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PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Grand Final - Birmingham


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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Not home long after driving home from Teesside, having left Girly Wirly and Chromehead as the last two remaining of the PL (1st October) Nine. Update from Mark/Ooblio at 10.30 was Donna on 40k and Pete on 30k with 27 left in. 14 get paid. :hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Purely aweful tourney Cardroom was cramped, no room to move and even uncomfortable to sit in the chairs. Cardroom was designed for 10 tables and even the tourney director said they had to squeeze 3 extra in to cope, ridiculous. 2 hour delay cos they didnt have enough chips for an event that was scheduled months ago, fckin shambles:@

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside My tournament was uneventful on the whole - but was one strange hand on my table when the big stack bet 1400 after the river and the short stack pushed all in with his remaining 1425, and the big stack folded. The big stack's bet had obviously been a complete bluff, but even so it was surreal that it wasn't worth stumping up another 25, just in case !

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Updates have dried up, not sure if that's good or bad news. :\ I went out 47th I think, but enjoyed the game despite it being so cramped and running late. The casino are adding the £10 fee back into the prize pool as a gesture of apology for the delay. :ok

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Text just in from Mark. Pete had gone out AK v AQ, Donna has bubbed in 15th, but they had done a deal so she still got £130. Plus she is the winner of the PL last longer bet! Apparently some of the winnings have been invested in a bottle of wine. ;):beer Well done Donna.:clap

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside

Text just in from Mark. Pete had gone out AK v AQ, Donna has bubbed in 15th, but they had done a deal so she still got £130. Plus she is the winner of the PL last longer bet! Apparently some of the winnings have been invested in a bottle of wine. ;):beer Well done Donna.:clap
enjoy the wine Donna and congrats on the last longest must have been that i wish for your birthday instead. vwp
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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside

We did work out that with that 2 hour delay' date=' Teaulc had lasted longer than in all the previous PPGUKT games put together :rollin[/quote'] funny that :eyes still only me and Dave to have made final tables :p well done Donna :clap:clap but in previous tourneys the bubble got paid $150 into their Gala acount,i am assuming this didnt happen then :unsure has to be the worst organised Live tourney i have been in,who ever heard of a casino with not enough chips :spank:spank
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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Hi guys, thanks for the support. Luck was on my side when I needed it most. Pushed with my shortstack with 55, got called by AQ by big stack, Q on the flop but hit a 5 on the turn! Very unlucky Pete on your AK vs. AQ. Great to see you all, great company made up for the much delayed start. PS. wine was lovely, bought with proceeds from last longer bet, thanks very much :ok

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Yes badly run tourney but £10's added to the prizepool kinda made up for it (if you cashed that is and seen the benefit, sigh). My tourney was standard, donked off a third of my stack in very 1st hand, stuck on same stack for around 2 hours before losing it all just after the break by getting it in with the 4th nuts and running into to the 2nd nuts. Great company as always, will be trying to qualify for brum in november!

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Well played Donna :clap Tried to rail remotely but lack of any official updates from Gala, PP or Mycasino, seems least of the problems and too petty to moan about now though :unsure Just need to keep the faith and I'm sure improvements will be made in future. Hope you guys/girls still had a nice time despite the bad luck and 2hr chip slow-roll :\

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside Well done donna:clap:clap:clap My tournament wasn't great after floping quads in the first level, which i got a about 2k in chips, then lost most of stack with kings to jacks after he flat called my 4 bet of 1500, flopped j 8 9 i bet 2k he ships for 5.3k, didn't like it but called anyway. Down to 2k, then lost the rest with top pair against a flopped full house:eyes, just not my day, but will hopefully qualify for the final at birmingham.:hope

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Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next up - Teeside :Qd: :wall

Well played Donna :clap Tried to rail remotely but lack of any official updates from Gala, PP or Mycasino, seems least of the problems and too petty to moan about now though :unsure Just need to keep the faith and I'm sure improvements will be made in future. Hope you guys/girls still had a nice time despite the bad luck and 2hr chip slow-roll :\
Despite The BAD organization I still enjoyed it. Meeting up with the other PL'ers for a drink was good.:cheers I felt I played well, despite some hideous suck outs against me, but thats standard. Played the shortstack for a loooooong time, getting very low doubling, back to very low, stealing a blind or two, then just as I'm getting a few chips together I looked down at :As::Ks: in the big blind. 2k/4k 400a level. There hadn't been a walk in ages. I knew it was a make or break hand but with 19 players left, to make the final table around 100k was needed, so I decided to make this count. I had 28k left after the blind. Play folded round to the button, who had 34k and raised to 8k. I was always shoving all in. He calls with :Ah::Qh:, and hits a :Qd: on the river. Congrats Donna on cashing and the last longer bet.:notworthy :ok Till next time eh! ;)
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