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CgmBet System Software - (Exclusive PL Registered Forum Users 50% Discount Code)


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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Thank you for your comments. I am vary happy if it-s useful for you. Regarding VIP licenses I think I released more than 20 for PL members. The problem is that I gave the licenses without check if the user is PL member indeed. In order to correct that I will give another 5 VIP licenses, but this time I will check carefully. Now, to not think it is very big difference between regular user and VIP user. Around 90% of the features and leagues are available for regular users. The VIP licenses give you just few more powerful features. Ok... now I will introduce a brand new feature. Many times I was thinking to find the games that fit some criteria and this games to be highlighted. For example let-s say I am searching every week for the games where home team scored every game in the last 10 at home and away teams received goals every game in the last 5 home&away. The new ALERTS feature allow you to save up to 9 such filter. Then every time you go UPCOMING section the games that fit the filters will be highlighted and the number of the filter will be displayed. The features is still under developing and I am open to suggestions, maybe filters depend on form, rating, odds...etc. Also may be some bugs ....but will fix them all. I do not remember what filter number 1 I saved here for testing but filter number 2 is teams without draw games at home in the last 10 games against teams without teams without draw games away in the last 10 games. As you see Real Madrid - Atletico has been highlighted. It is just for testing purpose. sb8GY4y.jpgfzk4Ns2.jpg?1

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Top stuff, Giraldi, as always, thanks! :ok Your software has been steadily growing in last couple of years, and in my opinion, currently it's the best one out there when it comes to betting stats!

I am open to suggestions
Well, if you don't mind, I'll fire one. Unfortunatelly, I am not at computer where CGMBet is installed at the moment, so I cannot check the alerts myself, but from the screenshot above, I would say alerts filter consecutive events, i.e., in screenshot above, no draw in 10 consecutive matches. However, I think it would be more handy if a user can choose maximum, exact or minimum number of events within chosen number of matches, instead of consecutive number of events. I mean, like this: ?di=2O62?di=5BGH?di=O1VW?di=KRFR Obviosuly, numbers 2 and 5 in above screenshots are editable, i.e., user changes those numbers as he needs. If you implement it, I can bin my Excels that I use for these filters. :lol It would especially come nice for summer leagues, as football-data.co.uk, my main source of data, does not cover summer leagues. BTW, do we need to reinstall software to get this feature, or only to update?
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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Thank you froment. I think it is possibly. The only concern is about user's computer performance. There are A LOT of calculation for all the games in the grid. As I noticed a lot of users has not patience at all (actually this is the reason the industry of betting has so great success...) and 10 seconds is too late to receive the results. What I presented is calculated offline and it is inside the database. (if will be considered useful can insert that in the export option) Anyway I will try to do that next week to see what happens.Eventually I will create an option to disable (or enable) your suggestion. Any change should be available after update. Only in the case of major update FAIL (it happened) is necessary a clean install.

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool suenamichel Sure, just install the software then click the UPDATE button. Please send me your user code. I wrote the first line of the software exactly 4 years ago. Good opportunity to offer PL members more 9 VIP licenses for the current season! The offer is available for the current users too. And more good news for all statistics lovers! The top leagues have shots, shots on goal, corners, fouls, yellow cards and ball possession data now. So the data are available only for the top leagues and for this season but more leagues will be added. I am sure will not be possible for all leagues but will see how much spare time will have for that. I have already inserted data as follows: 1. In the TABLE section, on the right panel you may see now ball possession and shots on target for the both teams. bQo6vMp.jpg 2. In the UPCOMING section the data are included in the main grid. If you want to not scroll the image just click on the button and will switch between "normal view" and "stats view" 31yuaoS.jpg 3. In the EXPORT main section the data are available for export (just for the VIP users) T4AKtRj.jpg Of course I am waiting your suggestions how to use efficiently this new data in the other sections.

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool suenamichel, the program is written using an old fashion "VFP 9.0" (good and cheap - the only one I know and the only one I afforded at the time I started). There are possible errors on the modern OS but most of them can be fixed. Just send me a mail with the problem and with the errors log as the program instructs you. I am very sorry for the inconvenience but I develop this project in my spare time and I do not afford a professional environment yet. Speaking about development, following some users suggestion I introduced in the UPCOMING section grid new columns. It is about streaks (positive and negative). There are available streaks for won, draw. lost, scored, received, over, under. Just use the button highlighted. Of course will follow some filters in order to highlight some values. Y4MmGmO.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool

Hey giraldi I just noticed and downloaded your app and seems so great man! Any chance that I may get a VIP license as well ? Thanks
Of course, I have just sent your VIP license. Anyone who has the patience to read this thread from the beginning and notice that here are free VIP licenses for PL users deserves a VIP license :) By the way, I extended the number of leagues which include the stats about shots, shots on goal, corners, fouls, yellow cards and ball possession. So we have now England, Italy, Spain, Germany first two leagues and France, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal and Turkey - just first leagues. Also I made some improvements in the UPCOMING section regarding positive and negative streaks.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool

