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New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.


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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

does anyone know when the next update is out?
I think they intend to do it pretty much daily (on working days) - so should be tomorrow I guess.......
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

nice one morls and e4sby 'oo oo a a' - thats monkey talk for you are not very good!!!:nana :nana :nana :nana heres some food
Err actually you've got that slightly wrong and have just called his mother something very impolite :eek
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

...I need HU lessons... anybody??? 1 won today... and 8 seconds... :unsure
aggressive domination first with the chips in normally wins unless your marginal chip lead (2:1) then i'd say tight looking to catch when the other player is underdog once you're 5:1 in chips call everything all in
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. Right... my HU improved today... :D 6 wins ... 3 seconds... ...so far... Hobbo and Blade(sfrankg) are chasing me... need to keep it up... even though this tourney makes me sick now... :puke :puke Up to $ 790 in overall winnings...

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

just sent an email along with screenprint to So guy called PIMP1982 watch out he just swears at everyone for no reason be warned hes still shite though
sent a email about him the other day ,me and elmcroft relieved him of his chips and sent him on his way after he started abuseing a female player . he's the lowest of the lo
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. 1st Place = $750 2nd Place = $500 3rd Place = $300 4th Place = $150 5th Place = $75 10th Place = $50 13th Place = $50 18th Place = $25 25th Place = $25 im still confused about this? does this mean 13th to 17th get $50

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. This is a warning.... :unsure :unsure ...to all you guys playing a lot of short handed stt's at the moment.... I played in the Champions League last night, and have over the past days (as some of you might know) played a fair number of short handed stt's. ... therefore I have not been playing 10 seater tourneys for a while, and it really affected my game last night. ... I had to restrain myself from calling all ins with ATs, thinking .... "wheeeee, what a monster" (which it is in a 5 player stt)... :\ Anyway... my point is... veeeeery different game... But you lot probably knew this... it was just a bit of a shock to me just HOW much it affected my thinking...

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

sent a email about him the other day ,me and elmcroft relieved him of his chips and sent him on his way after he started abuseing a female player . he's the lowest of the lo
Dear Mr Murrell, Thank you for contacting Sporting Odds. Please note that our Poker Support Team have reported back and confirmed that the poker player with the nickname - pimp1982 has had his chat privileges suspended indefinitely. Again, please accept our sincerest apologies for any incontinence caused. the system works:ok and yeah Pen deffo i found that too! be carefull
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny. INFORMATION TO ALL STT SLAVES: Spoke to Joe Legge.... Last day of this nightmare is sunday 14th... ends at midnight... :ok And... another stt tourney starts on the 15th, with a different format though... hopefully a less enslaving one :hope Pene, she who needs her life back :cry

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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

Dear Mr Murrell' date= Thank you for contacting Sporting Odds. Please note that our Poker Support Team have reported back and confirmed that the poker player with the nickname - pimp1982 has had his chat privileges suspended indefinitely. Again, please accept our sincerest apologies for any incontinence caused. the system works:ok and yeah Pen deffo i found that too! be carefull
PMSL:lol :lol
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Re: New Sporting Odds STT Leaderboard Tourny.

I have reported two other players as well: The Cat77 and razor46 .... both of them very annoying and abusive players from Bristol .... are they all like that ??? ;o))
Hobbo and I was playing against those 2 last night... and Hobbo told them that PL players was complaining about them... ...they asked who... but wasn't told. They seemed to be sorry about their behavior, and apologized... Although a few minutes later they called eachother bad words....:unsure I started wearing my Teacher/Mum outfit :tongue2 , and tried talking some sense into them... telling them, that an apology isn't good enough after doing something so foolish as abusing people at the tables... I asked them how old they were, because only children could get away with ridiculous behavior and then making it all go away by apologizing. ... very childish IMO... "oh, I messed up... I can just apologize and then it's okay" Well... not in my book it isn't... Anyway... it seemed like it helped, they were behaving, and introduced themselves to me ... firstnames and all...wanting to start fresh... But still... we can't have those verbal abusers... :spank :spank
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