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PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - Grand Final 10th March


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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - 3rd Leg Feb 17th Welcome to the forum dannykath, full details of the league appear in post #1 Good to see you join us, good luck & have fun :ok Bart Edit: Please post your Stan James player name in the forum to ensure you earn points.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - 3rd Leg Feb 17th

  1. Place poker lobby up in top left of screen
  2. Keyboard button "Print screen" copies your screen into clipboard
  3. Open up something like Accessories>Paintbrush
  4. Paste in image and just select around the bit you want
  5. Save it as a JPG
  6. Click on image button in PL, fine and upload JPG

Sometimes you can paste (Ctrl+V) straight into your post, but doesn't always work so I tend to use the above. [ATTACH]5697[/ATTACH]


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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - 4th Leg Feb 24th

cya next week :ok
'fraid not Bart! Well done to Muttley who joins the qualifiers for next week's final. :clap And Rivrd keeps his hold on the league title, :clap with the spoon going to Manc in a closely fought battle at the bottom. Good luck to the qualifers next week, will send details off and confirm chips later in week. :ok [TABLE=width: 244] [TR] [TD=class: xl67, width: 155, bgcolor: aqua]PLUsername[/TD] [TD=class: xl68, width: 171, bgcolor: aqua]Stan James[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71, bgcolor: yellow]Rivrd[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]IRIVRDU[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71, bgcolor: yellow]PGremlin[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]RiverChaser_[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71, bgcolor: yellow]explor1[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]iamwinnerrr[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71, bgcolor: yellow]LIKE2FISH[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]LIKE2FISH[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70, bgcolor: lime]gb57[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]hip-flask223[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71, bgcolor: yellow]pete.g[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]1texaspete11[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70, bgcolor: lime]muttley[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]PLmuttley[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70, bgcolor: lime]joker131[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]jkr131[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71, bgcolor: yellow]GoodForU[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]LuckyHJ[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70, bgcolor: lime]_FEAR_ME_[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, bgcolor: #ccffcc]4FOXSAKE[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - Grand Final 3rd Ma I'll be there (on the rail) next week. Wasn't pressuming I'd qualify, if fact quite glad I didn't tbh as just not playing much and haven't raked much this month. Always good to see different people in the final, good luck everyone :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - Grand Final 3rd Ma Finalists are all registered :ok but Paul hasn't got back to me yet with the starting stack info, sorry. Mods can you watch out in case info arrives and I'm not around to post it here, thanks.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James February Poker League - $650 ADDED - Grand Final 3rd Ma

gl to all in final is there a password req
No password, you should be already regged in the final, finalists are added directly by Stan James and it's restricted so no-one else can gatecrash :ok Any probs, shout ;)
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