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martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

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hi all second post and possibly the bit where i get a reputation for being a muppet but here goes. I am sure you all understand the martingale system but if you are willing to risk lots of cash for small reward then maybe it should not be quickly dismissed. Basically I am thinking of using the martingale system (chasing my losses) on corals's virtual football game. My plan is to pick 5 teams at the start of the season, bet the draw for each of my 5 teams, every game until they draw and increase the stake to recover my losses ( i stop once they have drawn). from a quick review of previous results and knowledge of football most teams will draw within 10 games, frequently on coral a team will go 14 games before a draw and the biggest run i have seen is 22 games. I am only aiming to make £1 per team and at average odds of about 4s i think i need a kitty of about £300 for a worse case scenario. You are probably thinking i am nuts but the virtual football runs contstantly therefore although you only make £1 per team you will make £5 for about 15 minutes work risking upto £50 (for 14 game run) and the likelyhood is only 1 of your teams will go on this run. I can do this every hour until my pot builds up and then i can raise my stake. I pressume the random number generators for these type of games has to allow for a draw soon er or late. Unlike the similar systems used on the roulette wheels, at these prices it is highly unlicky that you will hit the house limit and your risk factor goes up relatively slowly for such a dangerous system. You will probably be glad to know im only planning to try this with money i have taken off the bookies in free bets :loon Id love to know what you all think cheers j

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! hi i do think you can make money with virtual football, but you do have to have a decent system. having said that, i dont think that the "martingale" is the way to go. i use a staking plan to win a target amount, on a loss i adjust my stake according to the odds offered to re-coup my loss & gain my target. whatever you do, practice on the "fun money" first. unlike the online roulette the virtual football fun money sites have the same(i have checked) results as the "real money" site. good luck. harold.

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! thanks harold90, maybe i have misunderstood the martingale system somewhere. i plan to win a target amount (ie £1 per team) and i adjust my stake to cover my losses and gain my target depending on the odds available so i think i am doing the same as you. Please let me know if this is not the case. Ive had a go on the fun money and played for real until i lost the £50 in my account but i think with £300 i should be okay!!!! they do say a fool and his money are easily parted!!!

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

thanks harold90, maybe i have misunderstood the martingale system somewhere. i plan to win a target amount (ie £1 per team) and i adjust my stake to cover my losses and gain my target depending on the odds available so i think i am doing the same as you. Please let me know if this is not the case. Ive had a go on the fun money and played for real until i lost the £50 in my account but i think with £300 i should be okay!!!! they do say a fool and his money are easily parted!!!
hi your staking is the same as mine. you must have a adequate bank. the sytem is up to you. harold.
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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

i use a staking plan to win a target amount, on a loss i adjust my stake according to the odds offered to re-coup my loss & gain my target.
That is the martingale system. Misunderstanding may be that many think the martingale system is doubling up each time. This is simply because its often applied to EVS odds bets so therefore doubling up is necessary to achieve the desired outcome.
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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! Virtual football is exactly the same as roulette. It has an in build ‘margin’ – the bookmaker’s profit - and results are random. So in the long run you will loose money whatever staking plan you will use.

The only way a bettor has a ‘chance’ to win money by betting is at the cases that involve judgment. If your judgment about the outcome of an event is better than the ‘chances’ taken from odds then you will eventually win.


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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

Virtual football is exactly the same as roulette. It has an in build ‘margin’ – the bookmaker’s profit - and results are random. So in the long run you will loose money whatever staking plan you will use.

The only way a bettor has a ‘chance’ to win money by betting is at the cases that involve judgment. If your judgment about the outcome of an event is better than the ‘chances’ taken from odds then you will eventually win.

I completely agree & I'd never trust a virtual game run by a bookmaker. I've lost a fair bit of money in the past with similar systems I thought could not lose. e.g. It's incredible how many times a virtual roulette ball lands on '0' twice in succession (far more often than the odds of approx 1000/1 suggest!) & you'll regularly get a run of 15 to 20 0n one colour. I'm older & wiser now, so wouldn't go near one of those games! However, I have had some success using the martindale system on draws in real football matches, where some skill & judgement is req'd in selecting the matches to bet on, and there is no chance of a conspiracy against you! but even then, in my experience will only work over a short period, or you will come to a run of 10 matches without finding a draw!
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  • 11 months later...

Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! So what happened? Interested to know because I've been working on a few Martingale-style systems to use on virtual football and have always come up trumps on long betting spells, once I've honed them. How did you get on with yours? One thing I found: start somewhere mid-season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

So what happened? Interested to know because I've been working on a few Martingale-style systems to use on virtual football and have always come up trumps on long betting spells, once I've honed them. How did you get on with yours? One thing I found: start somewhere mid-season.
Hopefully he took the advice & realised that martindale on a virtual game is a big mistake. Please do likewise, unless you need to learn from your own mistakes...as I did, back in the day!
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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! Martingale is always doomed to fail if your selections have negative expectations. It's only math. You could have one of the following two: A) If you play roulette or anything similar where the house have an edge, or if you are betting on football or whatever and have long-term losing selections, eventually you will have a loosing streak that will wipe out your bank. B) If you are very good at betting and have long-term winning selections, that is, you have positive expectations, then there is really no need for loss recovery, you will make a profit anyway. Even in case B, Martingale would be contraproductive, since even a winning bettor will eventually have a longer losing streak than he thought possible. So in this case, Martingale combined with variance will eventually wipe out your bank. But the human mind is very affected by short-term results, so people will always try out loss recovery systems, and learn it the hard way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! PS To punters that might stumble on this - there's not much on the net on virtual football, I see - just to let you know that teams do sometimes go a whole season without drawing. Which is bad for people that are trying to Martingale that. Anyone had a copy of that Frank whatshisname's system for betting on VF? I'd be interested to know what's in there - but not so interested that I want to pay for it. :-) Cheers! badger

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! My own system, by the way, was martingaling the away teams after about the 14th game, once I'd got a good idea of which way they were going, taking the big four as pretty much safe bets - almost always they won within three games and I never, never once saw a team not win on the 7th or 8th game. Went from £32 to £650 pretty easily and thought I was onto a winner. And then Chelsea suddenly lost 6 in a row, drew the 7th, lost another 2, and finished the season without another away win, 11 games in all. Literally had never seen it go beyond 7 or 8 in 40 or 50 seasons - thought I had done my homework - but shows it does happen. Needless to say, I proved to myself that the system doesn't work. Cheers! badger

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! It's a computer program. It's designed to take your money. Combine the two & sooner or later it will work out your betting pattern and **** you over with a string of results to wipe out your bank. I used to do it with virtual racing, dutching on every race. Turned £20 into £500 before the losing run started, luckily managed to bail with about £150 left if I recall. Never again.

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  • 3 months later...

coral virtual football - replacing the original results i never knew anything about the martingdale system but after messing about with corals virtual football i noticed the stats and how many draws the overall team would average, and that normally around 6 teams, would be near 15 draws each season. Based on this I started doing a couple of yankees, going for draws on each selection, when i thought that a few draws was due. I would go periods of losing then make it back, sometimes a bit ahead, and sometimes a bit down. However on 2 separate occasions I was doing yankees losing week after week , but kept going as I felt a few draws were due, LO and Behold, almost every match staretd to comeout as a draw, and as the last result comes up, rather than my winnings being calculated, the results started all over again, and a whole load of new results replaced all the draws. I would have won close, or over £1000.00 & 800.00 on each time this happened. I complained to customer services , they said they would forward the details onto the technical team but it never got anywhere, they never responded, I chased it up and again, no one came back to me. On the second occasion this happened (I am a mug for using it again) the customer rep said he could not possibly believe that no one would have acknowledged my last complaint but again the same happened again. Without having any video and them not even responded I just let it go. But I Promise This Did Happen

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! Only just quickly flicked through this thread and from what I can see you are trying what I done last season, for a while anyway? I didn't bet on the virtual Football though, would never do so either. I looked at past stats from previous seasons and saw that Aston Villa were the team most likely to draw most in the season. I started with a £1 stake and doubled up each game, until they drew. I did have the results written down, but don't have them anymore. Won a decent amount of money, but stopped after the fourth game they drew (against Man Utd) if memory serves? You have to have a lot of bottle, and keep doubling up but it is "easy" money. The team will draw eventually, it's just whether they go 5 games , or 25 games when you have to put a LOT of money on. Good luck :)

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  • 6 months later...

Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

The team will draw eventually, it's just whether they go 5 games , or 25 games when you have to put a LOT of money on. Good luck :)
Lol! Yeah, by my calculations I make it a stake of just over 67 million pounds by the 25th game. I take it you never went that far?
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  • 1 year later...

Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! I just lost almost all my money in vurtual football betting with ladbrokes, i discovered that their system has a way of studying your pattern. and there after working against you, until you lose all your money. Or does anyone have a reliable strategy and money management that can profit at the long run? Please if you have, kindly let me know. thanks in advance.

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?!

what system or strategy will you advise we use in virtual football betting
Don't bet on virtual football. ( virtual anything for that matter ) Seriously if you don't understand that then i'd say the bookies are most welcome to your money as you are just about the biggest idiot of a mug punter you can have. ( nothing personal mate )
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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! It is not recommended that you bet on virtual programs, it is so easy for a bookie to place a recognition code to counteract any winning system and at the same time maintain their RNG datum without being traced by gambling standard inspectors and I certainly wouldn’t put it past them.

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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! There is a strike datum for specific selections in this area which forms average cluster effects with the results. Through this some people like to use the martingal system with the inrunning whilst taking into consideration of the laws of large numbers. The split martingal adapted to the specific betting odds can also produce interresting results.

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  • 11 months later...

Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! I stumbled across this post and looked into the doubling up more on this virtual football game. I couldnt find it on Coral, but it seems to be on a few of the gambling websites, including Ladbrokes and bwin. I am using football1x2.com as this, not being one of the big corporate sites, i think they will be less likely to catch onto what i am doing.... I am using a simple doubling up process, but when you compare this to doubling up on roulette there is 29 times you can double up before you cannot go on because you have reached the max stake, PLUS you get 10 goes before you have spent £10 vs spending over £10 by go 6 in roulette. On the below table i have shown how i have been doing it using the minimum price for the draw which is 3/1 (but obviously you get more when the price is more). I have had a fair few nervous moments, but i have yet to see a team go a season without drawing, and for those of you that are cautious about this, you need to look at the odds of a team not drawing for a whole season, which is well over 4000/1. I am doing ok while sitting at home recovering from a knee operation. Wish me luck!! [TABLE=width: 874]

[TR] [TD=colspan: 2]Roulette [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=colspan: 2]football1x2.com [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Rounds [/TD] [TD]Stake [/TD] [TD]Cum Stake [/TD] [TD]Odds [/TD] [TD]Single Win [/TD] [TD]Win after stake [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD]Rounds [/TD] [TD]Stake [/TD] [TD]Cum Stake [/TD] [TD]Odds [/TD] [TD]Single Win [/TD] [TD]Win after stake [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]1 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]0.5 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD]1 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD]4 [/TD] [TD]1.00 [/TD] [TD]0.75 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]0.5 [/TD] [TD]0.75 [/TD] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]1 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]0.33 [/TD] [TD]0.58 [/TD] [TD]4 [/TD] [TD]1.33 [/TD] [TD]0.75 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]3 [/TD] [TD]1 [/TD] [TD]1.75 [/TD] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]2 [/TD] [TD]0.25 [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD]3 [/TD] [TD]0.44 [/TD] [TD]1.03 [/TD] [TD]4 [/TD] [TD]1.78 [/TD] [TD]0.75 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4 [/TD] [TD]2 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Re: martingale the virtual football at corals?!?! Hi, Tommy; :welcome to forum, hope you'll recover soon from your surgery! :welcome If you want to follow progress of your strategy, may I recommend you to start your own thread, rather than continuing this old thread of another member! Just make sure to read Systems & Strategy Forum Rules (or Glory Hunters Forum Rules, I'm not sure now where would that thread fit best), to make it easy to follow, both for you and for us. :ok

i think they will be less likely to catch onto what i am doing....
Unless they stumble accross this thread, like you did... ;)
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