Sorry for the late response. I have just activated your license. Actually I do not think there are Pl members who asked for VIP licenses and did not receive. If there are the "first minute goal" market lovers, I improved in the GOALS sections, the "first minute goal" feature. For example, in the picture you may see, for the game (chosen randomly) Leicester - Manchester Utd., the first goal minute in the similar games I think the picture is clear enough. The most probable interval is 1-15, scored by Manchester (blue). Also we can notice that if the score is still 0-0 on 40 minute, it is very probable the next 10-15 minutes for the first goal of the game. Next, you have a very powerful tool on your hand. Let-s see what happens if in the 60 minute the score is still 0-0. Select “Start minute” to 60 and “Current score” 0-0. Of course you may select the score you want but always take into account the confidence - the number of preview games considered. mKX98WO.jpg
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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Salut, fellow romanian :) I just wanted to say Hi and If may I ask. Can you activate my VIP licence? Today i've discovered your software and I want to give it a try. Looks very very good (I'm a fan of football statistics too!) Best wishes :) Cristian S.

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool As I said before, I managed to add some extra data as shots, shots on target, ball possession. These are available only for 13 leagues at this moment. Now I have the tools and data to find the answer for a problem that I asked myself many times. Is there a relation between shots, shots on target, ball possession in the past few games and the result in the next game? Let-s say that our team lost 3 out of 5 last games but every time they had the ball possession , more shots on target...etc. As the statistics shows us, they played well but for some reasons they did not managed to win. The question is : Will they have some advantages for the next game? Will worth to back them at good price? For sure I will add something about this problem in my project but at this moment I am not very sure how to handle this. I have some ideas but if you have any suggestion it would be highly appreciated.

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool

How do this product compare to football form labs ? Anyone tried both ?
As someone who does not use either of the products it seems quite simple. There is no comparison one is free the other is subscription the comparison should end there regardless of the outcomes. I would surmise that if I asked Giraldi for free subscription I would get it where as with the other I would not..
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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool

How do this product compare to football form labs ? Anyone tried both ?
Of course I am not the right person to answer, because I can not be 100% objective. However, I do not know very well the product you mentioned but seems to be a very valuable resource with a lot of features. Of course it is much more expensive but on the other hand it is much more "professional" looking, compared with my "home made" product built with limited resources and after all maintained at "hobby level". It is very clear to me that the two product can not be compared because they play on different leagues. Form labs is much better in my opinion in terms of data accuracy, speed, stability, infos...and not only. The great advantage of my software is flexibility and the number of "mini" features. Perhaps over 80% of the features have been developed using users ideas and suggestions. For example, just yesterday I improved the EXPORT section (choose the order the exported table is sorted) in order to address a VIP user request. Regarding to Valiant Thor said, in order to be 100% honest my software is not totally free. Of course I gave more than 20 free licenses for PL members (and I will continue to offer - just ask) but for normal users in order to use all the program features, for the entire software life - not only a month or a season, it is necessary to support my project with a minimum donation. I use only my head and my hands but still have to pay some fees and to justify 1-2 hours/day to my wife - this is the hardest part :)) Ok, now because I promised that, I introduced the data about shots, shots on target, corners, fouls and ball possession in the "Statistics" tab of the "Table" section. In the picture I selected Premier league and then "corners" only for the away games. In the table are presented the no of games played, the team's corners and the corners for the opponent team. Of course there are average values. By the way - it seems to me there is an unexpected 'leader" FTKDJ5n.jpg
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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool I've been using CgmBet System for a few days now and I'm very impressed with the number of features. It's still in beta, but it's perfectly stable and seems very close to a finished product. It also includes a user guide that covers 90% of the present features, and it's pretty easy to figure out the rest for yourself. It covers every European league I could think of (OK, except Cyprus :P ), plus Brazil, Argentina, Japan, the USA and of course the Champions League and Europa League. No national team competitions, so no Euro qualifiers, but that's fine by me. A promising, affordable product and definitely worth a try. My only comments: - You can't see Ratings for matches that are more than 7 days away. It may not be very useful, but it'd be nice to have the option. - I'd like a more elaborate explanation on the Trust figure, because Trust seems to vary hugely between matches of the same league (i.e. matches for which you would have more or less the same amount of data, unless one of the teams was in a different league last year).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Hi Giraldi I started to try the software yesterday. The primary advantage is easy to use and data extraction into Excel for further analysis. However, I have a question about Statistics Table -- Score I can see Score g. and Receive g. but I cannot link up the values with the team's result If I pick up a team, Away, Total, Score ; it will give me a team with 9 games , Score g. = 4 , Receive g. = 8 The season result (Away) is 2:0 2:1 0:1 1:0 1:2 1:0 2:0 3:0 1:1 Can you advise how to calculate the Score.g and Receive.g which I understand they mean the total they score(goal) in away AND total goal opponents get. Thank you.. By the way, I have just sent you the email (because I can't use private msg) for this question and also a request of VIP license if possible. Thank you.

