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Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

slick mick

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Hi Guys, Bags are packed and i am flying up tomorrow as their is a £100 buy in friday night which i am buying myself into as a warm up, anyone else interested ?. im staying at the Corstorphine lodge which is about 1200m from the casino. Best of luck to all who are playing and i hope i can bring home the bacon for the syndicate:hope

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? I just phoned Gala Maybury, the lady on the phone says the main event is down to last 5, but she can't give me names due to Data Protection:unsure also she doesn't know when, or where the results will be published:\

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? I can tell you that I went out pretty quick in the Main Event - lost a coinflip. Chess and Burnley Mik were still in when I left - don't know about others. Will post a longer report at some point in the next few days.

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Got back from Edinburgh about 2pm this afternoon, straight down the local for me this afternoon so this is how we did I think! Chess went out after about 2.5 Hours in about 80 something from the 102 initial runners, he was pretty disappointed as he had come 3rd in the £100 rebuy the night before for about £2.5k, so was well up on the weekend, he rang me about an hour ago, was playing in £150 buy in one tonight, first break i think, so nothing to report really. He said main event was down to about 6, but no one he knew or recognised. Me and Rosco went out about the same time after approximately 4 hours, in the 60 somethings, not sure how rosco went out. But i was pretty card dead for the first 2 hours, the 3rd hour i hit some good hands, qk suited, i hit top pair on flop, bloke kept betting into me, caught the flush draw on the turn, hit the flush on the river, but he folded to my 2k bet unfortunately. Another big hand against same bloke i had 8's, raised it up, flop came queen high, i bet out, he called, turn came and 8, he bet 1.5k, there was flush draw on board so i re-raised to 4k, he folded, boo!!!!! Had grown my 12K initial stack to about 17.5k after 3 hours, then lost 5k when i held q6 clubs and hit my flush with the ace on the board, unfortunately someone had k7 clubs, thought i did ok to only lose 5k actually. There was a french lad on table that was chip leader on our table who had raised my blind a few times, he had also raised lad off hand twice who was sat next to me with absolutely nothing and shown both times, j high and 9 high i think. He raised my blind again, i had kj off, i called for 800, flop came jack high, i checked he bet 2k as I knew he would, so i re-raised to 6k, then he pushed all in!!! The alarm bells were ringing for sure now, but i only had 3.8k left and had already put 7.2k in, so pot was about 20k, thought i was probably behind, but thought i had to call, he turned over queens, no help on turn and river and i was out. Thought i had played ok, but pretty disappointed to have gone out, when i thought there was a high possibility he was just making a move. Anyway went off to lick my wounds for a while and then sat down at a £200 buy in cash game at about 1am, casino closed about 3.30am, by that time i had turned it into £380, so was quite pleased as it payed for hotel, drinks and a bit more. Was great to me up with Rosco, Chess, Joe Legge, Mole and the others and will have to put extra effort into qualifying for another live tourney as really enjoyed it and didn't feel too much out of my depth.:ok

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Well done Chess on the Friday :clap :clap :clap ul Dave :sad

Was great to me up with Rosco, Chess, Joe Legge, Mole and the others and will have to put extra effort into qualifying for another live tourney as really enjoyed it and didn't feel too much out of my depth.:ok
Maybe we should focus on one specific live (UK?) game every month? Making sats focus games.... :unsure
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Guest gazza271

Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

Well done Chess on the Friday :clap :clap :clap ul Dave :sad Maybe we should focus on one specific live (UK?) game every month? Making sats focus games.... :unsure
good idea :ok Nice write up Dave, unlucky with that hand :sad
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Well i had a great time at the scottish, i went up on thursday ( as my norwegian friends were there already) i only planned to go for the main event but felt guilty they had made the effort to come early so decided i better get up there. i bought into to the 2 day £550 side event. Day 1. starting stack 10k 8th hand in i lifted pocket k's, there was a raise,call,call then i re raised and the next guy calls, the rest all fold. the flop came 669 and he goes all in i thought hard then decided to call he turns 55, turn J, river 5 gobsmacked! this left me very low under 2k. i doyubled through next hand and within a few hands more i had over 16k .It was at this point the bold Tikay arrived at my table, i was bb with k4 and Tikay flat called so we were hu the flop came k64 with 2 spades i bet 1k he raised to 4k i went all in we were similarly high stacked. He thought for ages ( clear nut flush draw in my eyes) and someone at the table moaned about the time he took, this annoyed him a little and me as it was a tough decision, he then called with yes the nut fl draw and didn't hit and that was that . I had a lot of dramas throughout the rest of the night and eventually built a really good stack.In the last hour of the night there was a swede at my table (sitting in 2nd) who raised my bb everytime i did tell him to stop it but he persisted so the last hand of the night i decided to take a stand, he raised as per usual i called with kt flop qq8 he put a decent bet in of about 5k and i raised it another 15k he folded and i showed i felt this was an important hand.I was clear chip leader after day 1 with only 26 left Day 2 I shared a taxi out with 2 of the norwegians who were also still in they both had 20k left, i had 90k. i started ok stealing at least 1 hand per round and then i lifted kk on the bb, my auld pal the swede raised 4k, i re raised to 16k he went all in for another 50k. my initial thoughts were AA but then i thought it was too big a raise and thought maybe AK, i deliberated and after a time decided to go with my gut feeling and folded. he showed AK. Still think about this hand but who knows, i know i was about 70% / 30% but maybe it was fate. I would never lay kk on a cash game. I made final table and had a few ups and downs eventually with 7 left i was pretty low and decided to push on the button with A3 the bb called right away with At and i didnt hit so finished 7th for £1450. my norwegian mate Jon won the tourney and over 14K mate. I was pleased with my performance but disappointed not to win. This is hard work so i will cover the main event and other side event later. I finished 30th in the main event getting tio day 2 again. and 30th in the other event. I gained a lot of expeience and met some fantastic people, so definitley a worth while trip ps chess vul in the cash game last night and Tikay lucky b*****d in the cash game last night hehe

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Nice one Mole :ok Looking forward to reading the main event report too :ok Quote:

Originally Posted by GotaFancy? viewpost.gif Maybe we should focus on one specific live (UK?) game every month? Making sats focus games.... :unsure
How does this sound for the first one? http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51110 (Though I'm not choosing focus games for another 2 and a half weeks, so cant guarantee how many will be focus games....)
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Got back late last night absolutely knackered after a weekend of very late nights. Well guys, what can I say, I had a crap main event. Their were 2 very aggressive players at my starting table who were betting most of the hands preflop, every time I got a starting hand and called or raised, the flop would come rags, someone would put a large raise in making it very hard to call with AK, AQ, KQ especially when you know some player are playing anything. Had pocket king twice and didn’t get paid on ether. Put a small raise in on the 1st thinking that at least the loose player would call, but no, everyone folds. The 2nd I decide to slow play it and just call, 2 other players in the hand and the flop comes king high, 1st to act I check my trip kings hoping someone would bet out, but no. the turn comes an ace, great I think and check it again, still nobody bet. Put a small bet on the river, both players fold. But the hand it all went wrong on was when I got dealt AK, put x4 raise in and had 1 caller. Flop comes A 9 5, I check and so does he, turn comes K, I bet x4 raise and he goes all-in. I think ive got the best of it and call for about 2/3 of the chips I have left, he turns over 5 5 and win as no help comes from the river. Fair play he played it well and if the king hadn’t come on the turn I would have been able to get away from the hand. With only about x5 the big blind left I finally push with AQ only to run into QQ. Game over.

