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PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion

Guest gazza271

PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion  

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Dave488 beat me 2-1. Very enjoyable games mate (well the first 2 anyway - I'm gonna have nightmares about K5o in the 3rd!! :lol) Well played mate. Good luck in the rest of them. :ok

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Has taken me and Hodgey a while to eventually play our game, but it was worth the wait. Three cracking games, which could have gone either way. I eventually scrapped through 2 - 1. Well played Hodgey though, could have easily gone the either way.:ok

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings well played Good luck in the next round

Just had 3 very tough but enjoyable games with pistonbroke' date=' managed to scrape through 2-1, each game could of gone either way, just had the right cards at the right time.[/quote']
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Just had a cracking game with wallg. Ended up coming through 2-1. Well played mate:ok
Well played mate vgg - i was just praying for that straight to hit at the end of that second game :lol Good luck in the next round :hope
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Guest gazza271

Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Table updated :ok We need to get a move on now with some of the games, there are some 2nd round games that have yet to be played. If unable to get them completed over next couple of days we may have to start looking at awarding bye's to keep the tournament moving.

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Nade v Oddsoxzmazz - maisie has posted elsewhere that she's not playing much at the moment and as she's not logged on since 19/5 I think we'd have to assume she is unavailable. Unless Nade has been in touch and made arrangments?

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Guest gazza271

Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Table updated :ok

Nade v Oddsoxzmazz - maisie has posted elsewhere that she's not playing much at the moment and as she's not logged on since 19/5 I think we'd have to assume she is unavailable. Unless Nade has been in touch and made arrangments?
I agree and will show Nade the bye. Maisie has a lot on her plate at the moment and we all know that poker is not high on her list of prioritys at the moment - and rightly so. I will send her a PM explaining.
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Rosco beat me 2 -1, well played m8 Three cracking games, first 2 could have gone either way and on the 3rd i should have laid down final hand had no need to call with only top pair, still hey ho thats the way it goes. All the best for the coming rounds rosco and hopefully i can say i was knocked out by the champ.:ok

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

I agree and will show Nade the bye. Maisie has a lot on her plate at the moment and we all know that poker is not high on her list of prioritys at the moment - and rightly so. I will send her a PM explaining.
Nade, are you free to play this after the league game tonight?
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Nade' date=' are you free to play this after the league game tonight?[/quote'] I'm free, but don't want to play in the evening as my net connection is dodgy at best at night, plus i'm knackered from a marathon poker session, was -$400 at one pt, now near break even, but i can play tomorrow day or late afternoon, but busy after 6:30.
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

I'm free' date=' but don't want to play in the evening as my net connection is dodgy at best at night, plus i'm knackered from a marathon poker session, was -$400 at one pt, now near break even, but i can play tomorrow day or late afternoon, but busy after 6:30.[/quote'] Bad timing for me for daytime rest of week - got my deliveries to sort out and it generally takes me all day to get them ready, then I'm out from late aft. Might be OK if I get ahead tonight. I'll log in after 12.00 tomorrow and see if we can sort out a time. :ok
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Might be Ok after 4.00, but not definite, still working. Then I've got to go out at 5.30. If not today, I'm not free til Sunday from around 5.00 ish if that's any good for you Nade? I'll pop back around 4.00 to update. :ok

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Avon's through 2-0. I played very well, but not a lot i can do card dead and when i hit a hand - straight over straight, top pair lost to straight, also top pair vs full house and 2 pair over 2 pair, and said she had aces 4 times in 2 games ... etc etc. :( So bon voyage, GL.

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Yeah good game Steve, Every time I got a nibble of the flop you were re-raising me. Good luck with the next round. It would be nice to say I was beaten by the winner. ps. Of course its getting harder, look at the easy run you started with! :lol

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Avon's through 2-0. I played very well, but not a lot i can do card dead and when i hit a hand - straight over straight, top pair lost to straight, also top pair vs full house and 2 pair over 2 pair, and said she had aces 4 times in 2 games ... etc etc. :( So bon voyage, GL.
Just back home. Had a great HU with Nade.:clap (Well, I probably enjoyed it more than him). We were getting a bit short of time in game 2 and I was well down when I managed to hit a few hands in succession (again) including yet another AA (I did have them 4 times, but don't think I had any other big pairs :tongue2).
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Guest gazza271

Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Table updated :ok Chatoman/Woodie, unfortunately your's is now the only game holding people up :sad. We need to get it completed by the end of the weekend or we will need to start looking at bye's.

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Table updated :ok Chatoman/Woodie, unfortunately your's is now the only game holding people up :sad. We need to get it completed by the end of the weekend or we will need to start looking at bye's.
I know... im very sorry about it :spank, i just saw and there is already a finalist in the other branch. Ill pm woodie right away and see if hes available today. Im free today, from 14pm EST til midnight i guess :$ Regards
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