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Virgin V Roll RH Freeroll


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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special ***** Hand 705046288 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2007 23:15:48 TH Mini 71 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: drhaus (16.18) Seat 2: dvojica (37.91) Seat 3: riffo (10.73) Seat 4: morlspin (54.88) Seat 5: jokke3 (9.05) morlspin post SB 0.05 jokke3 post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** drhaus [N/A, N/A] dvojica [N/A, N/A] riffo [N/A, N/A] morlspin [Ks, Kh] jokke3 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** drhaus Call 0.10 dvojica Raise to 0.50 riffo Fold morlspin Raise to 0.90 jokke3 Fold drhaus Call 0.90 dvojica Call 0.90 *** Flop(Board): *** : [3s, 10s, Kd] *** Bet Round 2 *** morlspin Check drhaus Bet 5.00 dvojica Fold morlspin Raise to 15.90 drhaus All-in 15.28 *** Turn(Board): *** : [3s, 10s, Kd, 2d] *** River(Board): *** : [3s, 10s, Kd, 2d, 9s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 1.66 Total Pot: 31.70 drhaus [10c, Ac] Pair of tens Win: 0.00 dvojica Fold Win: 0.00 riffo Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin [Ks, Kh] Three of a kind, kings Win: 31.70 jokke3 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special ***** Hand 704982390 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 01 August 2007 22:26:18 TH Mini 71 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: drhaus (26.25) Seat 2: dvojica (12.67) Seat 3: abelt (6.80) Seat 4: morlspin (40.26) Seat 5: Carlo57 (10.18) Carlo57 post SB 0.05 drhaus post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** drhaus [N/A, N/A] dvojica [N/A, N/A] abelt [N/A, N/A] morlspin [Ks, Kd] Carlo57 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** dvojica Call 0.10 abelt Fold morlspin Raise to 0.40 Carlo57 Call 0.40 drhaus Raise to 1.00 dvojica Call 1.00 morlspin Raise to 8.40 Carlo57 Fold drhaus Call 8.40 dvojica Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [2s, 7s, Ah] *** Bet Round 2 *** drhaus All-in 17.85 morlspin Call 17.85 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2s, 7s, Ah, Kc] *** River(Board): *** : [2s, 7s, Ah, Kc, Kh] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 2.69 Total Pot: 51.21 drhaus [Qc, 10c] Pair of kings Win: 0.00 dvojica Fold Win: 0.00 abelt Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin [Ks, Kd] Four of a kind, kings Win: 51.21 Carlo57 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special This offer by Virgin is another great one... sadly can't play Thursdays at oresent so probably won't be playing these. Real shame as have enjoyed the Sunday Virgin V-point, even though it's a tough one to get to the final table. :sad I assume the RH freerolls are only on Thursdays? Couldn't really tell from the promotion or the site but it could just be me! Good luck with these guys! :ok P.S. Nice hand Morls...

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special Have registered for this tonight but now see that the final is at the same time on Sunday as the festival final. Shame that they could not have had them a couple of hours apart. Just noticed that the final is on the 26th August and not this week.

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special

So what exactly defines a raked hand? Is it the same as Paradise?
A raked hand is counted in any cash/ring game when: 1) You have contributed to the pot AND 2) You are still in the pot once the flop is dealt AND 3) The pot exceeds 19c This is this same across pretty much every poker room. Rake is not taken from a hand if it is over pre-flop, nor if it for less than 19c. On Boss there is the possibility to exlude certain low stakes tables from contributed towards such promos or bonuses but in the case of the V*Roll all tables count. If that's too complicated just look at the top middle/left of the screen under where it says 'Tables / Lobby /1 /2' When a figure appears there it's telling you that a pot has been raked and how much has been taken (that's how we make our money but keep it secret :D!). Joe
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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special

This offer by Virgin is another great one... sadly can't play Thursdays at oresent so probably won't be playing these. Real shame as have enjoyed the Sunday Virgin V-point, even though it's a tough one to get to the final table. :sad I assume the RH freerolls are only on Thursdays? Couldn't really tell from the promotion or the site but it could just be me! Good luck with these guys! :ok P.S. Nice hand Morls...
Nope, all are raked hand qualifiers for this month at least so Tuesday and Sunday V*Roll give you same chance of extra points plus qualification to monthly final. Just read post about monthly final clashing with Festival - noted and will change from next month onwards. GAF mailed me yesterday to say that it would help if registration opened earlier so you can see your raked hands. From Sunday onwards registration will open 48 hours in advance to help with this. Joe
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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special

Probaly a stupid question but is their anyway of knowing how many raked hands I have played? Dont normally play cash games but had a dabble last night with not to good results I must add!
For the purpose of this promo go to the V*Roll for tonight and attempt to register - it will let you register if you have played 25 in the last 2 days or tell you how many more you must play if you haven't. Well done - hopefully all taken from a Hungarian.
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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special I like this set up I have to say. Sundays are usually pub night, so to pop in a few raked hands and have a chance to play for V points not on a Sunday is cool by me. (especially if I more than double my money into the bargain. the 5/10c NL tables are truly awful in standard!) BTW, anyone ever busted two pairs of Aces at once?.. **** Hand 705889960 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 02 August 2007 19:40:32 V*Roll Satellite (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: morlspin (1460.00) Seat 2: Cyberius (2070.00) Seat 3: fouracs (1430.00) Seat 4: PLSpurman (1450.00) Seat 5: tricknick (2750.00) Seat 7: Jackflush1 (1330.00) Seat 8: hobbo03 (1680.00) Seat 9: ranunculus (1350.00) Seat 10: PhilR2211 (610.00) PhilR2211 post SB 10.00 ** Deal ** morlspin [N/A, N/A] Cyberius [N/A, N/A] fouracs [N/A, N/A] PLSpurman [Jc, Js] tricknick [N/A, N/A] Jackflush1 [N/A, N/A] hobbo03 [N/A, N/A] ranunculus [N/A, N/A] PhilR2211 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Cyberius Fold fouracs Fold PLSpurman Raise to 140.00 tricknick Raise to 360.00 Jackflush1 Fold hobbo03 Fold ranunculus Fold PhilR2211 All-in 610.00 morlspin Fold PLSpurman All-in 1450.00 tricknick Call 1450.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, Ks, 2h] *** Turn(Board): *** : [Jh, Ks, 2h, 4s] *** River(Board): *** : [Jh, Ks, 2h, 4s, Qd] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 3530.00 morlspin Fold Win: 0.00 Cyberius Fold Win: 0.00 fouracs Fold Win: 0.00 PLSpurman [Jc, Js] Three of a kind, jacks Win: 3530.00 tricknick [Ac, As] Pair of aces Win: 0.00 Jackflush1 Fold Win: 0.00 hobbo03 Fold Win: 0.00 ranunculus Fold Win: 0.00 PhilR2211 [Ah, Ad] Pair of aces Win: 0.00

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special V_roll.gif

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special

Had registered to play tonight in this' date=' but didn't finish work till after 9, i assumed i would have been blinded out by then and didn't bother checking. Maybe I should have as I see i came 14th! :loon[/quote'] You played very well, about 3 or 4 times you were all in on the big blind and managed to keep winning :notworthy
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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special Just like to add my tuppence about Virgin, there are some proper mugs on the NL Omaha games, if you have a basic understanding you can definately win, lots of raked hands a v points too.

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Re: Virgin Vpoint Special

for robbiebox.....u better sign up lol
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