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Trillion Treat tonight

Poker Trillion

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Afternoon, Just a quick reminder that tonight is the very 1st (and prob the best value) Trillion Treat. There is one more satellite at 4pm today if you want to avoid paying €109. The treat itself is €5000 added to a €100 Freezeout to kick off at 630pm. This is only on PT and not on the whole network, so will be super value due to limited player numbers. Later in the evening we have our weekly WSOP Mini Satellite. For a €20 entry we guarantee a €320 seat in our monthly final. Last week there were just 6 players! Cheers

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight No doubting that the value games are there on this site. The problem, as stated above, is that Boss sites are always coming into conflict with each other which causes problems for those who use several skins regularly. Tonight for instance there is the PK league, which several of us are in every night at 8.00. And tonight there are also 2 PL games on Virgin. So this leaves very little opportunity to play on Poker Trillion...for tonight at least.

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight Well, to be fair to Poker Trillion, they can hardly schedule this to avoid the PokerKings league (every night!!) can they!!! Different games too - a €3 game and a €100 - probably largely aimed at different markets..... As I said, I really wanted to play the Trllion game, but it came down to more than money - prop bet with ColU I need to win!! and a BPP title to win back - even with multiple machines, I couldn't give Trillion the focus I needed to to justify the buy in, however much was added - :hope I make next weeks though :loon

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight I agree with you up to a point gaf,but i wonder how much more interest there would be in say a 9pm start on a friday for instance,quality value games like this especially with sats are very scarce and yes in the summer can see why the sites may not like them but in the winter/spring season surely would get a great response.Not just talking about the p/t game by the way but all sites seem to be missingout on this market.

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight Friday nights are quiet in the poker world though (Believe it or not, some online poker players have a social life :tongue2) - I can understand PokerTrillion wanting it on a Monday - Thursday Night (Sunday night is the most popular, but EVERYONE has their high value games on a Sunday night!!!)

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight Are you inferring that online poker doesn't count as a social life? (maybe now i am beginning to understand what the missus meant when she asked if we could go somewhere different to "the Ladbrokes-The Kings Etc)

Friday nights are quiet in the poker world though (Believe it or not' date=' some online poker players have a social life :tongue2) - [/quote']
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Re: Trillion Treat tonight Cheers guys :ok Pleased with it - started off well, then went down to 690 chips with 20 left. Managed to treble up with AJ, then raised all-in with 56 to steal blinds but got a caller :( , happy to make straight on river :lol:lol:lol Never looked back after that :cheers

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight Congrats to Washey - what a result! Players this good at MTT's should really have a stab at our league too - much easier than you think to climb up that (Treat and Freeroll's excluded though). On another note of added value, our Las Vegas Mini (€20) went off last night at 1945 with just 5 players! This game guaranteed a ticket to the online monthly €320 final, so there was loads added. Both the treat and the WSOP Mini are on Thursdays, so next week try and play both. Just to comment again on the timing of this game. It's impossible for us to consider other skin specific games on the network with other rooms, apart from working on our own promotions, we also realise that other skins could move or add games at any time. 1830 GMT is early, however from expereince a €109 entry game is generally not played by too many casual players, and will be supported more by semi pro/ full time players. Also, it finished at a nice time (still time for the winners to celebrate with a pint in their local!) and meant a starting time of between 730pm - 1030pm for the rest of eurpoe where a significant amount of players on the network are from. This time also avoids the bigger games like the 25k guarantee an hour and a half later. Timings will never be right for everyone, but we will monitor traffic in this game and make adjustments if we have to. Best Col

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight I wasn't having a go at anybody with my post, simply pointing out that there are so many options available on Boss that sometimes you have to ignore what one site is offering because you are committed to games elsewhere on the same network. Think I'll have to get a second cheepo PC so I can play two Boss sites at once. I can well understand that having two skins open an a PC could cause problems with a player colluding with himself at a table...but wouldn't you think that if you wanted to play two games at the same time, both specific to different skins, that somehow they could let you do this ??? I've emailed Boss before regarding this but they won't even explain why this can't be done.

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Re: Trillion Treat tonight

Think I'll have to get a second cheepo PC so I can play two Boss sites at once.
What spec is your main PC? Microsoft Virtual PC does the job fine and allows you to play 2 boss skins on one PC :ok http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/virtualpc/default.mspx It has one negative on VMWare - "releasing" the mouse pointer on the virtual PC - you have to make a key press - whereas on VMWare you can just move out of the window..... Microsoft Virtual PC is completely free though :ok Other than the mouse release, couldn't see any substantive differences between MS Virtual PC and VMWare (which isn't free)
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Re: Trillion Treat tonight

1830 GMT is early, however from expereince a €109 entry game is generally not played by too many casual players, and will be supported more by semi pro/ full time players.
Sounds like a good tourno - worth getting home early for! :)
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