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Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London

Sir Puntalot

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PL has been given up to 10 tickets (definitely have 6) for us to give away to our poker members for the Bluff Poker Academy from Blue Square Poker! These tickets are £199 each normally, but totally free here. If you wish to go, please put your name down here and we will draw out your name to see if you get lucky. :ok The draw is likely to be done tomorrow night, so be quick! :ok

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London The Bluff Europe Poker Academy series continues on Sunday 28 March with another one-day academy at the ‘Vic’ in London. The second academy in the series will be sponsored by GUKPT and features their pros Jeff Kimber and Stuart Rutter, alongside Bluff Europe’s own Alex “Pickleman” Rousso. The theme of the seminar is “The transition from online play to the live arena”. Sessions will include: live hand analysis tutorials (where pros give constructive criticism on the students’ play), and lectures on opponents’ behaviour and tells, estimating opponents’ hand ranges, and satelliting into live tournaments. The seminar runs from 1pm to 7pm on Sunday, March 28th, and is followed by an exclusive freeroll for the students, with over £1,000 in GUKPT tournament entries given away: 1st prize: £550 GUKPT tournament entry 2nd prize: £330 GUKPT tournament entry 3rd prize: £220 GUKPT tournament entry Attendance of the event is capped at 30 people. Tickets cost £199 and are available from: Agenda for the Seminar, Sunday 28th March 12.30 1.00 Registration 1.00 1.15 Welcome and introductions 1.15 2.00 Alex Rousso: The Live Arena – what to look for, how to act and what not to give away. Tells, actions and behaviour in the live game. 2.00 2.45 Live Hand exercises – pros review your play 2.45 3.15 What happened next? Analysis of some TV hands 3.15 3.45 Break with sandwiches 3.45 4.30 Stuart Rutter: calculating tournament M and opponents’ hand ranges: the differences between live and online 4.30 5.15 Live Hand exercises – pros review your play 5.15 5.30 Break 5.30 6.15 Jeff Kimber: Satellites to live events – how to win your way to the big events online and what changes to make when you get there. 6.15 7.00 Live Hand exercises – pros review your play 7.00 7.30 Break 7.30 - Exclusive tournament for GUKPT academy attendees with over £1000 in GUKPT tournament tickets given away in prizes The GUKPT Academy pros Jeff Kimber Jeff is a GUKPT sponsored pro. He’s cashed for over a quarter of a million dollars in each of the last four years, including being World Heads Up Champion in Barcelona in 2007 and narrowly missing out on a $2500 PLO bracelet in 2009. He’s a mainstay of the UK live circuit with a GUKPT win at Walsall in 2008. Stuart Rutter Stuart is a Cambridge maths graduate who has become one of the most prolific mid/high stakes cash game players on Blue Square Poker. He is also a successful regular on the live tournament circuit, making the Final Table of both 2008 and 2009 GUKPT Grand Finals. Alex Rousso Alex is a Unibet sponsored pro. He has a PhD in evolutionary psychology and has taught university undergraduates. The head tutor of Bluff Europe Poker Academy and columnist for Bluff Europe (as “Pickleman”), he started his poker career by spinning an initial $300 investment into $50k, working his way up from $0.25/0.50 limit HE to $5/$10 PLO.

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London hope you all enjoy this guys, if i wasnt representing PL at DTD i would have loved this, if you get any more Paul,for future events i think this could go down even better :ok big up to Blue Square and yourself

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Re: Up to 10 Tickets to Bluff Poker Academy - Sun March 28th - The Vic London Ok guys, you just turn up and tell main reception you are on the list for Bluff Academy. :ok Sunday 28th GUKPT Academy, London Seminar subject: The transition to the live arena Pros: Jeff Kimber, Stuart Rutter Seminar: 1pm - 7pm Tournament: 7.30pm onwards "The Vic" casino, London 150-162 Edgware Road London, W2 2DT

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