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Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running)-FINISHED

billy the punter

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Home now and gutted. 10 off the money (£8000+) to the winner. Played well and did very little wrong. Reraising with air for hours just to keep in the game. The final hand was sickening as the dealer incorrectly asked two players for blinds. I declared all in with Ad4d (had 10 bbs, 7 handed). He then said the blinds were incorrect and that there was only one blind. I'm not saying I would not have shoved, but it made my move less value. It was marginal as it was. I'm not sure what I would've done to be honest. Once I shoved I couldn't call for a ruling or anything because, a) I knew the bet would stand, and b) it would show weakness. The Gutshot forum says I bet and called two shoves, that's incorrect. I had 10 bbs there was only one move, my chips were all-in first. I wish I had raised, as I would've found a fold - odds or no odds. Got called behind by AK and AQ! I didn't outdraw. The three races were killer, just one would've put him above average and I wouldn't have been low and forced to gamble. Not only did I lose three flips when down to three tables, I shoved four times with less than 10bbs (short handed) and didn't get called. I had JJ, KK, AK, QQ. Sorry guys but it just wasn't my night. I wouldn't have done any different and I'm finally happy with my live game once again. Not playing online constantly is helping (so hard to get both right together I find). Hopeful for the remainder.

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Gotta agree with the Polish maestro ..... it will come :ok good luck tonight ..... at least try and get on the feature tableand cause some havoc ..... will make watching the stream more interesting :loon

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Sorry guys, early exit tonight. Terrible seat draw, was 10 handed and 8 of my 9 opponents were regular cash game players. 7 are regulars in the £1/£1 game there (you can imagine what they are like), this was the lowest buy in of the festival and great value so everyone wanted to try their luck - the other player is medium/high stakes online cash player. 95% of pots were raised before the cut-off. You couldn't even call a raise light because many hands were three bet (at least). No stealing opportunies obviously and I was totally card dead. You need cards in this scenario and all I could do was keep folding. Didn't even have 8c7c to with, it was all garbage. Anyone after 2hrs (the first break) I managed to be over starting stack. I called a raise (through frustration) with K6o and hit two-pair, there was no post-flop betting but it meant I started after the break with around 11k (starting stack 10k) - I was over the moon. First level back and I saw my best hand of the night (to that point), now I know people always say this sort of thing but believe me, 2hrs and a few minutes in and I finally got a hand. Ah7h. Yes, that's it. Anyway, I raise to 700 (bb 200) in the cut-off (rare time it had gotten that fair with no raise). The small stack on the button (who had been small for at least 1hr) shoved for 1800. Auto-call for me obviously unfortunately. He had JJ, I flop a flush draw but no improvement. Down to 9000. A round or so later, I pick up another monster, 88 in middle position. I raise to 900 (bb 300) The short-stack I'd just doubled up moves in again. Now for around 3400. 2500 and there was over 5k in the pot. Have to call. He has AA this time, the lucky f*cker. The shorty finds two monsters when I've raised and was priced in each time. So I have around 6000. Couple of hands later, UTG limps! Three more limpers. I cannot believe it, finally a chance to play a flop. I call 300 with JTo. Flop Td 6d 2s Checked to me, I bet around the pot, 1500. I caller. The guy who called me is a player I have played cash with many, many times. There is no way he would check-call a monster on this board. I am definitely in front. No question, 1000%. Turn is 7c. Now if I know I'm in front on the flop, I have to put him on diamonds (?). The 7c certainly doesn't change anything. He checks. I have 4500 left, there is 4500 ish in the pot. I could've checked it down from here, but I was so convinced I was winning on the flop (you have to trust me on this one). So in fear of the diamonds, I shove. He calls. T7 was his hand. :puke Called 1500 on the flop when well behind, and I was totally right, my JT was well clear on the flop. You can understand my following up my bet given the facts. Didn't really happen, card dead on a maniac table - nightmare. Ah well, Saturday is the big one, 25k to the winner. If I can get some help with the cards it would be handy.

