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Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov


Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov  

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Catch most of you tomorrow at the casino, the players who requested the Thursday have all been bought in and i have your entry slips here incase of any problems. Hope you all have a safe journey and ill be at the seats near the bar from around 5ish:ok

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

Hope you all have a safe journey and ill be at the seats near the bar from around 5ish:ok
Planning on setting off from home about 5ish, should be in Blackpool for 6ish. Reckon carpark will be chocka, so just a space to find then I'm in. Affraid I can't compy to #4 of Terms & Conditions:- :sad 4. Players will have to get drunk with myself and Paul Ross in Blackpool. Won't be staying over, so have to drive home afterwards. (Think I can manage a couple of Shandys tho')
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Thank you PL and Betfair for this opportunity. Was on same starting table as Morls and we had one contest which played itself - called his 66 all-in with AA but 6 on flop, but got some back immediate next hand with KJ (J on river) v 44. Got to 20k at one point when got lucky with my AJ v KK as the K on the turn that gave her trips made me the straight. 17 paid and the board showed 38 left when I reraised all-in for about 10k with AdTd (blinds 800/1600, ante 200). Guy to my left pushed all-in with TT (not sure how much as dealer inbetween us, but had me covered) and the original raiser decided he couldn't fold 34os. Flop A25. 2 on the turn gave me a chance but 3 on the river and I'm out. Gaz, Hen and Joe all went deeper :clap but think went 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Was a good night and we survived the gales (back home 5.30 this morning). Think the only casualty amongst us was Joe's £7.50 proof of parking ticket which was whisked off by the wind when handed out by the machine !!

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov As runadrum says- "Thank you PL and Betfair for this opportunity." Was great meeting you guys for the 1st time, and good to put some faces to names. Well done Hen, Gaz & Joe for getting furthest. Think I owe 1 of you a fiver for last player in, completely forgot about it. Was gutted when my AK hit 1st card on the flop, only for my opponent to hit quads with his 55. Anyway, good luck to all playing tonight. :hope

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov And nice to meet you too Glen :ok as well as the usual suspects. :D Not the most pleasant journey either way across the top of the world on the M62 and was relieved at 4am to find the car was still parked where we left it, just a stone's throw over the defences from the crashing waves, and still in one piece. Think we actually missed the worst of it being buried away inside the casino for about 10hrs! I managed to get a little ahead of average in the first 3 levels, but lost a load just before 1st break to leave me down to 2k after I called an all-in for a big pot with JcJx after flop of KQ10, with 2clubs. It didn't improve and turned out I was against AA. Down as low as 1.2k before I found a decent hand with an unopened pot but won a 3 way all-in with A10 hitting the 10 to beat a lower pair and Ax, and shortly after survived again with AJ hitting 2 aces on the flop. Got back at some point to around 7k, lost a bit aborting to a shove and a call, and finally went reraising with my 4k with 99 and ending up in a 3 way all-in against QQ and KJ with 2 of us going out. Think the clock had already showed 50 left so I was probably 49th. With 3 left in after about 7hrs, we were desperately unlucky not to get someone in the money, Joe losing a pot just before the break that would have probably made him chip leader AK against AJ (I think), and hen going out just after the break (in the same hand as Gaz). So from Day 1, the staking money had a pretty good run but unfortunately didn't manage to multiply. A big thanks to Betfair and PL for the opportunity. :ok

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Sorry guys.... No cashers tonight either in the staking fund, I finished 27th and it was top 15 paid. Miss Daisy did cash tonight in 15th for a min cash on a personal level, and well done too! tough field!

