is certainly going to get harder as most of the guests were saying how they wished they'd tried harder. As far as I can remember there were quite a few PLers left; Burnley Joe Chess Its McG wallg Fenners (maybe more?) I think we lost a few in the last level as players with below average stacks adopted a boom or bust strategy in order to try and get a decent stack for today. Morls did lose with a full house to runner runner quads but it was to 5's after the guy called Morls raise with 65 so hopefully he'll win that prize. All in all it was well run by Virgin and thanks to all who made it possible, especially Joe "I thought he was older!" Legge.

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival Well me and Lou went down as guests of WASP and Fenners, cheers gents :clap and basically went down for the social side activities, which Lou excels at. :beer. Great to see so many people we knew, and put faces to many names of people we'd not met before. Anyway whilst Tikay is doing the pretourney rambles, Damatrix offers me evens that Lucy Rokach will be first out, not a betting man I decline the bet, well Ben obviously knows what he's on about as only minutes after the tourney starts she departs. Whilst railing I bump into Joe Legge, who asks me if want to start the charity headsup competition off, between the Virgin team and Rest of the World, so I agree and he tells me I'm playing against L.R. So we both exchange pleasantries and sit down, and she asks me what I want to play, I ask her what her favourite game is, so when she responds Omaha, I agree to play her PLO H/L. I've never played this live, but what the hell. We start with 1000 chips, 10 minutes levels - I think expecting a quick victory, she's disappointly declares I'm a hard man to beat, when we get into the 3rd level, anyway she finally beat me just as we move into the 4th level ( 400/200 ). She was very friendly and made a few points about my play, and it was great to get the opportunity, and we talked for a while after the game. Anyway, apparently the next festival is rumoured to be around April in Newcastle, so will make an effort to qualify for that. lucyvu7.jpg

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival Out in 38th/37th? Arrived on 2nd day with 24000 chips and hoping for early double up. Horrendous run of cards meant this didn't materialise and a potential triple up disappeared as a 9 on the river coupled with a 9 on the flop presented one of my opponents trip 9s beating my pair of 10s. Great to put faces to names but gutted not to have cashed :wall - one bad choice of calling a reraise with JJ and running into AA followed by the very next hand having raised with 88 beaten by an all in with 99 for a few more chips cost me about 30000 chips late Saturday. Oh well broke Day 2 duck at least following 3 previous day 1 failures. Moneyivey and the glamorous railbird Mrs Helmuth ;)

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival Just back from the Virgin Festival and I have to say that I was really disappointed with the Broadway. They were very disorganised on Saturday with awful queues to get in and at the bar, it was as if they'd never seen or expected such numbers. Didn't like the cheap chips and cards, or the slightly strange house rules, or the fact that the dealers were not so forgiving to the new players, despite the message to 'have fun.' One guy at my table inadvertently posted a blind out of turn and was told that it was in the pot as it crossed the line - technically correct but surely worth no more than a warning in the opening levels. On the whole I thought the staff were poor and disinterested, and most of the (male) staff were very poorly turned out. Oh, and it was too crowded in the poker pit, with only one screen. That and the 'buffet' - chicken and chips maketh not a buffet! Hopefully future venues will be better... On the positive side: it was good to meet other players and it was commendable for Virgin to add so much value to the tournament. I thought that the structure could have been a little slower (another level or two before running antes) but overall it was a good day. I guess I just expected a bit more pizzazz from a Virgin event. You expect something really classy and/or unconventional from Virgin and I thought it was a bit... okay really. I'm not slagging them off, just some constructive feedback. My background is in marketing and events and I think that we'd probably have had some kind of goodie bag to give away to 'extend the brand experience'. That and some genuine celebrities to capture the imagination and gain outside media interest (imagine Sir Richard playing charity heads-up matches!). My regular tournament is a 250 + 25 Euro freezeout at Holland Casino (I work mostly in the Netherlands). Even there we have more of a 'special' feeling than we had at the Broadway - from little touches like the little branded mints, pens and sunglasses, to a buffet that you would actually pay 25 Euros for and classy dealers that are brilliant and passionate at their jobs. But overall a nice start from Virgin and if they keep going with these festivals (and can keep improving them) then I will play more at their site. Just don't ask about my abysmal performance in Birmingham - I'm just glad I booked an early flight home!