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) That's the pain of playing live. Online you have 5 tables opened and hands are coming. Live game is a nightmare if it comes to that. I played live few days ago and over 3 levels had no cards. No two face cards together, A9 and 55 was all. Few hands after the break got KK and lost AIPF to 99 (Q82 J 10) and was dead soon after. It's frustrating, but nothing you can do. We still love the game. Next one please :hope.

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) "Next one please" !!!!!!!!!! Hen - couldn't have put it better myself - it is so frustrating but as you say part and parcel of the game. Unlucky Bill - but better to run good in the big one at the weekend than a total luckfest of last night's efforts. Would love to see the comparison of total flops seen per level between the two comps! Is mattywallace (posted earlier on the thread) any relation? Must be a brother , no?!

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running)

Thanks chaps. That's settled then, a switch to the live games it is. $910 staked $1382.20 returned $2590 left to stake, or £1605. The remaining games will be... London Masters (The International) 28th Feb £100+10 HORSE 1st Mar £200+20 NLHE 3rd Mar £100+10 NLHE 5th Mar £200+20 PLO Double Chance 6th Mar £500+50 NLHE Main Event The Vic 10th Mar £200+20 NLHE Deepstack Totals £1430 Leaves £175, this will be added to the returns if another suitable tournament is not found. This was mentioned above but in case it was missed by some: Due to the added expense of live play (cabs etc) the deal will have to change to make up +60% of profits, rather than than 70%. Therefore 1 share will now be worth 0.6% of profits in addition to return of entire stake. Hope that is ok, my expenses will be around £300 for the live games so I think it's fair. :ok
Supposed to be playing the £200 PLO tonight but there is a rumour the field will be small. The PLO there usually struggles to hit 40 runners and with it being Friday night, and a day before the main event many are likely to swerve. It's no good if it's a small field, it's also worth considering that 90% of a small field will know eachother well - as a result, in the last festival PLO there was a 7-way chop. If there is a big field it will run late and I don't want a late night before the main event, in order to secure a seat I will need to be at the club before 1pm tomorrow you see. I'm going to leave it tonight and be fresh for the big one tomorrow. Here's where we are at.... Before the live games: $910 staked $1382.20 returned $2590 left to stake, or £1605. Live games: London Masters (The International) 28th Feb £100+10 HORSE 1st Mar £200+20 NLHE 3rd Mar £100+10 NLHE 6th Mar £500+50 NLHE Main Event The Vic 10th Mar £200+20 NLHE Deepstack This now leaves £395 (the original 175+ the PLO 220) left to be staked. The International offer extra chips for £5 (£10 for main event) for those who early-reg, obviously I've take them up on this and will do for tomorrow. Therefore and extra £25 has been staked. So we actually have £370 left over. If I do not make day two of the main event I will play the final London Masters event (£60 F/O) on Sunday. There are also a few at the Vic early next week. I will use the money up with them. This will not over run. Any money not used by the 11th March will be returned as winnings. Hope this all makes sense.
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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Heeeere we go... David Anderson 147,500 Akhtar 146,800 Paul Parker 134,700 Sami Yusuf 131,000 Vince G 117,600 Joan Hadley 95,400 Miriam 91,800 Andy T 83,600 Ric Prola 83,100 Nico 80,200 Brian Johnson 74,800 The rest... Tony Stevens 12,200 Jonathon Martin 43,100 Adrian Murray 38,500 Baka 34,400 Gassian David 22,200 Daniel Rudd 41,800 Kirit 60,600 Mark Wraith 16,000 Tony Mackay 53,000 Robin Dhinsa 45,500 Jonathan Raab 30,900 Billy Wallace 51,600 Bring on tomorrow! I'm off for a two hour journey home to get some kip! gl mate

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Re: Season Finale (Sold Out & Off and Running) Hey bud ....... chin up ;) Last year I flew to the UK for my 1 live event, played for 2 days and finished 14th when it paid ten ....... not quite the same stakes but I know how you feel. It's draining ...... but life goes on ....... and there's always the next game to put the record straight :ok Can't win 'em all but you certainly showed you were more than capable of taking down that field. Following some of the other hands it seemed there was a fair sprinkle of luck for some that made it to the top 20. Tomorrow you on it ?

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