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PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion

Guest gazza271

PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion  

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion Thanks guys. They are great screenshots Gaf and give a very good indication of how the game played out. Led Davey by about 1k the first game and with blinds at 100/200 I stupidly put Davey allin with QJ he had QQ. Made a rash move with the 10 4 hand as i was getting frustrated and short but played solidly after that. Thanks for the game Davey definitely the toughest of the lot and thanks to PokerKings and PL for sorting this out really enjoyed it. (and thanks for the screenshots Gaf)

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion

Thanks for the game Davey definitely the toughest of the lot and thanks to PokerKings and PL for sorting this out really enjoyed it. (and thanks for the screenshots Gaf)
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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion 6 3os is the new 7 2os Hornet you should know that by now Yep I was nearly gone in that game against you Hornet I remember it well, but it's the eye of the tiger it's the thrill of the fight rising up to the challenge of a rival:lol.

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion Congratulations SteveO! :clap :clap :clap :clap Unlucky Dave, but a superb performance none the less. :clap :clap Thanks Gazza for your work in this. :notworthy :clap Cheers for the report Gaf? :ok

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Re: PL exclusive Heads Up tournament with PokerKings - SteveO is champion Well done Steve O :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap As soon as 3rd/4th has been decided via a playoff I will email PokerKings and sort out payment :ok (plus your flush sub Steve :ok)

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