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Haichan wins CBMPT Edinburgh Package


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I have just won my first Live tournament package to the Coral masters next weekend in Edinburgh screenshot2310201023053.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us Especially pleased as in Heads up had a major bad beat. On a 555K board and me with $16,000 and my opponent $4,000 I put him all in with my K7 full house. He was holding A10. 5 on the river put quads on the board and give him the win with the better kicker. He then went $11,000, $9000 ahead but I managed to recover and work my way back to the win. Will be only my 3rd live tournament but hope I can do myself justice.

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Re: Haichan wins CBMPT Edinburgh Package out in 66th. No cards. with blinds at 300. Got Ak lost half my stake when runner runner j's meant i had to fold on river. Then nut flush failed to arrive and finally made a move when i got A10 but he hit the flush. Very disappointing.

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Re: Haichan wins CBMPT Edinburgh Package screenshot0111201008013.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us I am really frustrated with the result for the following reasons. Ok it was my 2nd live tournament. 3rd if you count the training tournament at the Grosvenor. And the previous tournament in Blackpool I won from a field of 26 so I thought I could do ok. First mistake was due to my wifes job. At month end she often works late and as we have a young daughter we couldn't travel up on the friday. As I won the satellite fairly late the train and air fares were crazy so we decided to drive up in the early hours of saturday, a 400mile journey getting into edinburgh a couple of hours before start of tournament. I had decided I would play quite tight for the first 4 hours with hourly blinds and a 10,000 stack. early on lost a couple of small pots but nothing significant. Still had around 9200 and at the end of the second hour got my first good hand. This was QQ and I then made my big mistake. Blinds only100/50 and I was in mid position so raised to 300. A player in late position who had been playing a lot of marginal hands and calling most down to the river raised to 900. She had never done that before. I should have reraised, but simply called. Put her on AK with the size of the raise, perhaps AA or KK. Flop came rainbow K 5 7. I made my second mistake when I checked and she bet 1000. Eventually folded and showed the QQ to be shown 1010. Then for the next 2 hours nothing. I won several small pots with bluffs and then finally got A10 in late postion and a nut flush draw on the flop Lost couple of thousand when it failed to arrive and had to fold to a big bet on the river. I was still sat on about 7000 at the end of the second break but the blinds were then going up to 300/150. In the fifth hour I finally got AK and made a raise to 1000. called by the same player with the 1010's. Nothing on the flop and a further 1000 bet failed to force her to fold. runner runner JJ's and a big bet on the river told me she had something like KJ. So I was then down to about 5000. I then lost to the same player with A9 nut flush draw when she had Q9 and the Q hit on the turn. Down to about 4000 and I got A10. flush came on the flop and it gave me the nut flush. big bet from the other player still in the hand. By this time I was very tired and decided to make the call leaving me with a 1000. 10 on the river and he put me all in. Called and of course he had the flush. The guy who ended my tournament Barry Barnes finished third and two of my starting table made the final table. Of course it helps in the case of Barry when about five hands in he with A/10 flopped A/10/5 and another player called him all the way to the river and eventually all in with 10/5. barry also showed a number of goods cards like AK,AA in the first hour Could I have played better. yes. And certainly in future I wouldn't travel up the same way. Towards the end the tiredness and lack of cards made it difficult. In the five hours I played I only hit one flop. And whilst I tried to slow my game down, I still probably played hands too quickly. And the other thing I learnt is its almost impossible to drive people out of hands if they have hit even second pair. And when you not hiitting even second pair it makes the game very frustrating. Still an experience, but next time I hope to do myself justice.

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