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sporting odds problems still!!!


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Just playing a pot limit cash game and flopped a nut straight. one goes all in... another calls........ I bet bigger still...he calls. I get the message that the internal connection has failed and the table will close after that round. The bloke who is not all in bets 25c and I am folded automatically. Biggest pot we have had by a long long way..... and i fold after betting over $6 into the pot and fold to a 25c bet total shite. then go into the $30 tourny and flop trip a's holding aa. all in (after suffering a bad beat already) and the flop comes a k q turn j lose to someone holding j 10. Totally frustrated. I hate sporting odds. I know the straight was gonna beat me but my raise preflop was good... but the the magicians at sporting odds deal him the nuts

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! Coooome oooon.... try to remember all the times YOU river, or bad beat, somebody.... I bet it evens it up... and if you're a good player...(which I know you are...have played with you) you're probably ahead in that department already :) ... no magicians at SO... just think that pokerplayers tend to have a very selective memory ;)

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!!

then go into the $30 tourny and flop trip a's holding aa. all in (after suffering a bad beat already) and the flop comes a k q turn j lose to someone holding j 10. I know the straight was gonna beat me but my raise preflop was good... but the the magicians at sporting odds deal him the nuts
Sorry mate - no mention of pre-flop raise leads me to believe that you went all-in AFTER he has flopped a straight. You had several outs to land a Poker or FH but didnt hit.Fancy posting up the HH and I'll give you my verdict on it if it helps!!
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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! not worried about it... there was a large preflop raise but with a j 10 he could have called. As for me getting the nuts on the flop... i wouldn't have minded if i could have gone to the showdown. It was a post about the table crashing.... the other bit is an aside. I know which i think is the most important but like the pro says.... you all are that good that you can tell everyone else what they do wrong!" by the way... that was a joke! but I thought they sorted the software crashing out with the upgrade... a warning to you all.... the tables on SO still dump.

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! Kind of depends on what stage you were at in the tourney but slow - playing aces esp with a flop like that is VERY dangerous. Going all-in meant that you were open to J,10 having called and a big risk too. Just my Two-pence worth but in a tourney I do tend to throw ACES in ASAP - no questions asked!!!

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! Just got a reply to my email explaining what happened. Dear Sir, Thank you for contacting SportingOdds. When a problem arises with our poker software, the result is that every player gets booted out of the poker room. Admittedly this does happen from time to time and in this instance all funds will be refunded. Unfortunately in your case this is not what happened as you were the only player to be kicked off this table as the game continued around you. This means it is not possible that it was our servers fault and very much indicates that the disconnection was a result of something at your end. In this instance i'm sure you can appreciate we cannot possible refund every customer whose computer or internet connection boots them off the software. Please ensure you are using Broadband and also check your internet connection. It is beneficial to you to try to run as few other programs at the same time as playing poker. Any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind Regards Harry Customer Care Team SportingOdds.com Email: [email protected] Telephone: 08000 727 727 (9am - 8pm BST Monday to Sunday) International: +44 207 553 4164 To which I replied..... Not good enough Harry I am afraid. There was and is no problem with my internet connection, I am on Broadband and lots and lots of people at Punterslounge.com have suffered the same problems. If it was a connection problem then the sporting odds lobby would have crashed, which it did not. The table remained on my screen and I could watch the hand play out.... so there WAS NOT a connection problem. It CANNOT have been a problem at my end or my other programmes would have suffered too. I run very few programmes while I play, just AOL and one browser. This matter HAS been raised many times with Sporting odds and you never do anything about it. Can you explain how it is not a fault with your game when NO connection problem was apparant? I await your reply with interest. Dan Siron Hmmmmmm they upgraded the software and this is STILL happening and they STILL claim that it doesn't. Interesting:@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!!

It was a post about the table crashing.... the other bit is an aside
I know Danno... my fault for replying on the least important thing... just seem to have an opinion on everything :loon ... hehe SO needs to pull up her stockings!!!! Indeed....
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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! yes, it always astounds me when I get the "Internal error, table will close after this round", if it's such a bad error howcome I can still see the rest of the hand being played. Sucks big time when you've got chips/cash on the table at the time.

