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PPMag/Everest Poker-Win $2k & Live Package to Prague - PL 1st, 2nd & 3rd REPTON3 WINS


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Re: PPMag/Everest Poker-Win $2k & Live Package to Prague - PL 1st, 2nd & 3rd REPTON3 Huge thanks all! And to Everest and PP as well. I've won a couple of $11 mtt before, and a couple of live £200ish cashes, but this is my best win so far by a long shot. Still can't believe it. On a little bit of a heater recently so hope I can continue in Prague.

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Re: PPMag / Everest Poker - Win $2k and a Live Package to Prague - 1st game Oct 30th

[h=1]Everest Prague Series – final results[/h] Nov 2013 Dave Woods Everest Prague Freerolls, Freerolls, News EverestPrague.jpg
The final tournament in the Everest Prague Series played out last night and with just $0.50 separating the top two going into the $10 buy-in event it couldn’t have been any closer. A decent finish from either i8u2atgypos or jjazzed would have seen them walk off with the €800 package. In the end neither could manage it though, with jjazzed finishing outside the money and i8u2atgypos only mustering a min-cash. That was enough to put i8u2atgypos temporarily on top, but if he stayed to rail the tournament he would have been watching through his fingers as rivals Clungerine and WicketWalks made the final table. If either of them finished in the top 4 they would knock i8u2atgypos off the top spot. In the end it was the first freeroll winner Clungerine who scaled the heights after WicketWalks was knocked out agonisingly in 4th. That was good to seal second place on the leaderboard, leaving Clungerine – who ended up finishing 3rd – to scoop the €800 package and take his game to Prague at Everest Poker Live. Everest Poker Live plays out in Prague December 8-10 and we’ll be back with a full report after the event. [h=2]Final leaderboard[/h] [TABLE=class: tablepress tablepress-id-1 tablepress-my-custom-group-1] [TR=class: row-1 odd] [TH=class: column-1] Rank [/TH] [TH=class: column-2] Player [/TH] [TH=class: column-3] Cash [/TH] [/TR]

[TR=class: row-2 even] [TD=class: column-1]1st[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]Clungerine[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$180[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-3 odd] [TD=class: column-1]2nd[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]WicketWalks[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$170[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-4 even] [TD=class: column-1]3rd[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]i8u2atgypos[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$163[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-5 odd] [TD=class: column-1]4th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]jjazzed[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$143.50[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-6 even] [TD=class: column-1]5th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]GypsyFromRomania[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$142.50[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-7 odd] [TD=class: column-1]6th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]TAMU00OO[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$134.70[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-8 even] [TD=class: column-1]7th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]GiirlyWiirly[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$127.80[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-9 odd] [TD=class: column-1]8th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]ladyveraEVR[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$123.50[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-10 even] [TD=class: column-1]9th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]WaverleyHero[/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$106.20[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: row-11 odd] [TD=class: column-1]10th[/TD] [TD=class: column-2]iplayanyace1 [/TD] [TD=class: column-3]$93.40[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: PPMag/Everest Poker-Win $2k & Live Package to Prague - PL 1st, 2nd & 3rd REPTON3 Thanks for the good luck and congratulations messages everyone. I'm petty new around here so it's really nice of everyone to sort of welcome me to the fold as it were, really appreciate it, and I'm glad I stumbled across this little community a few months ago. I've thanked all the posts individually from well wishers because it genuinely means a lot - I hope I haven't broken any forum etiquette by filling up the screen or anything, if I have I shall make sure I don't do it again. Once again, well played everyone that was involved, it was extremely tight on the league table and I was just the lucky one this time. Special shout out to Rhino_Power/WicketWalks who was on my table almost the entire time last night and I thought played an excellent game, and completely didn't deserve that ending - Although obviously if you keep playing that way it's only a matter of time for you. I'll make sure I post the picture of me holding the trophy aloft in a week and a bit time. If I'm out day one and have a lot of time to wander around Prague I'll probably buy a chocolate one or something :)

