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Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings


Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings  

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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings Feck ... you just can't get the staff nowadays. As my computer is full of boss sites I got my brother to set up my account and although he set my username starting with PL he set me up a nickname of Redman10 - so unless theres a way of pursuading Boss or Pokerkings to change my nickname it looks as though I'm stuck with this and miss out on the chance of 50 euros ....

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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings Unless I've missed the info in this thread somewhere, I've just realised that I've signed up and deposited at Pokerkings with no idea of the format for these tournies. Doh! :$ I know its NLHE, and from the Pokerkings client I see we start with 1500 in chips, so I presume its the normal ten minute blinds?

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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings

Feck ... you just can't get the staff nowadays. As my computer is full of boss sites I got my brother to set up my account and although he set my username starting with PL he set me up a nickname of Redman10 - so unless theres a way of pursuading Boss or Pokerkings to change my nickname it looks as though I'm stuck with this and miss out on the chance of 50 euros ....
you can change your nickname when you have logged in mate,go to profile :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings

Finally found a PC in the house that wasn't over the limit so I'm in as PLSpoof23. :ok And it isn't until I type it here that I realise I am now PLS Poof 23. :$ :$ :$
:rollin Probably get banned for having an offensive name;)
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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings

you can change your nickname when you have logged in mate' date='go to profile :ok[/quote'] no you cant i'm afraid. I made the mistake of putting in wrong nickname, and tried to change it. You can log in and change username but not nickname. In the end I had to cancel a/c then rejoin again carefully. Took an email to support and 24hrs. In now as pl mr brix :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings gaz and BH - you realise that the usernames you've quoted aren't eligble for the extra €250 being distributed? (€50 to each of top 5) :unsure

God Bless VMware:notworthy
Indeed - fantastic piece of software :ok
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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings I'm out of this I'm afraid. Despite only setting up my account earlier this week, tried logging in this morning to deposit only to find my account is locked :(. Phoned PokerKings support who stated my account has been locked by webdollar due to 'persistent fraudulent activity' :loon. Oh well, plenty of other places where I can lose my money :\. Good luck those playing.

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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings

I'm out of this I'm afraid. Despite only setting up my account earlier this week' date=' tried logging in this morning to deposit only to find my account is locked :(. Phoned PokerKings support who stated my account has been locked by webdollar due to [b']'persistent fraudulent activity' :loon. Oh well, plenty of other places where I can lose my money :\. Good luck those playing.
Did they say what they meant by that? Are they accussing you of "persistant fraudulant activity"? I'd be pretty annoyed by that and would be talking directly to Webdollar to see what they meant......
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Re: Punters Lounge Exclusive Value Added League with PokerKings

Did they say what they meant by that? Are they accussing you of "persistant fraudulant activity"? I'd be pretty annoyed by that and would be talking directly to Webdollar to see what they meant......
No, no explanation - the girl on the phone was just reading of her screen and could give no addtional info. Doesn't stack up though - have checked my 3 other BOSS (Webdollar?) sites and they are all working fine. Even made a small deposit on Virgin to check. She gave a freephone no. and e-mail address for webdollar so I can contact them directly but I'm not holding out any hope for tonight.
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