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Maybe there is not very clear indeed, but as I said the help file is far behind the software version due to very rapidly development.. sorry for that. I hope I will fix that next summer. Anyway, it is not about goals scored but games where the team scored (at least one goal) or received (at least one goal). Considering your example, if the team played away, it is easy to see there are 4 games where the team scored and 9 games where the team received goals. Regarding VIP access, just read the mail I sent you back

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool One of my dreams, related to my project, come true. The odds are updated automatically every 5 minutes. (as you know it is about Pinnacle odds). The odds are colored if they moved up or down comparing the last update. More than that, if you click on the game ant then click on the "Odds movements" button you may see a picture like below. You may find this feature all over the web, with more powerful options and more bookmakers but still I am very happy with this achievement. This is just the beginning, there are many things to do with this information. Of course I am open to any suggestion. jjeezwP.jpg

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Ok, now I have just started to "play" with my new toy and tried to make this new data to work for us. The odds are are now colored based on their direction. For example intense colors means that the odds dropped (increased) 3 times in a row since light colors means the odds just decreased (increased) considering last update. HQvjV3N.jpg

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Hi Giraldi, First of all thank you very much for your hard work. I was looking for a while a tool like yours to optimize my bets according to statistical models. I found the PL forum with a tons of tips and multiple approaches for betting thanks to my research and your recent posts. Do you have a dataset with all referees in order to understand if a referee has a strong positive or negative influence with a specific team? According to your historical datasets, is it possible to try statistical models with custom formulas to compute the ratio of winning bets? If you always have an available VIP licence, I will be glad to use my computer science background to give you feedbacks and areas for improvements for a better cgmbet. Best

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Hi Smalldevil just install the software and click UPDATE button in order to see your user code. Follow the instructions. Of course I will give VIP licenses for the entire software life for anyone asks for it on this forum. My only request is to help me with feedback in order to improve the project. Thank you for those who sent me their feedback, especially the negative ones. They helped me very very much. Unfortunately, there was some errors for few computer configurations. I made a lot of improvements lately (including better installation on WINDOWS 8.1) so if somebody had problems with the installation last months please give it another chance. I do not mind if write here all the problems. On the other hand, following today-s chat with an unhappy user, I would like to stress again that my software is not a prediction software, it is not possible to find good bets to take them as they are. My software would like to be just a help for those who thinks that a good bet is starting with deep understanding of statistics and especially probabilities. After that, when the race starts you already are in the first rows but just your experience and your knowledge will make you a real winner. Keep in mind that you are not fighting against the houses but against the other players. Fortunately, most of them think that betting is about good luck and inspiration, that Barcelona, Real....will win every game until the end of times and 1.15 is a great price. Speaking about improvements, I introduce a new feature - "My teams". It is possible now to set your favorite teams and then follow them in the UPCOMINGS section V9mUfTu.jpg

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Finally, I introduced 2 new leagues as few of my Asian friends asked me many times. OLp85sG.png China - Super League o4fJPKD.png South Korea - K league Database contain only current season for the new leagues. Maybe over summer will complete the database with past seasons. In order to use efficiently the information in the database I recommend to set the time zone for the software. To do that just go to SETTINGS tab. This way is also possible to see another new feature: the games already played have different color and the games within next 1 hour are highlighted. Of course, there are maybe few adjustments to make, please report any bugs. Speaking about bugs, I know that few VIP users did not manage to start properly the program. Just contact me to try to fix the particular issues. jU1ptdt.jpg

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool Hi Mate, I downloaded the program yesterday, and it looks very interesting. There does seem to be a lot of features that is for VIP's only when I try to test it. Any chance I can have a VIP access as well, so I can test those features as well ? Thanks in advance.

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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool

Hello' date=' I just tried your program and it is very interesting. I would like to ask what type of data sources do you use. Are the data from free websites or there are more professional sources ?[/quote'] evil_inside, I am sorry for the late response. Most of data are from free websites (maybe 75%), I use data from PINNACLE (also free) and some from other providers (not professional and not free).
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Re: CgmBet System - a powerful statistical tool It's ok. I am a Python programmer and I am used to scraping data from sites like Oddsportal and Soccerway. If you use scraping, have you ever encountered any problems, like being blocked by a site? Can you maybe talk about the not free data, you don't have to get into specific details. Thanks.

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