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PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion

Guest gazza271

PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion  

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings ***** Hand 1091433617 ***** 15.00/30.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 22 May 2008 20:15:15 Private Lounge 2 (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Dreamkillr (2110.00) Seat 2: PLSully (2890.00) PLSully post SB 15.00 Dreamkillr post BB 30.00 ** Deal ** Dreamkillr [N/A, N/A] PLSully [Kh, 10h] *** Bet Round 1 *** PLSully Raise to 60.00 Dreamkillr Call 60.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ks, 7s, 7c] *** Bet Round 2 *** Dreamkillr Check PLSully Bet 120.00 Dreamkillr Call 120.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Ks, 7s, 7c, 2s] *** Bet Round 3 *** Dreamkillr Check PLSully Bet 360.00 Dreamkillr Call 360.00 *** River(Board): *** : [Ks, 7s, 7c, 2s, Kd] *** Bet Round 4 *** Dreamkillr Bet 540.00 PLSully All-in 2350.00 Dreamkillr All-in 1570.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4220.00 Dreamkillr [2h, 7d] Full house Win: 0.00 PLSully [Kh, 10h] Full house Win: 4220.00

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Lucky river 1st game. You took me down to less the 600 chips 2nd game, then i just hit everything that i was dealt. when you pushed final had with 9-3 os I thought you wer going to hit the river 9 or 3, to get back in it. I enjoyed the game, well played:clap:clap:clap

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Just been given a lesson by daveygh - lost 2-1 (and was pretty lucky to get the 1, to be honest). Using Swampster's tried and tested "see a face card and raise" option, I thought I'd ragged the decider when my A5 made 2 pair on the turn, only for davey to draw a 4th club on the river to go with his JJ. :hope with the rest. Good fun though, and I'd definitely be up for doing it again.

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings 2-0 to AvonGirl Well played Helen :clap:clap Caught me bluffing in the 1st game and and I thought you were bluffing in the 2nd then cracked my AA with a nice flop for a flush. :lol

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Just beat jumalix 2-0 after hitting a house on the river to beat his flush in the second game. gg mate:ok
Well Played Mr I....didn't hit nothing tonight.when i finally hit a flush you got your FH. GG and good luck next rounds:hope
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Think you were a bit unlucky really mate. When you had a hand I either had a monster or complete trash that was easy to muck. Lost the second game when I got too attached to A 10, other than that I seemed to hit the flop almost every hand. Long may it last.

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

:cheersJust beat Red Fear 2-0 Good game M8:cheers Had the run of the cards again
Well done and good luck against Goater. :clap I should have taken the first game more seriously, but well played in the second one. :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Table updated :ok Any errors/omissions feel free to shout :ok

OK guys' date=' away for the weekend and wont be back until late Monday. If you want the 2nd round fixtures completed by then, please hand a bye to [b']wallg. Thanks :ok
Mate as long as we can get it played by Tuesday evening should be ok :ok
still no sign of Sm0K3rz :sad:sad:sad
No sign and dont believe any contact - cannot wait any longer for a 1st round match so have awarded you the bye :ok Well played all so far, seems to be being played in the usual fantastic PL spirit :clap:clap:clap
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings Ty Duke you had me dead the first game it was a bit crazy of to to call my allin with 10 3 to double me up, had you not done that you'd have beaten me for sure. The 2nd game I think you just cracked up

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Originally Posted by stewartd14 viewpost.gif OK guys, away for the weekend and wont be back until late Monday. If you want the 2nd round fixtures completed by then, please hand a bye to wallg. Thanks :ok Mate as long as we can get it played by Tuesday evening should be ok :ok
Tuesday after 8pm is ok with me :ok
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Daveygh beats me 2-1, first and last games were excellent games. Well Played Dave :clap:clap:clap Very enjoyable, even if you did hit some lucky rivers;):lol
thanks kev they were excellent games , could easily have gone either way:clap just glad lady luck was on my side a few times:$
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Mate as long as we can get it played by Tuesday evening should be ok
Hi Gazza, myself and Hodgey were supposed to be playing our 2nd round game tonight, but unfortunately he is unwell and cannot play tonight, says he is happy for me to have a bye, but i would much rather we got to play our match. So basically is it ok if we play our game tomorrow night, or is that too late?
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Hi Gazza, myself and Hodgey were supposed to be playing our 2nd round game tonight, but unfortunately he is unwell and cannot play tonight, says he is happy for me to have a bye, but i would much rather we got to play our match. So basically is it ok if we play our game tomorrow night, or is that too late?
its all academic Dave, cos either will be out next round:lol:lol:lol im in no rush for next round as wont be able to play for at least 4 days
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Sorry mate meant to send you a PM but ran out of time. Tuesday after 8 sounds good to me. :ok
Sorry mate, really dont have time for this. Gazza, can you give wallg a bye please. Dont have time to sit down and play Poker atm. :ok
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Guest gazza271

Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings

Hi Gazza, myself and Hodgey were supposed to be playing our 2nd round game tonight, but unfortunately he is unwell and cannot play tonight, says he is happy for me to have a bye, but i would much rather we got to play our match. So basically is it ok if we play our game tomorrow night, or is that too late?
its all academic Dave, cos either will be out next round:lol:lol:lol im in no rush for next round as wont be able to play for at least 4 days
No worries guys :ok
Sorry mate, really dont have time for this. Gazza, can you give wallg a bye please. Dont have time to sit down and play Poker atm. :ok
Sorry to hear it mate:\, will show Wallg through later when update the table :ok
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