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Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July


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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July....Pay Here Now Well done Rosco, cracking effort. Does anyone know if Steve Talbot, from EMS, is still in. I had had £2.50e/w on him at 100s, along with Morls and Darren Shallis. Just wondering if I still have a shout, as it said he was v short after the earlier hand. Can't see any info on the APAT site, but neither does it say Ross's exit hand either, so mustnt be up to date

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July....Pay Here Now

Well done Rosco, cracking effort. Does anyone know if Steve Talbot, from EMS, is still in. I had had £2.50e/w on him at 100s, along with Morls and Darren Shallis. Just wondering if I still have a shout, as it said he was v short after the earlier hand. Can't see any info on the APAT site, but neither does it say Ross's exit hand either, so mustnt be up to date
i was looking at Day 1 thread!! :lol Found the info now
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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July....Pay Here Now Well played Ross, especially for giving us a reason for going back to the casino today :clap Also a mention for Gaz who was going well and was unlucky not to at least get into the points (top 50). My own tournament wasn't too great. I was determined to get involved early (in contrast to the WSOP) so raised with AJh (very first hand) and AQh and AK and 77 and 66 within the first half-hour but hit nothing and ended up folding postflop. Did start hitting though and eventually got to 12k at best until raising 1200 with 66 and calling a further 4k to the shortstack BB all-in with 77, no help to either on the board. A few hands later raised 2.5k with AQ but put all-in by the table bigstack BB with JJ and I was out after a board with a couple of kings but not the overcards I needed. Tournament as a whole was played in a good spirit. Can't report on which team won as we came away after Lou Saban went out in 10th place :clap but was looking like being the Bristol & South West Meetup. :ok

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July....Pay Here Now final result of the team champs Bristol 157 Raise the river 139 FISO 122 EMS 91 apat 88 Newcastle 75 Gutshot 73 ukpl 71 UKFF 66 Furness 57 THMF 57 LPM 51 Poker Player 48 Chezger 42 Punters 39 blonde 37 AWOP 22 gambling uk 22 LIP 11 Time for Poker 7

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July Had a great weekend in Blackpool, was good to meet up with fellow PLers again! As for the poker, enjoyed trhis game a lot! I managed to get up to about 14/15k but then went onto lose about 8k in one pot and stayed steady on 5k/6k for about 2 hours! I then doubled up with JQc when I hit top two pair on the flop, then went onto double up again with 10Js when hitting the nut straight! Eventually got upto about 50k before blowing up with 88 against JJ. Blinds 1k/2k, i limped in mide position, big stack raised to 8k which I called, flop came down 9 5 5, he bet another 8k, I thought that was a continuation and instantly put him on AJ, AQ, and re-raised to 24k, he went into the tank and went all in, I look down at my stack and realise I only have about 12k left and with a 60k+ pot in the middle I figured I couldnt really fold and made the call :wall Jacks held and that was me in 65th! However was a good experience and really enjoyed it, I think a lack of experience in these games played a part in the eventual outcome! A big well done to Ross (Rosco) for finishing 12th and getting all of the PL points! :clap Will see some of you guys in newcastle in two weeks! :beer

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July still a bit peeved about 2 hands that could have seen me well into the points . one was calling a short stacks 8k all in when i was on around 23k i had ak him k 10 ,:wallhe hit a 10. then i called a 20k all in from the bubble with me on about the same in the bb. she had j5 i had aj , the flop came a k 8 turn q river 10 for a split:wall:wall enjoyed it tho, just gutted to last just over 8 hours for nowt:sad

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July If nobody else will say it I will ;) The other forums had better players, thats why they did better, can we not just give credit where it is due? Though I think some teams were taking it more seriously than us, I think all of us tried to play our game and nobody belittled the challenge. People took out a lot of time, effort and money to attend this weekend, so I doubt anybody was chucking the towel in. So a big thanks to everyone who made the effort :clap:clap:clap and well done Ross :clap:clap:clap I personally do not have any excuses or bad beats I just played bad on what was a very easy table, I lost the first hand and then continued to lose every hand after that, it happens some days.

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July congrats on making the money Ross, I think you did a runner at the right time as there was a dispute over paying out too much for the early cashers. good to bump into a number of you again this weekend, and hopefully see a few more in September at DTD.

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July yeah casino made a mistake with what they had put up on the screen and then tried to claim it all back, which was never going to happen, so I understand they accepted their mistake, but the FT got paid what had been previously advertised on the APAT site.

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July

If nobody else will say it I will ;) The other forums had better players, thats why they did better, can we not just give credit where it is due? Though I think some teams were taking it more seriously than us, I think all of us tried to play our game and nobody belittled the challenge. People took out a lot of time, effort and money to attend this weekend, so I doubt anybody was chucking the towel in. So a big thanks to everyone who made the effort :clap:clap:clap and well done Ross :clap:clap:clap I personally do not have any excuses or bad beats I just played bad on what was a very easy table, I lost the first hand and then continued to lose every hand after that, it happens some days.
And some even managed to keep awake moz-screenshot.jpgmoz-screenshot-1.jpg
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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July I was only socially confused Great to meet up again as always Just got back in, continued when i got home last night and today So will sleep all today tmrw Well done all that cashed I think them rides have cocked my back up though im stiff as hell, even after the Casino would not let me back in for being socially confused!! See you all soon Joe

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Re: Apat Live Forum Challenge, Blackpool 19 July

Washy was making re-raises all in on bluffs for a laugh
I only re-raised all-in once, when I flopped open ended straight draw :\ I thought I'd try seeing a few flops to see what developed. Although my play in the cash games was a bit odd late on :tongue2 Sorry - I remember another re-raise now, but I did have flush draw.
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