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Bad players


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Ok so I know a lot of the time its humourous and all......but what is with people complaining (not just here, poker world generally) about running into muppets who play 72 in a raised pot?.....the hungarians playing trash on SO etc......why don't we want players like that at our tables?... If it was any other activity/sport, especially one that we played for money! - we'd be deliriously happy to find ourselves up against bad players but in poker it seems to anger a lot of folk, to the extent they don't want these players around.......I'd give up playing if it wasn't for players like this, I wouldn't be making any money, and I'm thankful every day they're there...it doesn't make sense to me

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Re: Bad players i totally agree ,admittedly its nice to play in a good quality game but like you say if its a game with a decent prize i would rather be playing muppets and getting rewards ,they may take you out once in a while but the odds are always better against poor players.

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Re: Bad players But playing a table full of muppets can be so frustrating. Its OK on a cash game but when you get 5 or 6 callers in a STT or MTT with aces, your bullets aren't that strong.... Still, I'd rather play against muppets than play against any of you lot as my Sporting Odds dollar up results can testify....

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Re: Bad players I'd much rather someone go all in against my KK with 72 than with AA, even if I do lose one in four. Probably why I can make money easily on freerolls but have never won anything on a buy in MTT (apart from one event which was a rebuy and the all ins were worse than a freeroll). I have never made the money even with added cash like the SO $1+0 PL league games, I know the standard is better but I feel my game is lacking something.

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Re: Bad players Love playing against muppets, they are the ones you can generally beat, thus making the game profitable.They also give you the great winning stories to tell your mates. And when they beat you with the runner, runner, it keeps them coming back for more and also gives you the bad beat stories to tell your mates :)

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Re: Bad players Muppets = gold mine :ok. I play a lot on SO lowest tables and havent lost a session for ages. I go on hunt and sit at 3 tables and I just love it. Its enough to be TAP and even though sometimes they get lucky (see my last post in Bad Beat tread ;) ) I always get them back. I couldnt play cash tables, if it wasnt for those muppets :$.

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Re: Bad players Well, clearly, thank God for muppets. I wouldn't make any money at all if it weren't for the stupidity of other players. In a cash game sit me down with a table of donkeys and I'm a happy girl. BUT. When I sit down in a tourney and find my Kings being raised and reraised by a mupp with j3o and an attitude problem and he wins, then I find I look at it slightly differently..:eyes

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