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STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide


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Hi All If you play STT's/SNG's or whatever other TLA you use there is a fantastic spreadsheet here http://www.bluefeetpoker.com/2p2SNGspreadsheet.zip Okay how to use it first off you need Excel (I did say this was a beginners guide) second off you will be asked about macro's - you need to enable them for it to work (don't worry it is not virus corrupted) - if you don't then just delete it now as it is 11meg of shite sitting on your desktop ;) Okay we have it open now, loads of tabs at the bottom, click on SNG1, this is our first table buy-in - each SNG sheet is for different buy-ins - this is important you can't mix $5 buy-ins with $10 buy-ins on the same tab - OK! right I am talking cell references now, so A1 is top left hand cell. in B5 you see base buy in - you input into D5 the cost of the tourny so 5 for a $5 tourney, next is the vigourish - this is the juice/tax/fee, so for $5 this is probably 50c, so in goes .50, next number of players in D7 (now look in cells I4-I8 and the figures have changed If you are playing short tables then you will need to change D8 to correct places paid - you will also need to change cells G4 - G8 (so a five table on sporting pays 70%/30%) - again input 70 and 30 and 0 and the payout changes Okay so you have now input the first SNG buy-in - click on the MONEY tab (you can circle through the tabs by using the arrows in the bottom left hand corner of the spreadsheet) you will see that in cell B3 there is Jan 1, change it to 'todays' date e.g 10/6/6 then input starting bankroll in C3 e.g. 212.33. If you look in cell L3 you notice you are already $5.50 down - don't worry, after you play your first game that will sort itself out. The rest of MONEY is fairly self explanatory you DO NOT input into any other the other cells in the L column you will balls up your sheet!! Right back to SNG 1 - right click on the SNG1 tab at the bottom of the sheet select 'rename' (left click) and type in the buy in ($5 STT) - go back to MONEY and the SNG1 title is now $5 STT - this is IMPORTANT if you play multiple buy-in tourneys as you will see when we get to playing them...... If you play other buy ins, then select the next SNG tab, and do the same as above Okay you have done all this (it sounds complicated but isn't) and are now ready to play you first $5 STT - when the table loads on your site click on the already opened spreadsheet (ALWAYS boot your spreadsheet first as it takes a few seconds to load) and click on ANY SNG buy in tab (it makes no difference) you will see in cells K3-K5 a big button that says START RECORDING TOURNAMENTS click on this and a pop up box appears with a selection of options - these are the names of each tab, which is WHY you have renamed them - select the tourny you are playing and the spreadsheet kicks in (this is the macro working and is why it NEEDS TO BE ENABLED) you play the tourny and at some point you are finished - go back to the spreadsheet and the pop up box has a box at the top saying END EXISTING, if you are only playing one tourney, only one buy in is showing and, click END EXISTING and a box appears saying ENTER PLACE YOU FINISHED, type the number (hopefully 1) and it closes - you can at this point click EXIT on the pop-up box and the spreadsheet will calculate your place (see bottom left hand corner, you see it 'calculating cells') and on the $5 STT tab it has filled in row 13 with date, day, time, duration and finish - and the MONEY tab will also update as well showing profit/loss from that tourney. Ok - if you have 2 tourneys running and one finishes, you hit the END EXISTING button and it asks you for which tourny out of 8 you want to finish - you will need to remember which one it is - how I do it is table no 1 is positioned at the top left of my monitor, table 2 top right, table 3 bottom left etc so I know what table is finished - so type the tourny number and then you get the FINISHING POSITION box, type your position and carry on playing - DO NOT EXIT the program yet - do that after all the tourneys are finished. After EXIT it calculates all the games and changes the spreadsheet Have you got all this? - great, don't worry about anything else at the minute - will post how to manually input other details on the extra tab later, and also about adding notes during play, and what the STATS tabs show Lesson 1 finished:clap :clap :clap Any questions then just ask:ok Cheers Damo :cheers

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide my pleasure - will post other stuff tomorrow Damo

Nice one mate :ok I never fiddled with the buttons and did it all manually - looks like I made it difficult for myself!!! Will try with the buttons next time
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide Lesson two MACRO's the spreadsheet works on a macro (a program that perfoms actions when certain other things happen - don't ask, its programming and boring, but VERY VERY clever) Some macro's contain a VIRUS - anyway this macro is not a virus so enable it to get the spreadsheet to work - you can do this every time you boot it, or alternatively go to (in EXCEL) Tools Macro Security choose low - it will run the spreadsheet without asking about the macro but will also run other macro's without asking, hence the virus bollox from dodgy emails and porn sites - be it on your own head folks!!! (in other words, don't open macro's from people you don't know or that look dodgy, and get a virus checker) The macro runs when you start tournament and end tournament and fills in all the blanks for you :) Damo :cheers

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide Problem I have macro's allowed. I started an STT on Poker stars today, and followed your instructions as stated, before the tourney started. It lasted for 38 minutes, and when I finished (2nd for $9) I clicked on the "End Existing" button. I expected that once I exited from that all the calculations would be taken care of, and I could start another tourney (not multi-tabling til I get used to this spreadsheet). Despite the tourney being correctly recorded (duration, position etc.) the other tabs such as Stats and Money have not changed. What did I do wrong? Thanks in advance. :ok Ahhh. First thing I did wrong was enter "2nd" into the box. You must enter an integer.;) However, the extra data still has not been recorded. Scrap that. Its working now, thank you.

