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Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005

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EDIT:Listen to the songs here- http://www.eurovision.tv/english/77.htm Well its that time of year again where grown men are considered a bit poofy as they like a beer and a bet and a night of xenophobia end of May. I like to get in a bit early and download all the songs and take them about the town playing them to people to gauge their reactions and start looking at the political aspects of it all etc. good place to start is here- http://www.esctoday.com/annual/2005/participants.php Odds should be about soon

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Aye there has that Ian. Pain and joy in every one. 1st one for me i took Britain in various bets and couldnt lose if the finished top 6 which they had a chance of and finished joint 6th but placed 7th as the other country had more 12pts than them.Lost a couple of hundred on that. Same year i had Denmark (i think) a tenner eachway at 12/1 as a saver and they finished 2nd on the last vote.tomy annoyance i had accidently backed them to win with double my stake. If theyd won id have shown profit still. Year after that was the Turkey winner for us all. I was on various bets on them from 25/1 downwards and again it went to the last vote. I had actually thought the 3rd last vote was the 2nd last vote and thought i wass dead and buried and went off wearily to the loo. My wee nephew shouted KOMP KOMP theres another vote and i threw myself on the floor infront of the telly. The leaders got 4 and wee needed 8 or more and we got the 12 but could have still got none. I jusmped for joy. It was a great night. Brilliant makes me feel good just thinking about it. Last year my Malta finished 5th i think when iwas on them ew.again i got a run for my money but i still got a run for my money. aye been some corking PL Euro threads Ian. I'll get all the songs up when im back on broadband in a couple of weeks.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 I'd just like to point out that Skybet have published a list of prices to win the event outright. This is not how I make money on the Eurovision Song Contest. Unfortunately, I've lost a fook load of money over Easter and it's gonna take a month of working my bloody arse off to get it back. Match-bets is how I make my money (Coral Eurobet were willing to take a three figure sum off me but I slapped 'em back as France 'pummeled' Romania and some other wretched country's entry....probably Norway. Ah, happy days, why can't my punting always be so 'triumphant'?!) :() but this is only because I don't know what these European wide syndicates are trying to lump on this year (Skybet suggest Greece....who the fook knows at this stage? Spain though have been suspended at odds of 50/1). Ireland versus the UK as a match-bet isn't as quite clear-cut as it first seems although you'd have to favour Javine as the Irish are still supposedly suffering the effects of winning Eurovision four out of five years from staging Eurovision. ....but that was 1993-97. I'm surprised to read that tehy're still suffering the financial repurcussions almost ten years on. The Irish don't give a stuff having heard their entry and upbeat pop like Javine's does one of three things....very well, OK or very badly. Will the winner come from the semi-finals or final? Ah, it's all nuts as who knows but there are some excellent judges on here although I'm surprised that none of us got Ukraine even after the price plunged dramtically (I had 'em to win the semi-final but it was revealed after the final that Serbia & Montenegro won that instead!). Good luck. It's not that long 'til the semi-finals. :clap :hope Ladbrokes will probably only allow singles on the semi-finals of which countries will qualify and only offer an outright market. Coral's and William Hill's will be a little more adventurous and offer match-betting. Bet365 will go nuts and probably offer all sort of markets (handicap betting? Group betting? Match betting? Nuts). ....it'll be interesting what the others will do. Prices from Skybet: * Greece 6/1 * Iceland, Israel, Malta, Netherlands, Switzerland 8/1 * Lithuania 10/1 * Hungary 12/1 * Austria, Estonia 14/1 * Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cyprus 16/1 * Croatia, France, Norway, Russia, Sweden, UK 25/1 * Finland, Latvia, Romania 33/1 * Germany, Ireland, Slovenia, Turkey 40/1 * Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Monaco, Portugal, Serbia and Montenegro, Ukraine 50/1 * Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Poland 66/1 Spain currently suspended in betting.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Noticed some patterns here,Norway won in 85 and 95 so now its 2005 they look bang on @ 25's their just asking to be lumped on.65 saw Luxemborg win and Holland in 75 so there is a bit of a north european pattern too and you could say Norway are in that area. Austria and Germany look like lays to me,both of these countries have won it in the past,Austria 66 and Germany 82 but I think they were both flukes as the standard was ultra low in 66 and when Germany won in 82 the contest was at its most desparate. Oh and for thoose of you that cant help eating all the chocolates out the box while the contest is on the Belgians at 50's look e/w value