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Re: PPMag/Everest Poker-Win $2k & Live Package to Prague - PL 1st, 2nd & 3rd REPTON3 Had a look at the weather report, the snow sounds fun :) DaMatrix - Flight home on the 10th so I'll be heading home with my oversized novelty cheque just as you're arriving to win yours!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: PPMag/Everest Poker-Win $2k & Live Package to Prague - PL 1st, 2nd & 3rd REPTON3 Here's a little post match report: Day 1 went very very slowly. I had a dry run of cards that lasted the entire day (although I did get dealt aces once, raising to 450 on blinds of 100/200 and everyone folded despite me having raised quite a few hands lading up to that!) I also had a decent aggressive French guy sat to my left who 3 bet me a hell of a lot which made it difficult. Anyway I managed to stay afloat by attempting some steals and 3 bets of my own with some very speculative hands. In one such pot I 3 bet with A6s after the guy in 1st pos opened and flopped an up n down straight draw, which got there on the river, and I won a fairly decent pot. On the second to last level of the day I got QQ and raised to 1700 (400/800/100), and got 3 callers, but they all folded to my half pot bet on flop. Then on the last level of the day I decided to just shove every opportunity I got to either go into day 2 with a decent stack or have the day off sight seeing. Shoved 6 times all uncalled despite other people seemingly calling quite a few shoves pretty light. The 7th time I shoved I actually has 1010 and thought I must get called this time...but no. And the very next hand I got dealt AK and shoved again, which obviously got through quicker than the time it took for the all in button to be tossed in front of me. And that was pretty much it, we were being told to bag up our chips ready for day 2. Hand summary of the day for day 1 for myself was AA - 1, KK - 0, AKs - 0, AKo - 1, QQ - 1, JJ - 0, 1010 - 1, 99 -0, 88 - 0, 77 and below probably 3 or 4. Most interesting hand of the day was when I was on the big blind and everyone folded to me. I didn't bother looking at my cards and just started to take my blind back after throwing them in, only to be told by the dealer to put 800 in for my blind, "But everyone has folded?" I said, to which he pointed at the antes in the middle he'd already collected and said "Raise here", "No one has any cards" I said, and he followed up with, "Well what are those chips for then?". He finally believed me after 4 or 5 other people at the table pointed out his mistake. Bless him, he'd only been at the table for an hour before that so it must've been confusing. :rollin On to day 2, they did a table redraw over night (which no one knew about which was quite annoying, everyone walked in the next day looking hugely confused that they weren't in the position they were expecting), and I sat down with my weedy 19700 chips next to the chip leader on 154k. I was straight on the big blind and got dealt a lovely 92o so had to ditch it after a raise and reraise. I then folded the next 8 hands with junk until the BB came back around. It folded to the chip leader in the SB who had a quick glance at his cards, then my chips and announced "You're all in". I looked down at my cards and saw 66 and thought it was Christmas. He turned over K7o and I was pretty pleased. The dealer put down the flop cards, and the first card I saw was a 6. The full flop was 6AQ. Was even more pleased at this point obviously. The turn came out J. And then the river kicked me right in the face by being a 10. I went and stood in the lobby for a little while pretty shell-shocked but I was soon on my way back to the hotel to fetch my mate, and off we went into the city for plenty of drinks and food to cheer myself up. Overall I was pleased with how I played and think I did as well as I could. It wasn't to be for me this time, but was a great experience. The final table was streamed online including hole cards and commentary so I'd have liked to have been part of that, but maybe I'll have to wait till next time. Meanwhile the guy that knocked me out when on to win it, so congratulations to him. Now it's onwards to the next, which will be the PP Mag grand prix live final in Feb for me, so I'm obviously saving my luck till then instead :)

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Re: PPMag/Everest Poker-Win $2k & Live Package to Prague - PL 1st, 2nd & 3rd REPTON3

Here's a little post match report: Day 1 went very very slowly. I had a dry run of cards that lasted the entire day (although I did get dealt aces once, raising to 450 on blinds of 100/200 and everyone folded despite me having raised quite a few hands lading up to that!) I also had a decent aggressive French guy sat to my left who 3 bet me a hell of a lot which made it difficult. Anyway I managed to stay afloat by attempting some steals and 3 bets of my own with some very speculative hands. In one such pot I 3 bet with A6s after the guy in 1st pos opened and flopped an up n down straight draw, which got there on the river, and I won a fairly decent pot. On the second to last level of the day I got QQ and raised to 1700 (400/800/100), and got 3 callers, but they all folded to my half pot bet on flop. Then on the last level of the day I decided to just shove every opportunity I got to either go into day 2 with a decent stack or have the day off sight seeing. Shoved 6 times all uncalled despite other people seemingly calling quite a few shoves pretty light. The 7th time I shoved I actually has 1010 and thought I must get called this time...but no. And the very next hand I got dealt AK and shoved again, which obviously got through quicker than the time it took for the all in button to be tossed in front of me. And that was pretty much it, we were being told to bag up our chips ready for day 2. Hand summary of the day for day 1 for myself was AA - 1, KK - 0, AKs - 0, AKo - 1, QQ - 1, JJ - 0, 1010 - 1, 99 -0, 88 - 0, 77 and below probably 3 or 4. Most interesting hand of the day was when I was on the big blind and everyone folded to me. I didn't bother looking at my cards and just started to take my blind back after throwing them in, only to be told by the dealer to put 800 in for my blind, "But everyone has folded?" I said, to which he pointed at the antes in the middle he'd already collected and said "Raise here", "No one has any cards" I said, and he followed up with, "Well what are those chips for then?". He finally believed me after 4 or 5 other people at the table pointed out his mistake. Bless him, he'd only been at the table for an hour before that so it must've been confusing. :rollin On to day 2, they did a table redraw over night (which no one knew about which was quite annoying, everyone walked in the next day looking hugely confused that they weren't in the position they were expecting), and I sat down with my weedy 19700 chips next to the chip leader on 154k. I was straight on the big blind and got dealt a lovely 92o so had to ditch it after a raise and reraise. I then folded the next 8 hands with junk until the BB came back around. It folded to the chip leader in the SB who had a quick glance at his cards, then my chips and announced "You're all in". I looked down at my cards and saw 66 and thought it was Christmas. He turned over K7o and I was pretty pleased. The dealer put down the flop cards, and the first card I saw was a 6. The full flop was 6AQ. Was even more pleased at this point obviously. The turn came out J. And then the river kicked me right in the face by being a 10. I went and stood in the lobby for a little while pretty shell-shocked but I was soon on my way back to the hotel to fetch my mate, and off we went into the city for plenty of drinks and food to cheer myself up. Overall I was pleased with how I played and think I did as well as I could. It wasn't to be for me this time, but was a great experience. The final table was streamed online including hole cards and commentary so I'd have liked to have been part of that, but maybe I'll have to wait till next time. Meanwhile the guy that knocked me out when on to win it, so congratulations to him. Now it's onwards to the next, which will be the PP Mag grand prix live final in Feb for me, so I'm obviously saving my luck till then instead :)
Enjoyed the read :-) Knows how it feels when you flop a set and a runner runner straight happens! happened to me in GSOP ME in malta! Will see you @ PP mag in London :-) I will be easy to spot I am chinese but with a Leicester accent! Come say Hi to me & hopefully we will meet Heads up :-)
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