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AWOP Forum Challenge


AWOP Forum Challenge  

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    • Yes - I wish to score points for Punters Lounge - chaaaaaaaaaarge
    • Yes - but I dont want to win, so will be scoring points for one of the other forums
    • No I will not be able to make this event

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Out in 31st tonight - caught stacks of cards early, but then went oh-so-dry. Was on a PL-only table with only occasional visitors, including a RIGHT moaner, called topcat37 from LIP, who landed on a table with 9 of us, and proceeded to bleat on and ON and ON about collusion - what a to55€r. Good luck to all left in.

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

Out in 31st tonight - caught stacks of cards early, but then went oh-so-dry. Was on a PL-only table with only occasional visitors, including a RIGHT moaner, called topcat37 from LIP, who landed on a table with 9 of us, and proceeded to bleat on and ON and ON about collusion - what a to55€r. Good luck to all left in.
found it quite offensive to be accused of soft playing and collusion with other PL,ers when nothing could be further from the truth.
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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

found it quite offensive to be accused of soft playing and collusion with other PL' date='ers when nothing could be further from the truth.[/quote'] Especially when Psycho Dave called in and he started again "It was fun the first 2 weeks, but not this time" was typed at least twice. What was he hoping to do other than cause unrest? :spank I hope he bubbles at best.
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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge Surely the best way to shut the critics up is to beat them in their own back yard. This is what competition is all about, it should spur us on and make us even more determined to win. :drums:drums Bring it on I say, let them say what they want, they're just jealous that we have more members willing to support the forum.

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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

Can we not rise above it? Do we need to let one person bring us into disrepute?
GaF, I'm happy for the full transcript of his table to be reviewed after the event, and you'll see where all the bile has started, and continued to flow for a very long while. My comments have simply been in defence against some very dubious claims against PL. My apologies are to all of the other players, PL and non-PL, whose game might have been adversely affected. It's a shame that the tournament can not be arranged to give an equal representation across all of the tables for each forum. With about 40% of the entrants, it was bizarre to have 10 PL (all with Punters Lounge as their town) on the same table at one stage.
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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

It's a shame that the tournament can not be arranged to give an equal representation across all of the tables for each forum. With about 40% of the entrants, it was bizarre to have 10 PL (all with Punters Lounge as their town) on the same table at one stage.
random luck as well, mid-tournament I was the only PL at my table for a while Fred
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Re: AWOP Forum Challenge

GaF' date=' I'm happy for the full transcript of his table to be reviewed after the event, and you'll see where all the bile has started, and continued to flow for a very long while. My comments have simply been in defence against some very dubious claims against PL.[/quote'] I didn't see the start of it and obviously a lot of ill feeling caused, but lets finish it on the table rather than in the chatbox? 99% of the people there, from all forums are being as friendly, fair and welcoming as they have been for the first 2 weeks...... We've got 6 players on the Final Table - a great chance of going top (AWOL only have one player) - lets do it with style and dignity?
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