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You're not alone!!!


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Ok - I hate bad beats:zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz :zzz I'm sick to death of hearing about bad beats :puke :puke :puke I want everyone else to be as sick of hearing about them as I am :wall :wall :wall So for one night and one night only, I encourage everyone to post all of their bad beats in this thread - how many can we rack up in 6 hours or so? Hopefully it will serve a useful purpose too .... those who feel that the cards persecute them, MAY actually realise that everyone gets as many bad beats as they do!!!! and it is actually just a part of poker.... For the purposes of this thread, a bad beat is any hand that you lose at showdown where you were at least a 60% favourite at some point in the hand!!!!

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Re: You're not alone!!!

Come on GaF' date=' it's called 'FECKIN VARIANCE':lol:lol:lol
I know that, you know that - I want everyone else to know that ;) And Mr V - as I said on PM, 97% isn't a bad beat - you SHOULD lose 1 time in 33 ;) You play enough that that should happen regularly....
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Re: You're not alone!!! okay its an MTT blinds at 100/200 and I have QQ and Mr Rock says, "monster hand hey", so he raises me, and Mr Even More of a Rock says "actually I will re-raise you" (everyone has about 4K or so) so you know you are behind and fold and you would have flopped a set to their AK's with them hitting a K on the flop, so hows that for a bad beat?? chuffing shocking play by both of them as they knew I had a monster Damo ps ahhhhhhhhhhhh feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better now :tongue2

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Re: You're not alone!!! I normally find Bad Beats stories a bit boring, but I'll join in. "Lets all be boring!" :tongue2 Second hand I played at this table. I reloaded and it turned out the villain was a LAI (loose aggressive idiot). It took him no time to give "my" money away to the rest of the table :cry BossMedia Game #641082221: Table TH Mini 104 - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em Seat 1: Ames-ria ($10.00) Seat 2: Rigobert88 ($12.52) Seat 3: Hedonists ($9.60) Seat 4: KUKA666 ($6.07) Seat 5: ReCReNij ($30.94) Seat 6: Ganzor ($9.97) Seat 7: shijtin ($14.13) Seat 8: BoyciesBomb ($11.71) Seat 9: ccont ($10.81) Seat 10: mellow-man ($15.11) Hedonists posts the small blind of $0.05 KUKA666 posts the big blind of $0.10 Rigobert88 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Hedonists [6h 6d] ReCReNij folds Ganzor folds shijtin folds BoyciesBomb folds ccont calls $0.10 mellow-man folds Ames-ria checks Rigobert88 folds Hedonists calls $0.10 KUKA666 checks *** FLOP *** [9c 6c 3d] Hedonists bets $0.40 KUKA666 calls $0.40 ccont folds Ames-ria raises $0.80 Hedonists raises $1.50 KUKA666 folds Ames-ria raises $2.20 Hedonists raises $3.00 Ames-ria calls $3.00 *** TURN *** [9c 6c 3d] [4s] Hedonists goes all-in with $6.50 Ames-ria calls $6.50 *** RIVER *** [9c 6c 3d 4s] [Ac] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $18.81 | Rake $0.99 Board: [9c 6c 3d 4s Ac] Ames-ria won ($18.81), showed [As Ad] Hedonists won ($0.00), showed [6h 6d]

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Re: You're not alone!!! Well this is not my worst bad beat, but certainly the most painfull as was heads up playing for a seat at GUPKT Brighton ($2500), still i did get a $109 token instead.:wall :wall :wall GAME #948871550: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2007-05-14 23:08:13 Table 65200192 (Tournament: Inside Poker GUKPT Brighton FR Buy-In: $0+$0) Seat 2: Dave4884 ($170,726.00 in chips) DEALER Seat 4: alexr0ss77 ($211,774.00 in chips) Dave4884: Post SB $5,000.00 alexr0ss77: Post BB $10,000.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Dave4884 [H8 S8] Dealt to alexr0ss77 [sJ DA] Dave4884: Raise $30,000.00 alexr0ss77: Call $25,000.00 *** FLOP *** [C8 S9 CA] alexr0ss77: Check Dave4884: Check *** TURN *** [C7] alexr0ss77: Check Dave4884: Bet $40,000.00 alexr0ss77: Allin $176,774.00 Dave4884: Allin $95,726.00 *** RIVER *** [s10] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $382,500.00 Rake $0.00 alexr0ss77: wins $382,500.00