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Hurrah!! Its back:clap :ok Am looking forward to this and will be going through this years beauties early next week :ok Got stung a bit on those dirty Germans last year :cry but still came out with a 3 figure profit on group and match betting so it'll be interesting to see what is about this year.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Bettingzone over at the Sporting Life website has an article up: http://www.bettingzone.co.uk/story_get.dor?STORY_NAME=betting/05/04/07/manual_102945.html BZ can be surprisingly good when they get their 'spies' in during rehearsals. They nabbed that 25/1 shocker of a Latvian win three years ago noting that their routine was different (bullshit, it was rubbish but it was different and probably the most memorable and 'catchy' as they performed last). I have a feeling this year's winner could go back to being pretty damn stupid considering some of the winners we've had over the last few years (I'm thinking primarily Estonia's crappy disco track and Latvia's rubbish tune). This month's Inside Edge magazine has an article on page 15 but I'm annoyed by it's inaccuricies particularly the last paragraph: Bet365's (Robin) Collins explains 'Last year, the Ukrainian entry won. At the start of the night, we had her at 20/1. Three hours later, she was down to 4/1. We literally can't tell until the very end.' Um no you didn't, Bet365 (otherwise we'd have ripped your arms off trying to get 20/1). You did have the Ukraine at around 4/1 momentarily when you were betting in-running when the scores were being given out but you definitely didn't have 20/1 at the start of the night. The Ukraine was backed into a generally 'unbackable' 6/4 with most bookies as the sting was on. There was a late attempt by folks backing Serbia & Montenegro who made them around the 12/1 third favourite well behind the Ukraine and Greece (who were the initial favourites a couple of months before the night). ....Serbia & Montenegro were doing well in the early part of the voting but then up popped the a surprisingly high number of '12 points' for the Ukraine. KER-BOOM!! Sting landed. Love this bit though in the article from Blue Square: Blue Square's (Graham) Hales has a tip: 'Forget about what you think of the songs. Instead, take a look at the internet forums, where there ae people who actually take this seriously.' ....you bet your fooking arse, we do! :ok :loon