Friday night was fantastic as I came 3rd in the £100 rebuy winning £2610, sorry guys, not splitting this one. I was a bit pissed off how the tournament ended, the poker room manager came over and put a clock on the table and said we had 15 minutes of play left then 3 hand after that, and that it would then go down to a chip count to decide the winner. The chip leader then took 5 minutes to make every decision and went on to win the count. If the manager had came over 15 minutes earlier when I was chip leader, I would have done the same and won. Made a move on the very last hand, 1st to act I pushed all-in with 92os. I wanted to win this thing and was guaranteed £1650 and knew I would have 2 live cards, I stated that I had a crap hand hoping the other small stack would call. Both player fold, ah well, winning the blind added another £200 - £300 to my winning. 3rd in the chip count but the prize money was as good as 2nd.:nana

The weekend ended on a low with a cash game. I had been playing for 2 - 3 hours and was doing well, up about £500 (£1/£2 NL). Then I got dealt KK and all the chips went in preflop for a pot of about £1500. KK v 10 10, flop comes 10 2 10:puke . I can’t complain really as I busted someone’s AA with 10 10 on Friday or I woundnt of finished as high is I did.

All in all I had a fantastic weekend, it was great to meet some of you guys and put some names to faces. Just sorry I couldn’t do better in the main event

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Ok on to the main event. I had less than 5 hours sleep the previous 2 nights so was feeling a tate knackered, but a few beers and a bottle o champers did the trick. Day 1 It was a 6k double chance so i decided to loosen up the table with my first 6k, and did this well looking like a complete buffoon.I tightened up with the second 6k and was making more out of basic hands than i should have been, i soon got to 12k and got pocket 5s, the guy 2 to my right raised it up i flat called flop k53 rainbow he bet about 600 into a 800 pot and i called, turn 9 he checked and i bet 3100 the overbet i thought was good because of my image he put me all in with AK, so a very nice double through. I had complete control of this table for the next 20 mins then we all got moved :(. My new table was a bit looser so i liked the look of it. unfortuanatley i was completley card dead so i just sat back, no need to play as i had a way above average stack. I then got moved agian at this point i had about 28k my target for the end of day 1 was 40k so i was sitting ok. This new table i went to had a guy on a major card rush 8 pocket pair of aces in 30 mins quite remarkable! i ran into him twice with jj and 55 but had to lay them pre flop. Nothing much else really happened so i finished day 1 with 24k. this was a bit below i had aimed but only 5k below average so all was good in the mole camp. Day 2 Only 39 left so i had high hopes, the first 30 mins i think my highest card was a 9. the player to my right was very weak and the one to my left had only 5k, so when i was sb the guy on the button flat called ???? i had k6 and decided to put the 700 in to call as it was good odds. i knew the guy on my right would have to shove with any 2 cards and did, so the guy on my left would make my decision for me he as expected weakly folded so imo i had to call as this is how i imagined the hand to play out . The not so good news was he turned kj so i only had 1 live card. i didnt hit and was now at the all in or fold stage. I pushed weakish hands twice and got the blinds. I was on the bb the guy on the button raised 4k (4 X bb) i had 22 so decided to push hoping for AK,AQ or something similar, but he turns 77 so that was the end. 30th place no disgrace. I had a lot of fun and 3 decent results so can't complain but of course i wil as 3 of my norwegian friends were still in ( my home country too ) so wanted to at least beat them, and i lost the side bet grrr. One of them went on to finish 3rd for £14000.00 although he should have won.A good week for THOR and the gang. Had a good time and met loads of great characters, Joe legge as usual looked after hobbo and i very well cheers yet again Joe. hobbo i found to be great company ( quite an offensive looking character ) but a good laugh all the same :lol

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Sounds like you totally bossed that first table - did the standard seem quite poor? Who were the majority of people there? Pros or Internet qualifiers? High rollers or sat players?

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

Sounds like you totally bossed that first table - did the standard seem quite poor? Who were the majority of people there? Pros or Internet qualifiers? High rollers or sat players?
I think the standard was actually quite poor - a lot of internet qualifiers, there were a good few pro's there too and a lot of scandies. It was no where near as tough as the dublin open. great week though, i am now sacrifising vegas for a poker free family holiday.
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