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Re: You're not alone!!! ok I'll play:tongue2 what about this in the deep stacks tonight ** Game ID 768635877 starting - 2007-06-11 21:05:28 ** $600 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1333263]:Table 15 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (200.00|400.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Glaspez sitting in seat 1 with $6395.50 - jollybhoy7 sitting in seat 2 with $6813.08 - BIGsliick sitting in seat 3 with $9342.23 - thecrocpl sitting in seat 4 with $4862.50 - jacob1975 sitting in seat 5 with $10792.50 [Dealer] - doweylumb sitting in seat 6 with $13830.49 - United2007 sitting in seat 7 with $21277.22 - simba15 sitting in seat 8 with $6776.25 - bobstaxis sitting in seat 9 with $3852.50 - boylawrence sitting in seat 10 with $5377.50 doweylumb posted the small blind - $100.00 United2007 posted the big blind - $200.00 ** Dealing card to jollybhoy7: King of Clubs, King of Spades simba15 folded bobstaxis folded boylawrence folded Glaspez called - $200.00 jollybhoy7 raised - $800.00 BIGsliick folded thecrocpl folded jacob1975 folded doweylumb folded United2007 called - $800.00 Glaspez called - $800.00 ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Clubs, 7 of Spades, 9 of Clubs United2007 checked Glaspez bet - $625.00 jollybhoy7 raised - $2500.00 United2007 folded Glaspez went all-in - $4970.50 jollybhoy7 called - $5595.50 Glaspez shows: 7 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 4 of Clubs Glaspez wins $13691.00 from the main pot

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Re: You're not alone!!! First off i need to boooooo everyone who doesn't believe in bad beats- They do happen not just all this variance malarky and this technical rollards , if us scally's want to complain then by god we WILL complain :lol:lol:tongue2:tongue2 :ok Anyway, i have 2hrs to get a bad beat in so wish me luck.... i think... :unsure

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Re: You're not alone!!! what was he doing calling with k/j????? ** Game ID 768678826 starting - 2007-06-11 21:46:33 ** $600 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1333263]:Table 20 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (600.00|1200.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - teaulcpl sitting in seat 1 with $24500.32 [Dealer] - MRT0AD87 sitting in seat 2 with $10937.63 - uglykid sitting in seat 3 with $22222.11 - siggesagge sitting in seat 4 with $10800.00 - Dezmo sitting in seat 5 with $56008.93 - mighty_mini sitting in seat 8 with $22836.00 - DonEgo sitting in seat 9 with $23398.32 - jutteman sitting in seat 10 with $7116.73 MRT0AD87 posted the small blind - $300.00 uglykid posted the big blind - $600.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds siggesagge folded Dezmo folded mighty_mini raised - $4800.00 DonEgo folded jutteman folded teaulcpl raised - $9000.00 MRT0AD87 folded uglykid went all-in - $22222.11 mighty_mini called - $22822.11 teaulcpl went all-in - $15500.32 mighty_mini went all-in - $13.89 uglykid shows: Jack of Clubs, King of Clubs mighty_mini shows: Queen of Hearts, Queen of Clubs ** Dealing the flop: Queen of Diamonds, 2 of Spades, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: 8 of Spades ** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs teaulcpl wins $27.78 from side pot 1 uglykid wins $68766.33 from the main pot End of game 768678826

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Re: You're not alone!!! Just to prove it doesn't just happen online... live game last night, dealt pocket 7's and make my trips on a flop of *J7. Can't remember position and stack sizes but I end up all-in pre-turn. Opponent turns over J7... he hits his full-house on the river. :@

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Re: You're not alone!!! I got one!!! I got one!!! I got One!!! :nana :cow :nana :cow It knocked me out of the tourney ..... on the bubble :nana :cow :nana :cow But it was the last hand on Boss, so not recorded :sad Basically I was BB v SB - he flat called me, I shoved with AKs and he called with A6o - he flopped a 6 and that was that I was a gonna :nana :cow :nana :cow