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Sorry stereoman i havent read any of your thoughts as i dont want influenced. Heres the entrants http://www.eurovision.tv/english/77.htm go to multimedia lounge. Albania - Nah after a good start the vocal delivery is no good. Not popular enough. Dismissed for now. Austria - tribal beat to start. too foreign possible the vocals. The singer looks like an old boot too. No chance Belarus - Nice muical start. mmmm poss need a good chorus. Bit bland. Not really going anywhere. Got some stage pressence mind the lead singer. Surely there is gonna be better than this to come. Belgium - Ballady. Could be bad. Foreign sounding. Nah bad image too. No chance. If he was playing the piano too then more of a chance. chorus??? oh dear what a bad change. This is awfull. Binned. Bosnia - Disco. Abba sounding actually. 3 blondes. Could they pull it off on the night? song sounding average but dont they all. Quite catchy. Best so far i suppose. Oh a wee fun bit there. Needs all the help it can. Bulgaria - sounds sad. This song is putting me off reviewing these songs:\ If you dont mind i aint listening to that no more. Crotia - Robin Hood/Braveheart start. vocals dont sound too good. Too miserable. Think i'll pass. Ill wait for chorus tho. Fcuk off that aint a chorus. Terrible chord structure the lot. Annoyingingly bad. Cyprus - Very euro. Destinys child with a passport. Oh its a bloke. Justin Timberlake he aint. Too gay. Might get the gay vote then but the song aint that good even for botty boys. Denmark - Nice wee piano. Aye musical. Boy can sing. Its went reggae:( Ub40 reggae. Ruined it for me. Prob will look bad on a stage too. Estonia - interesting start. cool man. Oh :( went very average. Chorus almost works. Got a trashy beat and jarring guitar. Not too bad i suppose. Aye its a grower. A good performance could work for them. again interesting. Its in Estonia too aint it? Finland - Soft melodic crappy kind of song. Needs to be saved with a nicely sentimental chorus. which sadly it doesnt appear to have. France - Euro trance man :loon not to inspiring so far. Singer looks like shes got a wee bit a chinese in her. All the same Justin timberlake still we accoustics stop start guitars like most of the songs so far. boring really. Nah discount. FYR Macedonia - Ethnic. Sounds like it will be a nother Timberlake song. Dear dear it is too. This is awfull. no singer is gonna win like this. there is got to be something a bit diff. this is just like every other song. the hats an instant loser with the olies. Germany - no they do something dif usually. Rock this year:\ Sounds familiar. Guns and Roses. If she sung a bit clearer she would have a chance. Big syth sound going on. Ive got my lighter out now and waving it. Sounds like a few songs put together. Top 3 so far mind. Greece - Usually good for a laugh Greece. Timberlake guitar to start. tribal sort of beat as per. Jerky Destinys dancing type. Nah no dif than anything else. Not much cop. Hungary - Is this Ireland? Aye theyve knicked last years winning formula. Just killed it with the vocals. shame really as it had promise imo. If the chorus aint htere then it wont be good enough. Starting to grate a bit I'll pass on this for now. Iceland - mmmmm big syth bass. nah its gone wrong again. So dull. If hey had follwed Girls Aloud in the Sound Of the Undeground then they might have been contenders. This is shite. Ireland - Always worth a listen to be sure. Same beats same delivery same sort of song. This cant be ireland surely? :lol its a female Justin timberlake clone with hat to boot. Dana and Jonny Logan will be turning in their graves. Israel - classy smooth sort of foreign dirge. Wee expected spanish guitar. Oh aye just caught sight of the singer. that aint no lady boy this year. Im in love. Maybe my schoolboy crush is influencing me but it sounds not bad. Nothing special but ok. Ill listen o all these 4 or 5 times to be sure ;spurt :o Latvia - 60's sounding. looks like a boy band. No its boy band sounding. A big chorus could save this.If it all goes dancy then its dead. Good looking young men could get the young girl vote. Not great but id be a fool to dismiss it at this stage. Lithuania - Ive family ties to Lihuania so like to look out for them. Gloria gaynor style. Oh aye shes not bad. Nah her tits aint big enough and that could be reason enough to dismiss this average song. Malta - Sounds like Dirty Old Town. Oh its not. This is gonna be bad. Nah pleasant womans voice. Bit of a chubster. Aye she is that. Might get the sypanthy vote and a fat person is due a win. Songs nice enough. You cant pick too many holes in it. How do they manage to do such average songs. aye big note there which im sure she'll hit on the night. Leading contender so far imo. 1st song ive listend to till the end. Moldova - rock and roll man. Heh this is cool. aye this is what its all about. heh its getting better, this is my new favourite band :lol it is too. great stuff. Aye this is good. Sorta rappy reggae rocky pop. Shame the lead singer aint a bit more angelic but defo the best attempt so far at writing a 'real' song. My Fav. Turkey done ok with the novelty rap sorta sounding song. How do Moldova do with their neighbours? Monaco - How do you follow that? Walt Disney sounding this.Nah this cant do well as its shite. Next! Netherlands - Mmmm nice enough. Sounds like a real woman song. A bit Whitney than Britney. good voice. A bit womans libby too. Its a song about the power and striuggle of women in the 21st century. I think :unsure nahsmall tits again you see. when will they ever learn, When was the last time a woman with wee tits won Euro? Actually that was quite a big performance there. She looks like Whitney too. Possible. Norway - :lol Noway rocks Man!!!! fcuk just seen them. Dont know if their image will go agains them or get them votes. If you like soft rock youll prob not mind this truth be told. Sounds like so many songs in that genre. Maybe one to watch in a match bet. Poland - Wtf? Its playing at the wrong tempo. Ah its Latin Polish music. Bloody greasy Poles :lol this is bad aint it? Sorry Heniek but no joy for you guys again this year. Better than last years effort mind. Portugal - i aint looking forward to this. Ambient start. no it aint. shite shite. Ok ill give it a chance. nah ear-ache material. Romania - Robin Hood. Big beat expected. Nah we're getting some vocal intro. yip theirs the beating big oil drum thingy. Yip its as expected. Zena is the new euro fashion. big voice but poor song. Russia - Could it be a song about oppression? guitar start not bad. vocal ok if not a bit bland. Big beat break expected. Nah theyve went for the big powerfull chorus. Not working. I'll pass. Serbia - Nice violin. nice sad. Oh dear the singing started. I like all that timpani and them big metal things that you hit. this is bad. Its depressing. No chance. Slovenia - Not a bad start but not what people want. Oh its one of these songs is it. Nah. Spain - should be a leading contender lets hear it. Oh aye. ketchup songy. and tits. Mmmmm chorus aint working. Aye not bad. One for my short list. Happy song and they mention the sun in Spanish to i think which worked on me psychologicaly.i think. The aint mixed it up enough toward sthe end. Could be not a bad finish with some lights and smoke etc. Sweden - bound to be a single male ballad. Aye jazzy. aye not bad. Could enthral the audience. Getting worse. Aye shame about the chorus. that had a chance. Still worht a look in a match bet again though. Switzerland - Nice sad start. A bit of viola or something. nah lacking that certain j n'sai pas(??) Turkey - another usually good entrant. Aye everyone likes a bit of bhangra. Nah its quite turkish i suppose. I aint so sure about the general appeal of the song. the singer looks right smug with herself too. Javid who owns my local shop will like it but wont waste his money phoning in a vote. Ukraine - won it last year i believe. wonder if theyll use the pink floyd intro. no its not. Its a nirvana riff. :lol :lol fcuk its big Kev from everyones local. :lol wont be winning on their own turf this season. Uk - Ok here we go. Fcuk its Turkish sounding. dear dear lets have a wee peek at Javine. Aye i like her and her small tits sort of suit her persian cat type face. I'd give her nipples a right rubbing. Song aint much cop. They'll be a semi final no doubt with all the real shite countries. I'll check them later. Gonna see the odds. So to recap my initial order would be and i better hurry as Javine has put me into wank mode- 1. Malta 2. Moldova 3. Netherlands 4. Spain 5. estonia 6. Germany 7. Israel

