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Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread!


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This is a list of all poker players who wish to register their displeasure at Sporting odds inaction over cheating at tables.

Hi, My username is Valiant23pl and my table name is Higgs23pl. As I explained in our conversation this evening I witnessed something which has finally made me consider whether I want Sporting odds to have my business anymore, and that was (I presume) 1 person blatantly registering 5 accounts for the Safety Net (20-01-06). See picture below; http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/8190/multiaccounts5cy.jpg This issue is not uncommon, although this is perhaps the most blatant attempt at multi-regging. There is a disproportionate amount of players from Hungary who play on Sporting odds, in particular Budapest, Debrescen and Szeckszard. There is an associated issue to this one, and that is collusion and talking at the table in a language other than English. Non English Chat I was reassured by Jim Folliard that if we reported it to sporting odds the matter would be investigated. I then spent every night for a long while reporting players for talking in a foreign language, as did other members of the forum PuntersLounge.com. We saw very little in the way of action from sporting odds, and in the face of this I decided you didn't care that this was happening, or that you didn't believe us, so I decided to stop this time consuming practice. Collusion/Chip Dumping One way of dealing with the foreign language issue would be to turn the chat off, however that would mean missing chip-dumping and collusion. Despite knowing only a small amount of French, German and Polish since playing at Sporting odds I have also learned some Hungarian phrases, and though I won't embarrass myself by trying to type them here, I have seen many instances of cheating. These include;
  1. Two Hungarians Heads Up for a pot, and one player has told the other fold and say what there hand is. The 2nd player has folded and the 1st one shows.
  2. 2 Hungarians playing against 1 non Hungarian on a final table, and they were telling each other in Hungarian what they had.
  3. A Hungarian with a large stack make a 4xBB raise(of 6000 chips), and another go all in for approx 6357. The initial raiser then folds.
  4. Hungarian players bullying non Hungarians out of a pot, and then it gets checked down to the river.

At one point during the last 5 months our forum got so angry that we all complained, and for 1 or 2 nights after we had an appearance from 'Sporting odds Poker Boss'. Since then - nothing. My personal opinion is that he has been kidnapped by an alien spaceship captained by Elvis, although others believe that Sporting odds were just paying lip service to our complaints. Boss Media I am well aware that any complaints are passed to your poker response team. I also believe that at some point these investigations are carried out by Boss Media. The attitude of whichever of the 2 bodies is directly responsible for monitoring your poker site quite frankly is diabolical. I took it upon myself on when No2 happened to contact live support, in the vain hope that they would actually investigate whilst it was happening, to be told as I was not playing but only observing I was not allowed to make a complaint!!! The reputation of sporting odds poker at our forum is as low as it can possibly get. The only thing that could possibly help your cause would be a pro-active approach to all aspects of the complaints raised here. Quite frankly if your live 'support' is operated by BM then I would consider having your site monitored by Sporting odds employees, as they may have more of an interest in your business, as opposed to BM who have interests in many. As I have already mentioned I am a member of PuntersLounge.com. Sporting odds poker is a popular site, and could easily be the most popular if you can rectify the Hungarian problem. You have said that you have the option to ban all users from a particular nation. Whilst some people will be unfairly excluded, I feel that it may be necessary to rescue the integrity of your poker site. We have got to this point before, and sporting odds have let their true customers down. This time we are seriously considering a boycott. In fact many already have, and only play the freerolls and Dollar Up. Hopefully our member who is a journalist for Poker Player Magazine will find this thread interesting. As I consider this to be an important issue for the forum, I have asked for their support.

If you have nothing to add, please type, "I agree with the e-mail" and include your sporting odds table nickname, if there are relevant points (ie non bad beat) you wish to raise please include them in your post. ============================================================ I agree (obviously) Table nickname:Higgs23pl
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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! You can have my full support on this. Getting fed up with the Hungarians taking the mick. I'm also getting a bit cheesed of with Sporting Odds pinching a few cents from my balance every now and then when I log on. I've e-mailed them about it, but no reply. Perhaps I should say that I live in Budapest or Debrecen. Might get some response then. SO Screen Name: DmcVsPat.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! About time this thread appeared, well done mate. I totally agree with everything you say. I have also had a couple of cents knocked off my balance whenever I log on and it doesnt half "pee me off". I have refused to deposit any more money to my So account and will refuse to do so until all the cheats and thieving has been sorted out. Arfur :@ SO nickname - KINGARFUR

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread!

You can have my full support on this. Getting fed up with the Hungarians taking the mick. I'm also getting a bit cheesed of with Sporting Odds pinching a few cents from my balance every now and then when I log on. I've e-mailed them about it, but no reply. Perhaps I should say that I live in Budapest or Debrecen. Might get some response then. SO Screen Name: DmcVsPat.
I have also noticed this but thought it was only me. I have also e mailed you SO and have received no reply. Blatant cheating CANNOT be allowed to prosper *********** (username) Subby (Table name)
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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I don't think that Punters Lounge or Sporting Odds need me to tell them that I agree. Sporting Odds have received more than one E mail that I am fed up of nonsense on the site. I have been suspicious of the amazing bad beats and the amount of pairs that appear on the flop etc on the site. Although I know this isn't meant to be about bad beats but I had to mention it. I am also extremely unhappy about the disconnects, especially the ones that tell you that the table will close after the next hand...how can this happen when you sit and watch the hand play out....either it is disconnected or it isn't. Every time I, and other Punters Lounge members have rasied this particular complaint we are told that it doesn't happen or is our pc fault. Sounds a bit like ostrichs burying their head in the sand. On the positive side, I and I believe many other Punters loungers, really enjoy the look and feel of the site seriously do not want to have to boycott or leave the site because of these problems. I think it is important to say that we are concerned because we enjoy the Sporting Odds site so much. Take that as a compliment but sort out the problems, fast. We are only making this stand because we like the site, if that makes any sense. In every other way it is a good and comfortable site. Personally Sporting Odds has been good to me on many occasions, both playing poker and bonuses and gifts. This may come as a shock to many with my comedy rants. Mostly they are frustration at bad beats and tongue in cheek. Having withdrawn cash from Sporting Odds I wouldn't play there if I didn't like it. But these problems are getting too common and impossible to play against that a strong hand is needed to make Sporting Odds the great poker room we want. Sort it out Sporting Odds and you will have serious and committed customers. Danno375..... poker name