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide Lesson Three click on the EXTRA'S tab - various column's (bonus/ring/rakeback etc) here - these can be renamed if you wish and it updates on the MONEY tab (so I have one for champions league, Heads up etc) - you simply manually input your buy-ins and winnings and it updates the MONEY tab and affects the bottom line I tend to input it like this for a $20+$2 HU game

datenet amountnotes
24-Jun($22.00)$20 Heads up
24-Jun$40.00 $20 Heads up
So I input the loss (buy-in) and the winnings seperate, again it gives me an idea of how I am doing in certain areas - it works for me and it doesn't balls up your spreadsheet by you inputting the winning total alone (which should be $18, not $20 in this case - trust me its easy to input the wrong figures by being 'clever'......:eyes ). To input your loss put a minus sign at the front of the figures (you don't need to put in the $) and it appears it red as above - if you just type it into the box, it automatically becomes a positive (as the $40 above), again no $ needed, just numbers. Thats about it regarding setting up the sheet and inputting figs etc As you can see there is loads of info on the stats tabs - make of them what you wish! :rollin Hope thi helps to give people a REAL idea of how they are doing, and how much they are spending each month on buy-ins! :cry :cry :cry Hope you are getting rakeback folks :hope Cheers Damo :cheers
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide This is a cracking spreadsheet Damo, thanks for it. I've just spent the time to put in all my historical data going back to when receords began (1st May 2006) and one thing becomes immediately clear.... If I want to increase my profits I should give up all PL exclusive events!:sad Currently trying to work into the spreadsheet a method of adding the site (other than in the notes section) so that I can analyse (need a spell checker on this site) which I am most profitable on. However from this I have set myself a target of $100 profit each month (on average), so it will be interesting.

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide Thank you thank you thank you DP, you've reminded me the question I wanted to ask too. What is "Desired ROR" (I assume its something along the lines of Return on Roll). If it is, whats its purpose, as my Desired ROR is 1,000,000% (bit silly, but you get my drift)?

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide thats bad......:sad however I bet you have 10 games so far? maybe 20? when you get 1000 games in them the ROR is more relevant - so don't worry about that yet:ok however, it might also be because you are playing above your limit compared to your bankroll - I would advise having about 50 buy-ins for any level you are playing - more is better, so if you have $50 and you are playing $5 buy-ins then your ROR will be MASSIVE Damo

PS Damo, What is the Risk of Ruin? My risk of ruin is 30,930,071,873.6% - should I be worried? That's either very good or very, very bad. It is early days yet because I do not play many STT's.
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide well what is your projected ROR - how much are you prepared to go bust chasing money? its set at 0.5%, which means if you play solid poker within your bankroll you should never go bust - this is for statistical analysis with the emphasis being on the first four letter of analysis...... :eek I wouldn't worry about ROR until you have at least a 1000+ game sample and its still a LARGE value Just leave it and see what happens Damo ps in other words its for the REAL statto's out there, but not me and not something I fully understand or am bothered by!! :lol :tongue2 :ok

Thank you thank you thank you DP, you've reminded me the question I wanted to ask too. What is "Desired ROR" (I assume its something along the lines of Return on Roll). If it is, whats its purpose, as my Desired ROR is 1,000,000% (bit silly, but you get my drift)?
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide

thats bad......:sad however I bet you have 10 games so far? maybe 20? when you get 1000 games in them the ROR is more relevant - so don't worry about that yet:ok however, it might also be because you are playing above your limit compared to your bankroll - I would advise having about 50 buy-ins for any level you are playing - more is better, so if you have $50 and you are playing $5 buy-ins then your ROR will be MASSIVE Damo
Thanks for the answer. I've played less than 10 STT games so far all at low stakes so I'll simply ignore that cell for another few months/years. Cheers :ok
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide Thanks for posting this up Damo. It is indeed a nice looking tool and for me being one who loves stats, this should keep me occupied for a while! I had already devised my own spreadsheet to keep records, but I think going forward I shall be using this one. Cheers.

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide

My risk of ruin is 30,930,071,873.6% - should I be worried? That's either very good or very, very bad. It is early days yet because I do not play many STT's.
Have you entered your opening bankroll in cell C3 on the Money tab? If you haven't, that would significantly increase your ROR.....
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide

changed mine also' date=' used NNMFADE though[/quote'] That'll make your evening session 3 hours and your night session 5 hours - instead of all being 4 hours - not that it makes any difference.......
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide

Have you entered your opening bankroll in cell C3 on the Money tab? If you haven't' date=' that would significantly increase your ROR.....[/quote'] I have, however I've also entered all my different bankrolls on all the different sites where I've deposited, in cells C4 onwards which I'm not sure the spreadsheet really liked. To me the most important bits are profit, and what games I get the best results from which is all still there despite having a very worrying ROR figure. I need to play a lot mor STT's before I really start to panic about it. i think because I've only played 5 and am slightly down in profit on them it is throwing out this figure. Just need to win a few and get back in STT profit!
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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide if you are only interested in a running total, then I can't see the problem with multiple sites on the same spreadsheet - however, it wont show which sites are profitable for you and does skew the figs (as your bankroll will be disproportionate to the buy-ins) You might actually be break even at one site and think you are great, and not so good at other but actually doing quite well. I would chose the option of separate spreadsheets for each site and see where your long term value is Just my thoughts Damo

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Re: STT/SNG Spreadsheet - a beginners guide Arrgh! Forgot to add that it doesn't like it if you are multi-tableing using 2 sites and 2 sheets. I cocked up when I was playing Sp odds and Pokerstars at the same time, and had to restart both from scratch. :\

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