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov well done to Miss Daisy for cashing :clap:clap:clap i was card dead pretty much the whole game,unable to do anything as every hand was pretty much raised preflop,didnt help with loose (i will play anything) sitting next to Staffy,and both guys to his left being quite aggressive at the times i had a half decent hand. went down to about 3k when i was chasing a flush,straight and hitting bottom pair,i made a mistake by not betting out on the river as this would have got him to fold as he had me on an over card to his 9`s...got back up with 7/7 against loose`s A/10 and both him and young lad folded to my BB KK (the lad having QQ) kept me afloat. eventually out 51st ish when i get QQ in the BB but the all in before me had KK.......c`est la vie. it was good to see the usual suspects and meet Glenhop and Divits. see you all in 2 weeks and thanks for the opportunity of playing :ok

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Unlucky every one for not cashing & well done Miss Daisy. Wish I could have got a seat after waiting for 2 hours on the reserve list. Sorry for not being able to talk to you guys very much on the Friday, every thing was a bit of a rush, & sorry if I didn't get to say hi to any 'punters' I hadn't already met. Good to meet Teaulc on Friday and the rest of you on the Thursday, hope I get chance to meet you all again in the near future. :ok

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Thank you very much PL for giving me opportunity to play it. I really enjoyed the game and at 35 left, I had about 50k. But then no cards for 3 levels and got very short. Pushed in the same hand as Gaz and it was sick, that two of us went out 6 of the money :cry. Good to see all poker suspects and great meeting Glen and Mutley.. I was also staked to Fridays game (thank you skunk pussy :ok), but don't want to even mention it :puke.

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Had a good time in Blackpool. Nice to meet glenn who fitted in nicely even if he was drinking shandy. ;) The PL caps went down a storm with all kinds of non PL'ers wearing them, they were bloody everywhere! :rollin PS. I think I need a new liver.

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

Had a good time in Blackpool. Nice to meet glenn who fitted in nicely even if he was drinking shandy. ;) The PL caps went down a storm with all kinds of non PL'ers wearing them, they were bloody everywhere! :rollin PS. I think I need a new liver.
Should have seen Glasgow last night! All over the casino again and people loved em!:clap:clap
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

Had a good time in Blackpool. Nice to meet glenn who fitted in nicely even if he was drinking shandy. ;) The PL caps went down a storm with all kinds of non PL'ers wearing them, they were bloody everywhere! :rollin PS. I think I need a new liver.
Very good to meet you too Paul, sorry for not sticking around on the Friday. Got back to G Manchester for Tourney there with 2 minutes to spare, got shitfaced and cashed (just). Will have a good drink next time :ok
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov I know I wasn't in the staking fund, but I was also playing in Blackpool this weekend. Played on thursday in the £100, but I can't honestly remember what happened, all I know is that I was ratted and played pretty bad. Played in the Main Event, had a very tough table. Jake Cody sitting directly accross from me from the start. Anyway, lost 60% of my stack to a bluff against some skybet team poker player. Built it back up to close to 10k. Raise with AKos, big blind fish raises all in with AJ. I call, jack on the flop... bye bye, gone after 6 or 7 hour mark. Finally played in the £100 bounty yesterday and really felt like I was going all the way. With about 40 left, I make a bad move and lose half my stack. So I'm sat on 13k. Blinds 600/1200 ante 100. Look down at KK. Immediately push all in, guy with just over 15k calls with KcQd and the big blind thinks for ages before calling with 65spades (massive chip stack) Anyway the river comes a fourth club to knock me out in 30th. Had a great time though, but didn't see anyone apart from one guy from the punterslounge. And that was on the thursday when I was already well on my way. Oh and was on two way poker table, and this old(ish) lady sat down with punterslounge gear on. (awful game)

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Enjoyed myself a lot in Blackpool at the weekend so would firstly like to say a big thanks to PL and Betfair for the opportunity. Was great to meet up with the regulars as well as some newbies :ok I played this staking on the Friday night and was really a bit unlucky with the way in which I was eliminated from the tournament. With the blinds at 150/300 and a 5k stack remaining, the pot was raised by the cut off to 850 which I called in the BB holding Kx10x. The flop came down Ax Kx 10x, I check and the cut off bet 1100, I raised all-in and he snap called holding Ax Jx, the turn came 2x and the river came 2x meaning he won with a higher two pair. He had me covered by 100 chips and I was gone in around 80th place of 140. :sad Thanks again to PL and everyone who contributed to a great couple of days! :ok

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