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I agree with the above. TableName: GeorgeUK Obvious collusion of players and multiple identities. Numerous disconnects. At one point i had to get a running commentary on this site of what was happening in the game and what position i was in. I tried for more than anhour to get reconnected without success - though not sure which is more farcical; the disconnect problems or the fact that i persisted for over an hour. The "language" problem. I have no problem with people saying hi to those they know in their native tongue. But when they chat nonstop and do not bet against each other - i would really like to know what they are saying. Until VERY recently, i made a point of not depositing to SO because of these problems - i will not be doing so again until these problems have been addressed.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I have to agree with all that is stated in the e-mail. As a daily user of sportingodds i get to witness the hungarian chat everyday and a lot of helping each other out(chip-dumping). Whilst i believe that sportingodds is one of the better sites to play poker(maybe because i have won a few dollars here) i also believe that the site is not going forward because of the views made in the e-mail and regularly read a lot of jokey comments about the site. Please try to take a little time to have a look at these tournaments to get a good feel as to what really is happening and hopefully if you do decide to make some alterations i'm sure they will be for the better. thanks SO nickname sfrankg sfrankg1 sfrankg2 sfrankg3 sfrankg4......... sorry couldn't help it..

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I also agree with all above. Have to add about letting all outside UK players in tournaments, when its specifically say UK only (Poker Challenge and many more in the past). Wheres the point to let them play, when they dont play, just go all in every hand :@. Username: heniek31

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Please stick my name on this list, my SO nickname is 'guesswest?' One thing though: I'd hate to see the result of this be that the Hungarians get banned. I know I said before they paid my rent, which has more than a grain of truth in it :D. But that's not the principle reason, it just seems totally unnecessary and heavy handed, and very unfair to non-violating players from that region. Almost every other site prevents multi-regging and collusion violations pretty well by putting in place some fairly basic procedures. IP monitoring, registration database cross-checking and basic chat enforcement would take care of all this nicely - it's what most sites do and it seems like it's time SO made that investment. Edit: got my nickname wrong :$

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Yep I agree. It's just the sheer blatantness(wohoo a new word) of the whole thing. Why not hire me to sit on my lazy arse all night and chat monitor,all i need are expenses like lots of baccy and lots of coca-cola. From one of their Oldest(in terms of registration) surviving customers, Screen name, come on its the one and only Sharpe1ne.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! I support a lot of what has been said on this site - not too sure about the bad-beats and proliferation of pairs comments - I still find it very hard to believe that any poker site would be stupid enough to try and rig the dealing. My id on SO is phil2211. SO even with all of their problems are one of my favorite sites, but the scale of the manipulation of the system (primarily from Eastern European players) is getting really bad. Their practises are well documented in this thread so I won't go into too much detail.l I suspect many of them are actually students (Debrecen for example is a big University town) and they are spending the evenings down the computer hall trying to make a few dollars out of freerolls etc. for a night out on the town - probably all sitting next to each other and collaborating. Good luck to them I say, provided they cut out the abuse and collaboration theres nothing wrong with what they are doing - if I was a student again you can guess what I'd be doing in the evenings. Again, it must be very tempting to have registered several times in a freeroll and be able to go very aggressive early in the game hoping to pull ahead and if it fails just switch over to a second id and start anew (can't believe they make it so obvious). One immediate thing that SO could instigate in their freerolls is a dump after the first 10 minutes of anyone who has been sitting out and not played a hand. Second thing is immediate reaction to complaints of possible cheating. I believe I'm right in saying that SO do actually employ several Eastern Europeans (cheap labour for a start :D) and so they can actually read the text. In a poker world full of choice, where every "pukka" contributing punter is worth a lot of money then SO should realise the potential impact to their business model they risk by not showing a visible willingness to control this. Certainly in my case it means I don't use SO as my primary site, and they are missing out on a substantial amounty of rake contribution from me. Maybe we ought to start a Brits-only poker site? - did think of suggesting it to the 2012 Olympics committee as a way of financing the Olympics - if they pursuaded the government to give them a tax break then they could even run it from this country - sounds just the sort of thing Richard Branson might get into.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Im in total agreement with everything that has been said here and have witnessed it myself - first hand. Several unanswered e-mails and lots of wasted time trying to contact somebody who knew what they are doing, were the reasons I have stopped playing cash games and tourneys (except the dollar up) as I feel I should not be contributing a fee to paying a site for this rubbish. Username on SO - friskyfitz

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