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New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.


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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

New table up at the SO website... Hobbo is driving me insane... he is soooooo persistant... :lol :lol Breathing down my neck, is he... :spank :spank
Breathing you say ..... maybe you should button up again sweetie :loon
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Dear Mr Murrell' date= Thank you for contacting Sporting Odds. Please note that our Poker Support Team have reported back and confirmed that the poker player with the nickname - pimp1982 has had his chat privileges suspended indefinitely. Again, please accept our sincerest apologies for any incontinence caused. the system works:ok and yeah Pen deffo i found that too! be carefull
hmm funny that i just had him on my table swearing againn so thats absolute BS!!!!!! why email me that fs thats annoying another email sent that is just plain ridiculas to send someone an email saying that and ..aaaaargh:@ :@ :@ :@
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

hmm funny that i just had him on my table swearing againn so thats absolute BS!!!!!! why email me that fs thats annoying another email sent that is just plain ridiculas to send someone an email saying that and ..aaaaargh:@ :@ :@ :@
Yes, that is complete BS.... And now he is accusing Hobbo and I for cheating... because we play at lot of games against one another... :lol :lol :lol Obviously he doesn't have a clue of what this is all about... moron :lol
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. just been playing a few 6 seat $5 on ftp ... i need help, i bubble out more than i hit money literally, 3rd 60% of the time all in AA, ak board k q 5 6 k all in AQ, aj board k t 3 9 q tt runs into ak and loses the list goes on i'm probably not playing tight enough in the latter stages, but they seem to take around an hour if i dont make a move reducing the time/profit immensely 80-90% of the time i get an early chip lead, but it always dwindles from re-raises and such. any good books cover stt strategy? KK all in vs aj, a on turn, out in 4th aj all in vs 66, no help, out in 3rd then i win one leaving me $3 down from rake

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. Again, please accept our sincerest apologies for any incontinence caused. From Mo;s email off sporting odds ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THE INCONTINENCE BIT LMAO!! The guy swore so much, Mo shit himself

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

wp Pen grrrrrrrr just realised im not about monday when it finishes damn!
Mo, how many times do I have to tell you.... :spank :spank :spank Read the WHOLE thread.... It ends SUNDAY at midnight... provided this info above :spank :spank
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

damn rumbled hehe but i have soooo much love to give xxxx :tongue2
You tart... :spank :spank :spank ...giving a girl false hopes... :spank :spank Anyway... played 5 stt's after I came in again... won all 5... :nana Think that puts me juuuust before the $ 1000... on $ 997.5 I think :unsure
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

just been playing a few 6 seat $5 on ftp ... i need help, i bubble out more than i hit money literally, 3rd 60% of the time all in AA, ak board k q 5 6 k all in AQ, aj board k t 3 9 q tt runs into ak and loses the list goes on i'm probably not playing tight enough in the latter stages, but they seem to take around an hour if i dont make a move reducing the time/profit immensely 80-90% of the time i get an early chip lead, but it always dwindles from re-raises and such. any good books cover stt strategy? KK all in vs aj, a on turn, out in 4th aj all in vs 66, no help, out in 3rd then i win one leaving me $3 down from rake
just looks like a bad run of luck,you were ahead or evens pre flop on each occasion . depends if all the action was pre flop etc but it will even out eventually ,ive had a similar bad run lately (hopefully it'll change when i get 2 vegas;) )
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. good idea ,looks like you've got 3rd easy:ok .had 4 good games on the trot yesterday which should help me away from the battle for the $50 slots ,its getting pretty close from 14th thru to 8th so i better get a few in over the weekend

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Jesus' date=' Pene - I'm glad they're not running a league based on something you enjoy, we'd be even further behind!! :rollin[/quote'] He he... didn't mean to come off all arrogant :$ :$ I just prefer the 10 player stt's... ... and after the first week, I hated this tourney... but were in too deep to quit it... had to slow down over the weekend though... ...if I didn't I was afraid I would have to retire from Poker altogether... :eek Now I am just playing a few last games... trying to get over a very nast hangover ... don't :gimme ever again...
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. SportingOdds STT League May sees the advent of the SportingOdds STT League. Well done Penelopeys for winning a titanic struggle with Hobbo Thre for the crown of SportingOdds STT Champion. For the remainder of May (15th - 31st inc) there will be another STT League but with a couple of changes. * League positions will be calculated on total profit (winnings minus buy-in) on the table during the 17 days. * The prize pool will now be spread across the whole of the top 20. The 5 handed $5 table can be found in the 'Single Tourney' section of the SportingOdds Poker Room and there will always just be seat waiting for you. Go to the Poker Room now and start to rise up the table! STT League Table STT League Top 20 - Final Table of the First SportingOdds STT League

1stPenelopeys $1150
2ndhobbo thre $1080
3rdsfrankg $727.50
4thesso1 $615
5thsukiej $570
6thKing Volca $405
7thuberpl $340
8thchirpsley $325
8thmoFace3 $325
10throbilaruk $317.50
11thgazhob $305
12thTelepe $300
13thdjuju1 $252.50
14thmorlspin1 $245
15thelmcroft $217.50
16thuglycow $210
17thJROCK999 $182.50
17thJadedJ $182.50
19thRookie2006 $142.50
20thcodders $125
20thVPP $125
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