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Maxim King of Poker 2007


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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007 Well who would have thought it... I don't visit this site for ages, then just pop in for a browse looking for somewhere else to play my (unregular) poker now that VC's software is crap, and I find out that there's going to be another Maxim King Of Poker tourny, and there's a freeroll tonight! :ok It'll be interesting to see the format of this years tournament now it's with Betfair. Hopefully there won't be any afternoon games this time around, evenings only would be much better. And I'm not intending to play every day like I did last year (and the year before that). Getting 2nd place on the leadereboard was nice though... :D I'll keep a look out for those I know. Steve (Steve73 on Betfair, formally known as nufc40 on VC/MKOP)

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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007 I'm in, got to have a go at defending my title :nana , tho going on my current form i aint gonna get close. Change of username so people dont recognise me, so look out for sipokedher. Might be sat out for a while whilst Liverpool are playing but i'll be there at some point. Cya at tables. Si

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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007 4th for me....and another chip set...thou i´m still waiting for the one i won in pacificpoker (Gaf have you received yet?).I hope this one arrives faster as i need them for my home tournys and i hope is a good one or else it would be better to finish in robilaruk's place :). GG all pl'rs in the game :clap :clap

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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007 Well I sent betfair an email because I have heard nothing of the prize.. I have been a betfair customer for a good few years and spent money on the betting and poker site... I asked a simple question, " I havent heard anything about the Wii which I won in the Maxim king of poker etc... I was wondering when I will receive the prize etc or who to contact." I didnt receive a reply really more of a demand with no reference to the Wii in question. I wasnt told if or when I would receive my Wii, no reference was made to the question I asked. It was much more of an automated response asking for 3 sorts of ID and I figured seen as I was a member of betfair for a good few years, depositting and withdrawing funds regularly I would be consider a verified member but no.. So now it looks like I will be going through lots of rubbish requests asking me to send documents off which I feel shouldnt have to be done.

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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007

I hope it's not like the warmup freeroll. :( It was more like a turbo, blinds doubled every 5 minutes.
I actually do hope that the blind structure is the same as the warm up freeroll, cos' knowing me I'll end up playing it every day, so if it's all over within an hour that suits me fine. :D
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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007 and I thought they were just picking on me I did the same - have posted the entire response here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44892 absolutely shocking - i have now had a follow up email explaing why (after asking again), and to be honest its just bullshit - apparently they need the info requested in case we are underage - so i pointed out to them that I set my account up with a credit card and that they have gladly had my dosh for ages and that I can't be underage to get a credit card just appalling Damo

Well I sent betfair an email because I have heard nothing of the prize.. I have been a betfair customer for a good few years and spent money on the betting and poker site... I asked a simple question, " I havent heard anything about the Wii which I won in the Maxim king of poker etc... I was wondering when I will receive the prize etc or who to contact." I didnt receive a reply really more of a demand with no reference to the Wii in question. I wasnt told if or when I would receive my Wii, no reference was made to the question I asked. It was much more of an automated response asking for 3 sorts of ID and I figured seen as I was a member of betfair for a good few years, depositting and withdrawing funds regularly I would be consider a verified member but no.. So now it looks like I will be going through lots of rubbish requests asking me to send documents off which I feel shouldnt have to be done.
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Re: Maxim King of Poker 2007 Received a reply from Betfair. Still not in my account though. :(

Dear Eric, Thank you for your e-mail. I have contacted our Promotions Payments Team and requested them to apply the credit to your account. This should be done within the next few hours. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further enquiries. Kind regards, Graziella Dingli Betfair Poker Helpdesk Poker Helpdesk Tel: 0870 9080 120 Poker Helpdesk Fax: 0208 834 8056 From outside the UK Poker Helpdesk Tel: +44 207 074 7272 Poker Helpdesk Fax: +44 208 834 8056 Betfair PO Box 34467 London W6 9WS
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