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SO Boss PL MTT - April


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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April sorry for being a bit thick but i noticed that my name wasnt on the placings i did finish 7th or 6th last night is there a reason for this as im not too cleaver at all this stuff i just play the games not that im any good at that either thanks in advance tel16

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Quote from the first thread... ''The added prize money is however exclusive to PL'rs and ONLY THOSE WHO VOTE IN THE DAILY THREAD WILL GET POINTS for the added prize money'' As you didn't vote in the daily thread, telboy71, this will be why you haven't been included. I don't know how strict GotaFancy is with this rule...we will see eh?...Good Luck:hope

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April

sorry for being a bit thick but i noticed that my name wasnt on the placings i did finish 7th or 6th last night is there a reason for this as im not too cleaver at all this stuff i just play the games not that im any good at that either thanks in advance tel16
Hi tel16, This is from post 1 The added prize money is however exclusive to PL'rs and ONLY THOSE WHO VOTE IN THE DAILY THREAD WILL GET POINTS for the added prize money and this is the voting from yesterday's daily thread
20:00 SO Boss PL MTT League bar6-l.gifbar6.gifbar6-r.gifAdetrick, AvonGirl, Big Andy, Crouch Potato, Dave488, daveygh, Dodger, donna1, elmcroft, fenner, gazza271, glceud, GotaFancy?(BBP), Hedonist, heniek31, Hodgey, It's McG, Jaded, jolly67, Marlin, Milber, morlspin, Paul Cameron, philossify, pistonbroke, Pocket Lady, Red_Fear, Robbie1960, robilaruk, runadrum, slapdash, slick mick, spannerjago, SpurMan, teaulc, The Quiet Man, ubermonkey1, Washman, welchy28 38
This rule is in place to make it easier for GaF when he's trying to find each player. We've all forgotten to vote at one time or another. TQM
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April Sorry tel :sad In isolation I'd make an exception and give you the points .... but my experience before has been that when I do that, it quickly gets out of control and makes the admin a nightmare (exception is if it is a PL exclusive table, but last night was a Public table....). So I now take a "zero tolerance" approach ..... it makes it a lot easier for me, and I don't need to think (that hurts!!) .... it's just automatic ...... If people forget to vote and bring it to my attention within the first 60 mins of the tournament, I add them ..... 61 mins and I don't!!! It's cost people the win before, but I'm afraid I much prefer the approach, for an "easy life"!!! Sorry. As fenner says - you drop a score and only best 3 count, so still every chance of getting into the prizes :ok

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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April

Sorry tel :sad In isolation I'd make an exception and give you the points .... but my experience before has been that when I do that, it quickly gets out of control and makes the admin a nightmare (exception is if it is a PL exclusive table, but last night was a Public table....). So I now take a "zero tolerance" approach ..... it makes it a lot easier for me, and I don't need to think (that hurts!!) .... it's just automatic ...... If people forget to vote and bring it to my attention within the first 60 mins of the tournament, I add them ..... 61 mins and I don't!!! It's cost people the win before, but I'm afraid I much prefer the approach, for an "easy life"!!! Sorry. As fenner says - you drop a score and only best 3 count, so still every chance of getting into the prizes :ok
can i be added to the voting list for tonights game then please as im sure i will forget to look later knowing me and will again prob miss out or do i have to wait till later thanks in advance tel16
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Re: SO Boss PL MTT - April

Updated :ok Well done RandR :clap :clap :clap Unlucky Slapdash - second HU I've seen you lose tonight!!! Teazz - do you EVER miss the Final Table in a focus game?? :tongue2
LOL. I wish that was the case :lol Well played RandR :clap :clap :clap Nice 2nd Slapdash
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