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 :rollin Komp....the Barry Norman of popular music :D

Bulgaria - sounds sad. This song is putting me off reviewing these songs:\ If you dont mind i aint listening to that no more.
Pissing myself at that one Komp :lol Almost as good as " Soft melodic crappy kind of song. Needs to be saved with a nicely sentimental chorus. which sadly it doesnt appear to have. " Your a genius :D
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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Cheers Winrew i do try :) I just laughed out loud then when i saw none of my selections in the top of the betting markets. Malta mind most go 10/1 but VC go 20/1. Worth a nibble i reckon if youve an account with them. Fcuk even more amzing imo is they have Moldova at 150/1 when Skybet go 33/1. I am amazed at that. I must know fcuk all:\ Hope the high strets go into 3 figures too. again VC go biggest on the Netherlands 20/1 and they go double the price than everyone on Spain 66/1. their 25/1 looks big on estonia too (skybet 12/1) their the best price on Germany at 40/1 andFFS they go 33/1 on Israel whilst skybet go 10/1. If i could take them prices i'd take tham all as i reckon they'll drop like hell and you can lay them off etc.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Iceland is growing on me a bit. Could go well with a good performance and some flames. Israel aint as good post wank. Lithuanians entry is a little like Norway's last year (im sad:() and that never went as well as hoped. Sure to get some votes from the Red wedge. A possibility. Netherlands is a good song. Aye this could go well. It could walk it. In my top 4 for sure. This and Malta have to be in there. Nah this is the one poss. Great finish. Spain aint as good as i first thought. they'll beat Portugal if thats who theyre against in a match bet i reckon Stereoman. :lol i'd be sick if i was Irish after the Hungarian effort sounding more irish and better too. Not a winner though even if it is fancied. Malta still sounds strong. Switzerland wont go well even if 3rd in the beting or something.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Wasted 3 hours of my life that I will never get back last night watching these and there is nothing that stands out as a decent track. Pah, I hear you cry, there never is, but you would of course be wrong. Funniest year for a long time, since my hot tip Alf from Austria came 6th. :notworthy Very funny though. Theres a yodelling/Charleston number from Austria, a Whitney Houston wannabe (Netherlands), a posh Britney (Monaco), Darkness/Kiss 'fans' (Norway :rollin ) and Jim Diamond, in Denmark, which on a first hearing is my fave so far and available at 80/1. Usually after 1 hearing there are a couple you can remember and they usually do very well. The only ones I can remember, apart from Jim Diamond, is Cyprus, with 'Come baby come baby. I'm the king of the night, let me show you tonight who I am'. Maybe I'm missing something in my life :( . Available at 25s. Big prices I think are Spain at 66/1 with a song that reminds me of the Ketchup song that plagued the airwaves last summer. Norway is the layers fave :eek but I've only heard them once, so all preliminary thoughts. Once the match/groups are availble there is money to be made :ok