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Re: You're not alone!!! Where can we start? AA Vs 87, all in pre he rivers straight KK vs A8, turn 8, river 8 AA vs K 4 four hearts hit the board giving him his flush And my personal favourite of the night, Flop full house aces full of jacks, all in he shows AQ, rivers his Q for a higher FH. :wall Thats the worst of it I suppose. Can't complain its only the dirty dozen SNG so can accept these donk plays. Dont we all love a river rat :rollin Ahh that feels better

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Re: You're not alone!!! This was one :@ HELL:@ of a bad beat... ************************************************* ** Game ID 666-666 starting - 2007-06-11 06:06:06 ** $666 GTD NLHE Freezeout[1333666]:Table 666 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (333.00|666.00 No Limit - MTT) Devil Money - Beelzebub sitting in seat 1 with $6666.66 - Young Nick sitting in seat 2 with $6813.08 - Damien sitting in seat 3 with $9342.23 - Dodger sitting in seat 10 with $6377.50 Beelzebub posted the small blind - $333.00 Young Nick posted the big blind - $666.00 ** Dealing cards to Dodger: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Spades Damien called- $666 Dodger called- $666 Beelzebub called- $333 Young Nick checked ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Hearts, Ace of Hearts Dodger says ''wtf???'' Beelzebub called all in - $6000.66 Beelzebub says ''You are playing our rules now sunshine! All 7 cards count'' Young Nick says ''muhahaha'' Young Nick folds Damien folds Dodger shits in his pants Dodger calls all in $5777.50 ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Hearts Beelzebub says ''would you like to wager your soul?'' Dodger says ''fck yeh'' ** Dealing the Styx: Ace of Hearts Beelzebub shows Ace of hearts, Ace of Hearts Dodger shows Ace of clubs, Ace of spades Beelzebub wins pot and one soul. Damien says ''n1 uncle bub'' Young Nick says ''stfu crawler'' Beelzebub says ''now now son'' Dodger says ''But we both had seven aces!'' Beelzebub says ''Aye lad...but mine were sooted!'' Dodger's soul is dragged into hades. Beelzebub says '' don't worry lad...they don't even play poker in heaven you know!'' **************************************************** I think I just have far too much time on my hands sometimes!:eyes

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Re: You're not alone!!! Only ever had one bad beat and that was about 6 years ago, so no hand history. $10,000 Guaranteed $20 buy in, only 64 players so massive overlay. top 7 pay in what at the time was the biggest tourney of my life. I have $70,000 chips big stack has $75,000 chips other 6 remaining have about $2,000 each. Me and the big stack ar taking turns stealing the blinds of eveyone else who are all scared to bubble. Short stack goes all in I reraise all in with pkt kings and the big stack only goes and calls. Short stack has pkt aces, Big stack has pkt aces. The flop K, 2,2 you dancer a full house they cant get one they have all the aces. Turn 2 River 2. So not only is it a bad beat I bubbled As I said never had a bad beat since and I doubt if I ever will again.

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Re: You're not alone!!!

Only ever had one bad beat and that was about 6 years ago, so no hand history. $10,000 Guaranteed $20 buy in, only 64 players so massive overlay. top 7 pay in what at the time was the biggest tourney of my life. I have $70,000 chips big stack has $75,000 chips other 6 remaining have about $2,000 each. Me and the big stack ar taking turns stealing the blinds of eveyone else who are all scared to bubble. Short stack goes all in I reraise all in with pkt kings and the big stack only goes and calls. Short stack has pkt aces, Big stack has pkt aces. The flop K, 2,2 you dancer a full house they cant get one they have all the aces. Turn 2 River 2. So not only is it a bad beat I bubbled As I said never had a bad beat since and I doubt if I ever will again.
GaF - does this not win the "unluckiest play ever" award - odds of over 800/1 on it happening? - now that IS a bad beat
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Re: You're not alone!!! Dont even regard that as a bad beat, more of a priceless lesson. Taught me the importance of other players chip stack sizes and the stupidity of putting all your chips in the middle, and that is why I will never have a bad beat again

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Re: You're not alone!!!

Dont even regard that as a bad beat' date=' more of a priceless lesson. Taught me the importance of other players chip stack sizes and the stupidity of putting all your chips in the middle, and that is why I will never have a bad beat again[/quote'] Spoken like a true Poker Player!! :clap :clap :clap TQM
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