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Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd Jan

Sir Puntalot

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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec Not a slight, in the, umm, slightest :lol, on you Bart - yours was an easy enough call blind v blind and against me :ok But when did PL games become so 'donkish'? Used to be the case you could have a good game with good banter, and know that you were playing against good players. First time in a while I have played tonight, and it appeared that any Ace or any pocket pair was considered a premium hand by a lot of players, there's a good few people who never say a word, no banter at all, and the early levels 35xBB shove is a prime tactic. I didn't suffer any 'badbeats' so it's not talking through sour grapes and whinging because I got donked (which is something else that seems prevalent) - was just wondering when they changed from being fun good games to that tonight :unsure

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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec

Well that was fun. Can someone explain troublemakers shove with 5 7 spades against my AQ on 10/9/Q rainbow flop. The fact he hit runner runner spade still makes it probably the worst play I have seen for a long time
Iirc he 4 bet you all in, repping oh I don't know, two pair? Runner runner was a bad beat but he was the aggressor and just tried to get you off a pair.
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec

But when did PL games become so 'donkish'? Used to be the case you could have a good game with good banter, and know that you were playing against good players. First time in a while I have played tonight, and it appeared that any Ace or any pocket pair was considered a premium hand by a lot of players, there's a good few people who never say a word, no banter at all, and the early levels 35xBB shove is a prime tactic.
In my (shortish) time playing on here this has been about standard as far as I'm concerned. Very little chat and I include those "bigger names" on here. Whether they are playing multiple tournaments or they can't be bothered with "bantz", only they know.
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec Yep sorry Pete, I openly admit that I made some poor reads and moves tonight and got lucky pretty much every time. Can't speak for the majority but think personally down to tiredness/time of the year/101 things to do and running through a 1,000 field on ongame for the 2nd night running only to mess it up at the sharp end. doh! No excuses, just cause & effect. Agree it's a little disappointing that some don't even say hi, evening etc in the chatbox at the very least, but again assume most multitabling.

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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec

In my (shortish) time playing on here this has been about standard as far as I'm concerned. Very little chat and I include those "bigger names" on here. Whether they are playing multiple tournaments or they can't be bothered with "bantz"' date=' only they know.[/quote'] Whereas I for one sprout far too much drivel which is probably distracting :D Must be a balance somewhere out there.
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec Didn't need an apology from you Bart, was nothing to do with my exit hand whatsoever, nothing to do with my suffering at the hands of a badbeat - I didn't (well, til you :lol ;) ) - Just deleted wall of text that read like a whinge and it really wasn't meant to be. It just used to be the case that the vast majority of people playing would have a bit laugh around the table whilst nobody thought open shoving 2500 chips at 30/60, or calling off 35 BBs with A6 were optimal plays :) At least I can still abuse you at the table and you don't mind :ok

Yep sorry Pete, I openly admit that I made some poor reads and moves tonight and got lucky pretty much every time. Can't speak for the majority but think personally down to tiredness/time of the year/101 things to do and running through a 1,000 field on ongame for the 2nd night running only to mess it up at the sharp end. doh! No excuses, just cause & effect. Agree it's a little disappointing that some don't even say hi, evening etc in the chatbox at the very least, but again assume most multitabling.
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec

In my (shortish) time playing on here this has been about standard as far as I'm concerned. Very little chat and I include those "bigger names" on here. Whether they are playing multiple tournaments or they can't be bothered with "bantz"' date=' only they know.[/quote'] Apologies for any lack of banter tonight, was having horrendous disconnections tonight was 6 tabling 3 ipoker and 3 on micro and was getting delays, discos on both networks so not sure where the problem is at the moment. Well done to the cashers tonight :clap
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec I think it's a sign that the game has evolved from when we first started playing league games on here. Most of us would just be playing one game then, whereas now most are probably multi tabling several, which calls for different tactics, early double up or out and on to the next game. You just have to adjust Pete. ;) Some good banter tonight, but it really depends on the characters on the table, often get one silent table and one drivelling away according to who is on it. Sometimes it's just too hard to get any conversations going. I must admit my pet gripe is when no-one on the table says a word when you get knocked out, doesn't take much to type gg even if it's not true. :(

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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Leg 3 Weds 19th Dec

I think it's a sign that the game has evolved from when we first started playing league games on here. Most of us would just be playing one game then, whereas now most are probably multi tabling several, which calls for different tactics, early double up or out and on to the next game. You just have to adjust Pete. ;) Some good banter tonight, but it really depends on the characters on the table, often get one silent table and one drivelling away according to who is on it. Sometimes it's just too hard to get any conversations going. I must admit my pet gripe is when no-one on the table says a word when you get knocked out, doesn't take much to type gg even if it's not true. :(
much prefer bye rather than gg when they've got lucky,sounds rather condicending
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd Apologies for remaining a sit out. I managed to find a connection to reg in the morning but then didn't get chance to log in again. Well done Kevan :clap Final table is posted and the qualifiers for next week's final are... [TABLE]

[TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 149]PLUsername[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, width: 171]Grosvenor[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71]daveyb147[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]sagittarean[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70]rivrd[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]IRIVRDU1[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70]Haichan[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]Haichan16[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71]Muttley[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]Any2CanLose[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71]avongirl[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]avongirlGC[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71]Bagheira[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]Bagheira5[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70]Spitvenom[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]Spitvenoom[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl70]franny5[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]franny550[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71]Bart(UK)[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]PunterBart[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl71]JulieC[/TD] [TD=class: xl67]simoncc[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Well done to daveyb who is our league champion. :clap Superfoo takes down the Spoon award. :ok
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Re: Grosvenor Poker GUKPT December League - Over £1000 Added! - Grand Final Weds 2nd Will post to ensure I receive suitable ridicule ;) All I can say is.... doh.... and wp Avon ofc :ok [ATTACH]3915[/ATTACH] Probably priced in to call, especially as single table and big prize up top, but actually still like the fold. Couple of straight draws got there and always 2 pair/trip possibilites. Made a similar fold in GPS GF recently (rightly as it happens to trips) & came back well afterwards. Thoughts welcomed though ;)


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