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Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!


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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Well done everyone who made the final :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap But especially Andy and Pene:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap 2nd and 3rd :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Guest gazza271

Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** What a great night :) My first live game and thoroughly enjoyed it despite going out early, 35th - 40th ish ? Had a flush draw and an ace appeared on the turn so i pushed all in thinking he would fold......... doh :sad Cant even remember what he won with TBH. Still at least it game me time to really abuse the free bar :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer Then organised a £10 9 seat STT with several PL'ers and redeemed myself a bit by winning that :dude (Kev sorry about the 73 mate!!! :$ ) More beer :beer :beer and then cheering on the PL guys and gals on the final table. Outstanding FT,some great moments and well done to all who made the money. The eventual winner was sat next to me at the start and said it was his first live game :eek The best bit tho............................ Meeting all you great folks,having a beer,laugh and poker. PERFECT :ok Shame had to leave at the end,we had a babysitter but would have loved to stay around for a few more :beer Cant wait to do it again

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** YOU GUYS ARE A GREAT CROWD!!!!!! well played to everyone especially to the ones who made the final table, i won a cpl of side games while you all battled it out and was impressed with the way everyone cheered the final table players on and even ended up doing a bit of shouting of my own!! back at the hotel was hilarious, the stupid woman thinking she was gonna say no alcohol, we got to her in the end and had a few bottles of beer, followed by pens danish firewater that noone seemed to like so they kept giving theirs to me :D and the blackberry wine which was also delicious!! a few of us went to the gutshot after for food and a little bit more poker.....i managed to double up in the cash game and had to cash out soon after as my eyes and brain seemed to be working indifferently to each other and managed to get home at 7 am for once!! special thanks to heniek for making the night possible for me and introducing me to another crowd of great people i can get drunk and play poker with!! see ya at the next one!!

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** Me 'ead hurts and me right buttock is bruised, but Linda and I had a great night. I was really looking forward to meeting some PLers in the flesh and you didn't disappoint. I'm not going to single any people out because without exception you were all a thoroughly nice crowd. I hope I didn't gabble too much, I tend to get a bit hyper when I'm enjoying myself. I'll say again what I said to Pene when we left the hotel this morning, "I can now see why you come over to the UK so often". You are very special people.

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** What a brilliant night... Great to see the usual suspects and a few new faces. :ok Well done to all who made the final table, espec Big Andy & Pene. :clap :clap :clap :clap As for myself I thought I was very lucky to get in the Money....72off?????....hmmmmm ALL IN BLIND........... ......................................'AVE IT :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Guest gazza271

Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://img524.imageshack.us/img524/581/cityam75ek.jpg' alt='cityam75ek.jpg'>

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION RECEIVED*** <a  href=http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/6871/cityam16br.jpg' alt='cityam16br.jpg'> good job i didnt go, wouldnt have been able to concontrate;) sounds like a great night well played BA and Pen thats a right touch:ok :nana

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

I bought a digital camera especially for the trip' date=' then got so involved in the poker and booze, I forgot to use it. DOH!:wall[/quote']don't feel too bad ......................... i took my digital camera with me for the york race meeting .................. 3 days and i didn't get round to taking even one picture :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :$
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! :ok I take it that we did have 7 on the final table then? :loon Well, thats just fan-bloody-tastic. if you are who I think you are*... :unsure *checks Betfair forum. It was! :ok Very well done! I really wish you the best of luck in Vegas, and hope you have as good a time as possible. Like you say, you don't post much on here, but please come back and let us know how you do in Vegas. :hope

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap fantastic night and well worth travelling for! :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap Great meeting some old faces and some new ones too. magnificent bunch of guys and girls you all are. Sorry, though to Ovalman... I know you tried calling after that last STT but I never heard the phone ring, such was the noise and fun being generated by Pene's DANISH SPECIALITY (think it might have affected some of the english girlies) back at the hotel. I had a sneeky suspicion it was only coloured water or is it that I could have a drink problem:eek:eek:eek. Anyway, she deserves a special mention too for making some of our "lesser paid" work force see reasoning (i.e BRIBES!! :lol:lol ) I too have the distinction of being one of those who brought a camera. but, unlike those who forgot to use theirs, I remembered!! * *unfortunately - Id forgotten that the bastid works off batteries :lol:lol:lol

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

such was the noise and fun being generated by Pene's DANISH SPECIALITY (think it might have affected some of the english girlies) back at the hotel.
I can't remember anything from the hotel. Last thing I remember is deciding I ought to lead a crocodile back to the hotel. Did I drink Pene's firewater? Did I give any of you some of my blackberry wine? But I do know that I didn't :puke
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! Don't think I've ever drank as much ever in 2 days. :loon Great to meet all the people I hadn't yet, such as Marek, Col U FC, Lillelars, Milou, 6ooner and plenty of others my brain is too drunk to remember. :unsure I finished 18th, not a bad effort for my first live final, but really proud of everyone getting on the final table, and of course especially Big Andy & Pene - you both played brilliant, just big stack was always against you. :( Due to Lillelars playing so cool on my table earlier, I started calling him "Ice Man" and the name has kinda stuck. :lol The night after me, my sis (Michaela), Kotp, Pene & Ice Man went out for another monster drinking session in Canary Wharf for my sis's birthday and got absolutely hammered again! :rollin

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath!

Due to Lillelars playing so cool on my table earlier, I started calling him "Ice Man" and the name has kinda stuck. :lol The night after me, my sis (Michaela), Kotp, Pene & Ice Man went out for another monster drinking session in Canary Wharf for my sis's birthday and got absolutely hammered again! :rollin
:loon back home... unfortunately :sad :sad :sad I wanna come baaaack :cry :cry :cry That was yet another superb trip... fabulous bunch of people :ok As Paul said, we went out last night... and Brother Ice Man was at his funniest ever... untill the Ice Man had a serious meltdown :lol :lol ...will post more about that evening including putting in some pics... Again big thank you to Paul and Dave for taking excellent care of Ice Man and myself... and thanks for bringing your sister... gotta love that girl... she is special :ok :clap
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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! Alright then... with the assistance of Mister Bossman here are some Betfair live pics :ok Ovalman, Colu and his wife Linda London006.jpg Mister Bossman, Ovalman and Colu London007.jpg 600ner (son) Gazza, kevshat London008.jpg Big Andy and Dave (Kotp) London009.jpg Mister V and Galronix London010.jpg 600ner, Kevshat, Sam and Heniek London011.jpg Bowles and da Bossman London012.jpg Heniek and Marek London014.jpg Ovalman, Rich and Colu London015.jpg Outside the Poker room... Kevshat, Mister V, Lillelars (Ice Man) and Sam... I love this pic :clap :clap :clap London016.jpg

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Re: Betfair City AM LIVE Final 25th May- The Aftermath! alright... last pics from me ... from thursday night anyway... :ok The Ice Man in action :loon London019.jpg Final Table, my favourite dealer :clap London023.jpg Final Table London025.jpg ColU and Mister V...before the Danish drinks got to ColU :lol :lol London027.jpg Me and Frisky.. going for a bike ride... :unsure London030.jpg

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