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poker tracker is killing online poker


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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker Just read it now it's not a very long article so he (jamie reeve) doesn't actually give concrete reasons why trackers could spell the end other then saying 'it will put noobs off' which is fair enough. He mentions poker sites keep quiet about trackers and that's a sign the owners know it will put off noobs, but FTP openly work with cardrunners and someone told me betfair have some link with deucescracked so that's 2 i know of off the cuff. Plus he doesn't mention the biggest 'tracking device' of the moment which is holdemmanager. I think that trackers etc. will make the games a lot tougher for yrs to come but i don't see how it'll ever put noobs off, as after all if they're noobs they're just there to gamble anyways right.

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker He doesn't mention HEM, but to be fair that's not really relevant to the point. I think the whole issue around tracking software is really interesting, which is why we ran the article. It is certainly something that should be more openly disucssed. It's certainly an interesting 'problem' for the poker sites to look into. An ideal situation for them would probably be everyone of an equal standard with the money slowing being passed around and everyone losing to rake. But is it really good for business for there to be, as we see a lot these days, tables with 4-5 good regs using tracking software and having a significant edge on the 1-2 fish? Jamie does make a good point that the key to keep a losing player coming back for more is that they have the illusion they are winning frequently enough for it to be enjoyable. If every single time you sit down you get beaten up by a table of good players that will quickly cease to be fun. If you are JUST a gambler, there are easier and less embarassing ways of gambling (roulette, blackjack etc etc). Noobs surely also means players learning the game, and players who are too lazy to learn more etc Sorry for epic post. Just my two cents. I haven't made my mind up either way to be honest...

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker

Jamie does make a good point that the key to keep a losing player coming back for more is that they have the illusion they are winning frequently enough for it to be enjoyable. If every single time you sit down you get beaten up by a table of good players that will quickly cease to be fun.
Huge myth in my opinion. Tracking software does not, in my experience, make good players beat up the bad players any more than they already did. Bad players have always lost most of the time. Tracking software has not made that into them losing 100% of the time. The main advantage of tracking software is that a player can improve his play against other good players. It's easy to spot and exploit leaks in bad players, tracker or not.
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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker Do you not think tracking software has the ability to help turn average players into good players? To make my point more clear. Do you not feel that there is an increasing polarisation of the player base caused by info site and tracking software? Or at least the potential for there to be so? In other words there are only good players (lots) and bad players (a few) and not much in between? I don't think that is true at lower levels, but talking to a lot of the top pros they seem to think it is at the higher levels for sure...

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker

I haven't made my mind up either way to be honest...
Indeed, in the same issue "Tracking Edge: How HUDs can keep you ahead of the competition" :tongue2 Not that that necessarily implies an opinion on the macro picture of PT, just that whilst it's there ......
Tracking software does not' date=' in my experience, make good players beat up the bad players any more than they already did.[/quote'] Does it not allow good players to play more tables well than they otherwise could? Bad players will typically only be on one table - if the good players are all on 10 tables, then it's far harder to find yourself on a table with the bad players - you'll just end up playing with tables of good regulars...
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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker I think they help the multi tablers. If your good and only playing 1 table (and your concentrating) you should be able to size up your opponents. When you are playing lots of tables (someone I know plays 20) you couldn't possibly pay enough attention so the Trackers help them make decisions. The sites won't ban them because they want people going for Super nova elite etc as they make shed loads from the rake.

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker Perhaps I am being naive, but what is wrong with the old approach of taking notes (or not in my case;)) and if you meet the same guy again, you may have some idea of how they play. These software packages will not as stated above turn a bad player into a good one, but it gives some players an undeniable advantage. I would personally ban them immediately and create a level playing field in this regard. It won't happen, I know that, but it just feels wrong somehow to me.

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker As said before the rooms love them as it encourages churn Do they hurt bad players ? Yes, I think they do. I've called down big bluffs on players based on their record and stats that I wouldn't have made based just what I saw at the table.

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker i know that if there was a site that these couldnt run on i would play it all the time as hornet says whats the matter with making notes how do you people that use these play live or cant you without all these trackers, beacause surely at the end of the day poker is a card game best played live

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker Whatever poker tracker is doing its not killing online poker, its one of the reasons why certain people play it now. Guess it just natural evolution. Theres one or two on here who were pretty awful players before they started using a program to play the game for them and they would have been lost to the game for ever without poker tracker. As for there being just good and bad players there is a milion levels in between and poker players cant be that easily pigeon holed. Some sites have beginner tables were only newcomers can play and with pokerstars able to ban sharksope I would think it would be easy for them to open tables that would not allow poker tracker as well as ones that do. But thats never going to happen as a couple of kids with PT generate more rake than all the casual player they are fleecing put together.

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Re: poker tracker is killing online poker

Theres one or two on here who were pretty awful players before they started using a program to play the game for them and they would have been lost to the game for ever without poker tracker.
I can only assume (given your response to my thread) that I am one of these players you refer to. I should, therefore, point out that I am a winning live cash player, where obviously no-one is using trackers.
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