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Re: Railing

For those of you that know Rob 'swinebag' Swindells he finished 2nd in the Sunday warm up last night for $95K :eek Top Man :clap
Out of everything tonight, and noseying around, I see that they are re-running the FT of this now.
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Re: Railing still in gone from 4th to 9th to 6th to 1st from 1st to 6th Worse hands preflop allin being winners Just went allin with KQ against AK and won then all in with 10-10 aginst K3 and he hits his K well as typing this i went out in 8th My KQs beat by AJ , he hits his A

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Re: Railing out in 37th with this beat FFS:@:@:@:@ ***** Hand 1696509276 ***** 2000.00/4000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 21 July 2009 22:13:35 €1,500 GTD REBUY (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Unknown (0.00) Seat 2: AAHall (42661.00) Seat 3: Unknown (0.00) Seat 4: slawjan (112807.00) Seat 5: inhum8 (83819.00) Seat 6: gump27 (197485.00) Seat 7: chrisjulle (70375.00) Seat 8: quizzle (48154.00) Seat 9: Robikaa1 (4604.00) Seat 10: Madmike13 (45910.00) slawjan post SB 2000.00 inhum8 post BB 4000.00 ** Deal ** AAHall [Ac, Kc] slawjan [N/A, N/A] inhum8 [N/A, N/A] gump27 [N/A, N/A] chrisjulle [N/A, N/A] quizzle [N/A, N/A] Robikaa1 [N/A, N/A] Madmike13 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** gump27 Fold chrisjulle Fold quizzle Fold Robikaa1 Fold Madmike13 Raise to 8000.00 AAHall All-in 42661.00 slawjan Fold inhum8 Fold Madmike13 Call 42661.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [7s, 2h, Qh] *** Turn(Board): *** : [7s, 2h, Qh, 4h] *** River(Board): *** : [7s, 2h, Qh, 4h, 9h] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 94522.00 AAHall [Ac, Kc] Highest card ace Win: 0.00 slawjan Fold Win: 0.00 inhum8 Fold Win: 0.00 gump27 Fold Win: 0.00 chrisjulle Fold Win: 0.00 quizzle Fold Win: 0.00 Robikaa1 Fold Win: 0.00 Madmike13 [Qd, Kd] Pair of queens Win: 94522.00

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