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 My initial notes on Moldova were that it played on the Turkey/Austria kitsch of recent years (last years ska and my friend Alf) and would split the vote. Just heard it again and thats about right. Prices from 33 to 150. Its not in English though so that doesn't bode well. There are no words to describe Ireland :rollin Fathers Ted and Dougal would be proud.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 disagree bowt austria komp - i think its daft enough to do well - and the singers alright too in the video.... agreed about the belgian - its a bit of an elton john song - but the guy needs a piano - the fact that he's a blatant cock smoker will go against him too IMO agreed about bosnia too - its a a fun tune and bear in mind that pissed up women on a saturday night will be doing the voting. this is the one for me... so far estonia's reminds me of the sugar babes or something. the addition of a DJ that does nothing is a bit naff and should go against them.... greece is very jennifer lopez but it tails off after a good start. no chance, dont see why its the fave.... iceland started good and i thought 'here here' but its poop. was expecting avril lavigne but got ray parlour. the violin tounds very 'toxic' (britney) so its a no no. malta's entry is more irish than ireland's. very brave heart. and what a stunner too.... yummy yummy ;) sounds very celine dion - excellent voice dutch bird has got talent - in with a shout. swiss bird is fit as funk - the best looker by far - very avril lavigne.... my money's on this unless anyone else impresses.... ha ha ha ha ha ha just had a look at Norway's and I dont know whether to laugh or cry... aerosmith/europe - "lets rock". bet this gets winrew's & herp's vote...:loon gonna watch them again later and cast my vote....

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Just listenened to em all and The Bosnian one jumped out straight away as being very abbaesque which someone has allready picked up on, type of song that always does well especially if folks are beginning to get bored of the asia/Turkish beat type songs. Have 4 more on the shortlist which i'll post l8r as im in work. just took 28's for Bosnia @ Befair, when normally doing the rounds @ 16's.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Im gonna take the semi-first and then the final. Looking like Stereoman in some match bets. Holland @ 11/1 ew (1234 - 1/5th) looks stuck on. I'll take Moldova just to qualify. Anyone know how many go through? Is it 10 like last year?

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 After much deliberating my list for the semi's is taking shape. Prices with bet365 and are to win. (ew 1/5 . Need to know how many go through. Holland - 10/1 Norway - 3/1 Iceland - 7/2 Lithuania - 12/1 Estonia - 12/1 Switzerland - 7/2 Moldova - 28/1 Hungary - 9/1 Belarus - 12/1 Romania - 18/1 latvia - 20/1 Bulgaria - 66/1 Slovenia - 25/1 Finland - 20/1 Israel - Austria Denmark Monaco Belgium Andorra FYR Mac Ireland Croatia Poland Portugal

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 I wouldn't bother betting on the semi-final as the result's only known after the final and they could say any old gubbins has won. As I said earlier in this thread, I backed Ukraine for the semi-final last year and for some reason they said Serbia & Montenegro won the semi-final (I dunno, maybe they did but I don't think so). ....you will get a time when they correspond but I was think I was diddled last year. Match-bets will probably be up as soon as the semi-final's over (gotta be within 48 hours). 14 countries automatically qualify, TEN countries from 25 from the semi-final. ....it's gonna be a rush job, still got time to gather some funds together but we'll nobble them. Again. Still haven't had a listen of the songs, am trying to keep an open mind on all the various Eurovision fansites and what they say. I took no notice of some chap's reaction to the French entrant in my match bet last year and sometimes you benefit through your own personal taste (can't be helped if it goes against you though!). What's Sam Allerdyce doing in Eurovision?! 02_official_pin.jpg

