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Emiliano Sala Missing Plane


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Just a quick post about Cardiff City striker Emiliano Sala's plane going missing. Deeply sad time with the reports that are coming out. It's now being stated that he is missing presumed dead. I've been alive to see enough miracles to not give up hope that the plane will be found and both individuals on board will be alive. However, as time keeps on passing by the odds of that happening start to evaporate.

Thoughts go out to his and the pilot's family and friends at this difficult time. @Pep004, I bet the Nantes football family are devastated. 

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Cheers Tiffy. Not many people outside of Cardiff will know that it's actually twinned with the city of Nantes. The two places have a close relationship on many fronts because of that. When I swam with City of Cardiff, the club would do an annual trip to Nantes for a gala against their swimming club. This goes across many sports. So it does feel like two cities that were close before this tragedy are mourning in unison. Still, until the worst is confirmed there's always hope. I don't want to go into too much detail about it because there's still so many questions but it looks like it was an ill-fated flight before it even left the ground. I just hope there's a positive ending.

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I did wonder what the situation would be after this initially happened with regards to money. Are Cardiff insured for this? I guess the money is still due unless written into the contract somehow (you can be sure as hell it will be in every contract from now on!).

It's a sad situation, but also a very awkward one with regards to the financial side of things. £19m is a fair bit of cash for a club like Cardiff. :unsure 

Nantes starting legal action before all the details are known is in very poor taste and the CEO should be ashamed of himself for letting that go ahead.

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Yeah, now that the body in the plane has been confirmed as Sala I think things will get done accordingly. I'm led to believe Cardiff were reluctant to pay the first instalment on the fee until an investigation as to why he had not taken the club up on their offer of a chartered flight was carried out. I get the impression Nantes are in deep financial trouble but the timing is still appalling. They pushed for the move to happen when Sala was initially reluctant to leave but also accepted a cut price when the initial fee being touted was in excess of £20 million.

Basically, if the club paid Nantes the first instalment then they wouldn't be able to claim that back if a party was responsible for organising the ill-fated flight. Now, Cardiff aren't saying Nantes were to blame or anyone in particular. They simply know the flight was taken without their knowledge.

It's a messy and deeply unpleasant situation. I'm sure that the insurance will cover it but with such a large sum of money the insurance company is obviously going to go through this with a fine tooth comb and try to find any shred of evidence that someone else was to blame.

In amongst it all, it's an unbelievably tragic story. It's touched me more than I thought it would. I've never met the guy. I've seen him play the odd game for Nantes, read up a lot on him, but he wasn't family or a friend. Yet the whole situation has just been really emotional and I don't know why. Maybe the family going through it all under the glare of the media spotlight has brought it all closer to us than it should have. Football stirs emotions like that though I guess. It can't be explained.

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On 8/2/2019 at 8:55 AM, StevieDay1983 said:

Yeah, now that the body in the plane has been confirmed as Sala I think things will get done accordingly. I'm led to believe Cardiff were reluctant to pay the first instalment on the fee until an investigation as to why he had not taken the club up on their offer of a chartered flight was carried out. I get the impression Nantes are in deep financial trouble but the timing is still appalling. They pushed for the move to happen when Sala was initially reluctant to leave but also accepted a cut price when the initial fee being touted was in excess of £20 million.

Basically, if the club paid Nantes the first instalment then they wouldn't be able to claim that back if a party was responsible for organising the ill-fated flight. Now, Cardiff aren't saying Nantes were to blame or anyone in particular. They simply know the flight was taken without their knowledge.

It's a messy and deeply unpleasant situation. I'm sure that the insurance will cover it but with such a large sum of money the insurance company is obviously going to go through this with a fine tooth comb and try to find any shred of evidence that someone else was to blame.

In amongst it all, it's an unbelievably tragic story. It's touched me more than I thought it would. I've never met the guy. I've seen him play the odd game for Nantes, read up a lot on him, but he wasn't family or a friend. Yet the whole situation has just been really emotional and I don't know why. Maybe the family going through it all under the glare of the media spotlight has brought it all closer to us than it should have. Football stirs emotions like that though I guess. It can't be explained.

exactly how I feel too..not a fan of him or Nantes but it's just sad and teary hearing news like this. Poor family too. God bless him, pilot ale their families. 

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