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WPT Poker - Lock Poker -  

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 31st July = LEG 1 of 16 I wouldn't be able to go to the PCA even if I won the package, so I'm giving it a miss. (Or if it will earn me any Brownie points, I'm boycotting it in protest at the demeaning of women.) Best of luck to all the PLers playing. :hope

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 31st July = LEG 1 of 16 reached the final table with taking 1 player out at least and the got done when i re-raise all in with KK and get called by AJ,,,, Ace on the River :( ah well,,good luck to the 1 PL`er still in :hope

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 7th August = LEG 2 of 16 iam out without any heads have a very bad day first lost masiv pot when flop a K flush (he had 2 pair and hit a full house) so it cost me 2 heads :@:@ than i flop 2 pair but this same person hit a turn and river for better 2 pair :wall:wall but still few weeks to finish

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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 7th August = LEG 2 of 16

Thought was going to take it down but ended up 2nd, with 5 or 6 bounties (wasn't counting).
Liar, you thought you were going to finish 7th when I asked how you were doing. :p Well done dear. :clap Are you sure you haven't made up all those other names on that screenshot. :loon
can we add this to the weekend schedule so idiots like me dont forget?
Sorry, I did put it in the diary, but on all the wrong days. (added 8 days to last week's :$)
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Re: WPT Poker mag - WIN A $20,000 PCA PACKAGE 7th August = LEG 2 of 16 1 thisclose 100 2 FishatronMk1 90 3 runadrum2 70 4 sharoj 60 5 Bearcleezy 40 6 nosejoka 40 7 Epicfail 40 8 xGENERALTS0x 40 9 NotGonnaSay 30 10 XDan13X1 30 If the leaderboard only shows the top 10, how will we know who is in the top 10% that make it to the final ?

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