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Dont mind if i join in this years. Just had a quick look at Icelands entry. she's nice. average shite euro record. Listened to the Malta entry. got to disagree with you komp I think its shite,boring. The Bosnia one is interesting,playing it safe along the abba lines wonder 'how' they perform it on the night?70's gear?Very catchy.Still humming it now.:o Ill check them all out over today and tomoz.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005

http://www.paddypower.com/bet target=betslip>
Selection PricesSelection PricesSelection Prices
Greece 3 - 1spacer.gifCyprus 22 - 1spacer.gifMoldova 40 - 1spacer.gif
Norway 4 - 1spacer.gifEstonia 25 - 1spacer.gifAustria 40 - 1spacer.gif
Switzerland 9 - 1spacer.gifIsrael 25 - 1spacer.gifPoland 40 - 1spacer.gif
Iceland 10 - 1spacer.gifRussia 25 - 1spacer.gifSpain 40 - 1spacer.gif
Malta 10 - 1spacer.gifBelarus 25 - 1spacer.gifSlovenia 50 - 1spacer.gif
Hungary 14 - 1spacer.gifSerbia & Montenegro 25 - 1spacer.gifFinland 50 - 1spacer.gif
Ireland 16 - 1spacer.gifFrance 33 - 1spacer.gifAndorra 50 - 1spacer.gif
Bosnia & Herzegovina 16 - 1spacer.gifCroatia 33 - 1spacer.gifAlbania 50 - 1spacer.gif
Netherlands 16 - 1spacer.gifRomania 33 - 1spacer.gifUkraine 50 - 1spacer.gif
Sweden 16 - 1spacer.gifTurkey 33 - 1spacer.gifBelgium 66 - 1spacer.gif
Lithuania 20 - 1spacer.gifDenmark 33 - 1spacer.gifFYR Macedonia 66 - 1spacer.gif
United Kingdom 20 - 1spacer.gifMonaco 33 - 1spacer.gifPortugal 66 - 1spacer.gif
Latvia 20 - 1spacer.gifGermany 33 - 1spacer.gifBulgaria 80 - 1spacer.gif
Each way odds 1 / 4 places 1,2,3,4
Thursday 19th May 2005, 20:00
Prices from paddypower. just thought id update
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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 herp - agreed - i think we have to get the women's opinion. bearing in mind that its gonna be the flange sat in on the saturday night with a bottle or two of lambrini doing the voting. i say bosnia have got the best chance unless they fooook it up on the night or 1 of their titties pops out like

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 21st May 2005 Just listening to Bosnia again. I think its very average. It could be hyped and go off far shorter but i think a dull performance on the night without computer graphics and these 3 girls will look very average. I dont rate it. Speaking of young girls Estonia is growing on me. I think they'll give an energetic performance and could put a smile on people's faces. Need to check the running order but i think it could go well. Im liking Hungary's chances better. With a nice bit of dancing its sure to stic in folks minds. Greece and Ireland are groosy overated imo. Wow greece is so bad. Its up against so many songs that sound similar and this just aint gonna be there. Aye ICELAND this is rocketing up the Komp top 10. A little worried that the girl aint gonna carry it off though. some dodgy enough singing bits anyhow. Nah i aint so sure about it now. Seems to get lost a bit but tight enough all in. Aye its a consideration. Lets have a listen to fat old Malta again. Interested in whats either side of her. Lots probably. It aint that good now i aint seeing her on the screen. I think its the sorriw vote that must have appealed initially. Its building up a bit. Nah its nice ands thats about it. Still think thaty the big lard arse will get the vote from the lard arses back at home and you know they like to use the phone big lassies do. Nah im going off that. dull. Here's Lithuania again. I'm starting to think that it's top of its tree for the girl dancy ballady sort of song. Got family stil in Lithuania so i'm gonna get my family here into some Euro gambling on Lithuania. Nah this is pretty average too. Flat. Aye the Netherlands is the winner now. No reason why it shouldnt win it. Whiney Houston has been singing songs for years like that and women still love her singing and songs even though they might not admit it now as she aint cool. AND this is a song for EVERY WOMAN out there no matter what their struggle hey as women can pull together and get through it as theyre strong and can make it on their own. EUROVISON 2005 WINNER - The Netherlands Thank you. same time next year chaps?

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