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**Titan Freeroll and League Series**


**Titan Freeroll and League Series**  

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

May i have password to this tourney at titan.I woudl like to try the site out and would be bonus if i won a little money in the process =]
Hi Blue, I'm afraid that this tournament is not open to new members of PL, however stick around, contribute to the forum a little and you will be more than welcome at future events :ok
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series** Titan have fixed the time and it is now showing in the lobby at 15:00 EST (20:00 BST) as originally scheduled :ok If you have a username that is not one I would recognise for you, please let me know what it is so that you don't risk being ejected from the tourney :ok 2 names in so far that I don't recognise - WeAreImps and links64 .... if you are entitled to be in, then please make sure you PM me ASAP :ok

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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

I would like to know it too...
No hard and fast rule - solely judgement of the mods :ok (where we're not sure, we discuss on a case by case basis in the mods forum :ok Hajlender - you were emailed password last night :ok
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

How do u define new members is it by posts or is by time here. I would like to know if i am eligble to play and how to get pass if i am. Hi there, On the same point, does the lack of the password being e/mailed to me mean that my 'time served', so to speak, is not great enough?:cry If so, that's fine, but could you advise how to become more eligible? Cheers Steve
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Re: **Titan Freeroll and League Series**

On the same point, does the lack of the password being e/mailed to me mean that my 'time served', so to speak, is not great enough?:cry If so, that's fine, but could you advise how to become more eligible?
You were emailed yesterday, but your email address seems to be bouncing......will try resending...... So far as "becoming more eligible" - just be a part of the PuntersLounge community :ok Join in and contribute :ok
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