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival seat 1.Mark ryan (London).......160,500 seat 2.Ted 'Gnashers' Smith..(Blackpool) 432,500 chip leader Seat 3 Dave Young (Dursley Gloucester) 94,000 Seat 4 Tom"Billyboy" Butlin 8150o Seat 5 Chihoa Tsang ((London) 87000 Seat6 Derek Baber (Bristol) 94,500 Seat 7 Sandra Jolley (Stokes) 425,000 Seat 8 Peter Hathaway (Staines) 238500 Seat 9 Stephen Sass (St Heles) 174000 Seat 10 Dorian Lane (Worksop) 272500

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival Just got home now after deciding to decline the 2nd days rebuy competitons in favour of an early night and no dealers choice at the travelodge! Got to the Broadway around 12.50pm to be greeted by a 25min queue to get in and then the slowest front desk staff ive ever encountered! Shambolic but to be slightly expected with all the newcomers to the casino. Good to meet up with the PL regulars inside and met some new faces such as McG and McG Junior, mole and hobbo and the others My day started well, picking up good cards and winning some small pots. I find myself on 12500 around 20 mins into the tourney and thinking that its all going along a little too smoothly! I get marginal hands for the next hour and im up and down like a yo yo when the beat came Im sat on a tough table with amongst others the raining Strip Poker Champion Swampsters and i get 22 in good position with no limpers and only the blinds to shift. I raise it up 3x the blinds (150/300) and a guy who has lost his voice calls after a few mins of thinking. The flop was a lovely 235 and i bet out a biggish bet of 1200 thinking he may have the Ace and will call anyway, which he does, easy money eh! The turn brings my full house by the way of another 5 to which i bet out 2500 and he deliberates again before calling. The river all but destroys me! Its the case 5 and i check, thinking any overpair and even the 3 on the board could beat me, not even worrying about the quads, he bets a small 1000 (think he knows he was lucky) and i deliberate for 2 mins before laying it down, showing him what i had, he then shows me the 56o for the quads and im down to around 3800 before the 1st lunch break Gutting but hey, thats poker and hopefully ill win the bad beat prize! Decided to then play some heads ups in aid of the Virgin Unite charity where if you lose you put a fiver in the kitty, and if you win, they give you a fiver instead ( im sorry to the starving children but thanks for the £25 haha) Then comes the highlight of my day, an STT with a prize of entry to the next days new MTT, Entry was £15+1.50 and i find myself sat down with 3 Pro's Tony Kendall, Dave Compton and Mike Saban and an angry housewife :P Lou Saban who could be heard for miles around haah I take out Lou and the 3 pro's and after got my pic with Tony and he says some encouraging words to me "your a bloody good player aren't ya, good luck son" which made me feel pretty chuffed with myself and i find myself heads up against a Northern Irish guy who no one could understand when he announced the raise so he said sod it, all in every time, i lost a couple of races and came 2nd for double my money back Sorry for going on and on haha, great meeting you all and im looking forward to the next one very soon!

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Re: Virgin Poker Festival

Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue what morls is trying to say here? :unsure I'm guessing Sonicman was Joes guest? :unsure
Sorry mate ive had around 3 hours sleep! Sonicman is from another forum, but came on his own and ended up hanging round with us, playing poker in the travelodge til stupid o'clock in the morning. No one could pronounce his name and it was rude to call him sonicman all day, so Joe made a new name for him, Sum Yung then mixed with either kid, lad, guy or whatever Joe could say! Should be signing up with us in the next day or so:ok
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