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e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions


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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well played, everyone. :clap According to my calculations, that's 90 points. Which would be our 3rd-highest score of the season. :ok Btw, anybody manage to find out anything about that "best individual" thing? I hadn't heard anything about it until I read it here. But I guess it may well have a bearing on who gets selected to play every week. And if there is a prize - is it for the most wins, most total points, or highest average points? :unsure

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

Btw' date=' anybody manage to find out anything about that "best individual" thing? I hadn't heard anything about it until I read it here. But I guess it may well have a bearing on who gets selected to play every week. And if there is a prize - is it for the most wins, most total points, or highest average points? :unsure[/quote'] I had a good look round the site and couldn't find any mention of it. I know I found the whole thing very confusing at the start so it's probably just something I misunderstood in the beginning. :unsure
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions good effort last night guys, still cant believe kevsul :loon but hey thats poker,, got a problem now guys,3 of us finished 4th and 1 has to drop out but how to choose i dunno, ok, there is a way,i will drop out so team will be : fonzie silentjay goater valiant kippe :ok:ok

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions I've played every game so far, so you can bench me one of these days, if you want. Although I would MUCH prefer taking a Sunday off. Don't have much else to do on Wednesdays. Sundays is usually choc-a-block. (That's assuming there's no individual prize for most points. If there is one afterall, I obviously wouldn't mind keeping the streak going...)

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions I'd best say.....I'm not volunteering to drop out because I go away on the 28th for two weeks, but I doubt I'll have any interest in playing on 27th, so after playing this Wednesday I doubt I'll be available until around the games scheduled for the 17th May. :ok

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions Well, that was fun. 6th for me. Had one of those couldn't-hit-the-side-of-a-barn-with-a-beach-ball nights, which make you wonder why the heck you bother playing. (And how these games could possibly NOT be rigged.) Somehow managed to survive the sitouts, despite having less chips for most of the game. Had 75 chips left at the end. :\ Then finally chucked in the towel with A5s, which, needless to say, wasn't enough. Hope the rest of you guys are having a little more luck...

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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

KQ suited beaten by QJ os... (called half his stack for that pre flop too lol). Almost makes this chronic earache seem less painful. :eyes
By the way, it wasn't me that called! :lol Good game V.......I hate not being able to show my hand or chat! :cry At least we got rid of GaF! :ok TQM
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Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions a great effort guys,i am proud of you,now it is time for the captain to show his worth in the run in :loon.. team for sunday is teaulc silentjay kippe goater fonzie, lets overhaul the pretenders to the throne and get our top spot back :ok and have a great holiday Valiant,see you when you get back

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