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Full Tilt Battle of Malta x 25 packages up for grabs


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Re: Full Tilt Battle of Malta x 25 packages up for grabs Good luck, guys. I'm really disappointed I won't be able to join you: unfortunately I really have to be here on Monday morning, and there just wasn't any way to manage that. Obviously first place is reserved for my horse, but I hope one of you makes runner-up. :hope

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Re: Full Tilt Battle of Malta x 25 packages up for grabs Good luck guys, bink time :-) I sure you guys can do better then me when I went to play in the Grand Live in Malta. Came 24th out of 255 and gutted I didn't do better.. misplayed a few hands... bust out hand was pretty eventful my 8s CO 3bet shove v MP Open AK, I hit a set on flop, turn made Villian straight & river blanked :-( Have a great time, go a Segway tour and visit Comino on a Catamaran if you guys don't make the final table.

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Re: Full Tilt Battle of Malta x 25 packages up for grabs End of level 8 and out! Pushed with AK, looked up by big stack with 44! Flop QJ6...any A, K or 10 will do...turn Q...any A,k, 10, j or 6....!!! 16 outs! ...river comes a.... 2! No luck today at all. I win that pot it's 26k and average was only 32 so I woulda had a chance. Oh well, couple of days in the sun and a party to go to tomorrow...Ty for the support all!

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