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Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

slick mick

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

What does "Double Chance" mean? One free rebuy?
I've played in one or two of these. Starting stack could be 5,000 and you can request your other 5,000 at any time during the first 90 minutes. If you don't ask for them by this time they are given to you automatically. Whats different to Staffys post is as far as I'm aware you're allowed to have the full 10,000 chips at the very start if you prefer. *Obviously you can go all in before this and it only costs you the chips at the table. P.S. Thanks Hen.... gl :hope
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? GaF I Have a question.... If i win the 20 seat tourney am i allowed to nominate someone else to play, or does it have to be one of the original 20? As i am off to london on 30th for my flight to vegas on 1st...

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

Damn, it's not me then. :lol There are several good players without seats aren't there GaF. ;) :(
Yeah - it's the lucky ones who got in - the good ones missed out :tongue2 Will have to reconsider the structure next (:hope) time!!!
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

Can't believe nobody gave you one mate. :sad (or did pride make you turn it down. :tongue2 )
I was offered one ;) I didn't feel wholly comfortable taking it though, even more so as I'd be unlikely to make it up to scotland if I won it.....
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? You can probably see that Phil has been offered the extra Kippe seat - he hasn't logged on again yet though - if for some reason he cannot make it, we will have the opportunity to change it :ok

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Can I just check I understand what happens when a player has won two seats and given one to another player (the example was only for a scenario where the player given the seat wins)? For example: RandR won two seats, and generously gave one to me (thanks! :ok). (i) If I win (OK, this is just hypothetical!) and RandR comes second, then I play in the SPC, and I have half of the 40% equity in myself, making 20%. RandR has the other 20%, and also has 20% for coming second, so he has a total of 40% equity in me? (ii) If RandR comes first and I come second, he plays in the SPC and has 40% equity in himself, plus half of the 20% equity I earn by coming second, so he has 50% equity in total, and I have 10% equity in him? Correct?

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

Can I just check I understand what happens when a player has won two seats and given one to another player (the example was only for a scenario where the player given the seat wins)? For example: RandR won two seats, and generously gave one to me (thanks! :ok). (i) If I win (OK, this is just hypothetical!) and RandR comes second, then I play in the SPC, and I have half of the 40% equity in myself, making 20%. RandR has the other 20%, and also has 20% for coming second, so he has a total of 40% equity in me? (ii) If RandR comes first and I come second, he plays in the SPC and has 40% equity in himself, plus half of the 20% equity I earn by coming second, so he has 50% equity in total, and I have 10% equity in him? Correct?
My head hurts. :(
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU? Just to clarify too - the £350 expenses go to the person who actually goes to scotland .... not to the winner of the MTT. The expenses are NOT part of the shared equity ..... So in Slap's scenario I above - assuming he can go, he gets the full £350 and doesn't share any of that with RandR... Also refering to scenario I - slap has 20% equity, RandR has 40% equity, but it is Slap who has the option of going to Scotland, not RandR.

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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

Can I just check I understand what happens when a player has won two seats and given one to another player (the example was only for a scenario where the player given the seat wins)? For example: RandR won two seats, and generously gave one to me (thanks! :ok). (i) If I win (OK, this is just hypothetical!) and RandR comes second, then I play in the SPC, and I have half of the 40% equity in myself, making 20%. RandR has the other 20%, and also has 20% for coming second, so he has a total of 40% equity in me? (ii) If RandR comes first and I come second, he plays in the SPC and has 40% equity in himself, plus half of the 20% equity I earn by coming second, so he has 50% equity in total, and I have 10% equity in him? Correct?
:unsure think i'll stick to working out pot odds.
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Re: Virgin Poker to Send a PL'r to Scottish Poker Championships. Will it be YOU?

You can probably see that Phil has been offered the extra Kippe seat - he hasn't logged on again yet though - if for some reason he cannot make it' date=' we will have the opportunity to change it :ok[/quote'] We haven't been able to get hold of Phil :sad so Kippe has nominated Strider to take the seat :ok
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