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! :rollin :rollin :rollin I think I was posting up the screen dumps of this happening before Christmas! http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showpost.php?p=302739&postcount=20 taken from this thread (titled My Latest Sporting Odds Problem); http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20900&highlight=latest+sporting+odds+problem They had started to improve, until they started again round about the time of the infamous tikay's tourney.:eyes

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! Not sure if this is a result or not. Dear Sir, Thank you for your email. I can confirm that as a gesture of goodwill we will credit your poker account with $10. Please note however that the evidence that we have attained regarding this query would suggest that the disconnection was caused by your PC as opposed to Sporting Odds, and this can be legitimised by the fact there were other people continuing to play on your table. We appreciate that it can be frustrating when there is a disconnection from a table or from the poker room and if it has been a connectivity issue caused by our Software then we will reimburse you for any losses caused by this. However we also have to take into consideration that if the disconnection was caused by your PC then in theory we are not responsible for the loss of game play and it would not be deemed fair to then refund you. Hopefully this matter has now been resolved however if you require any additional information then please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind Regards Mark Clohessy Customer Care Team SportingOdds.com So as a gesture of goodwill....thank you. As a gesture of sorting out any bugs in the software... not good. They still say it is at my end although nothing was affected AND I could see the hand play out without being able to call the pathetic 25c bet. Lorenzo KNEW I was disconnected and that's why he put that bet in... can't say i wouldn't have done the same! But I hate that they still maintain that it either didn't happen or was a problem at my end.

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! I dunno what the stacks were for that hand, but unless it's an insane overbet (100x territory) I can't criticise anyone for pushing or calling with AAA on an AKQ board, chances that your opponent has JT are tiny, and even then you're not that big an underdog. I know it's a tourney and all, so you might not strictly shoot for long term expectation on every hand, but you still have to balance risk and reward. I don't get aces all that often and I'm quite happy to slow play them a bit, unless there's someone at my table stupid enough to call me anyway. They're slightly more likely to bust, but it's a question of whether you're likely to end up in a better situation to pick up chips in the near future, normally you won't be. But that's the last time I'm ever defending Danno's play!

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! i have repeatedly had connection etc problems with so i think 4 times this month during the pl league games ive been dumped ,twice only for a minute or two but once it was for a good while(long enough to blind down 1500 chips and put me out) i dont know what the problems are as i know dickens about pcs ,but i'd suggest so put some bloody money in the meter before a mtt kicks off :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! Danno, Thats a standard SO 'bull-mail'. I even had the same phrase.

Unfortunately in your case this is not what happened as you were the only player to be kicked off this table as the game continued around you. This means it is not possible that it was our servers fault and very much indicates that the disconnection was a result of something at your end.
thrown at me when we (PLers) were suffering SO connections in large numbers. I replied to that and said thanks for the cash but to cut the crap or something similar;
Dear Andrew, Thanks for your email. We are very sorry to hear that you have had difficulties once more and we share your frustrations. {1}Rather strangely, I have never seen the message you have received before, nor can I recall any other clients reporting it - although this may well be because they have not been as vigilant as yourself with regard to screenshots. I have taken the liberty of pasting the initial response from our technical team below - with a view to reaching an effective resolution. "This error appears when the table windows don't report back to the main lobby window correctly. Most probable cause is an error with the {2}players' computer. For example, from the screenshot it's evident that he runs WinXP, which is a very resource-demanding operating system. Combine that with {3}128 or 256 MB of RAM, and you may have errors like this. Of course, this is just one of many possible reasons why these errors could occur. {4}Ask the client to send in his dxdiag, then we can pinpoint any errors with for example hardware. If the client clicks on "start" and then run and types dxdiag it should tell him any hardware that has a conflict. If he screenshots that and sends it through we may be able to diagnose the problem. There's no 1 solution for this one, since it can be due to a number of reasons. {5}My experience though, tells me that it's often the hardware in the players computer." Many thanks for you continued efforts to report these faults to us, we sincerely hope that this can be resolved swiftly and to your satisfaction. Kind regards, Jim Folliard
Try your 'mate' Mark and see if HE says, "I have never encountered this problem before".;)
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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! I only play tournies on SO - am crap at cash even playing against muppets. Another annoying aspect to the 'we are gonna boot you out of the table after you have watched this hand' error is that you cannot get back onto the table in time to play the next hand.

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! I've got a way of getting back in slightly quicker. As soon as you get the message/obviously disconnected, do ctrl+Alt+del to bring up the task manager. You'll see 2 tasks associated with SO, one for the lobby and one for the table. select the one for the table and end-task, shut's it down (almost) straight away. Once you're back in the lobby click 'go to table' and you get put back in. I've been disconnected and got back in quick enough to play my blinds on the next hand.:ok

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! After reading this today I thought I might as well give the Safety net another go!! Glad I did - It hasn't changed!! :lol:lol:lol:lol Hand #243036352 at table: Safety Net Started: Thu Mar 23 19:16:00 2006 friskyfit is at seat 1 with 1875.00 tomato2001 is at seat 2 with 1970.00 Lost_Soul is at seat 3 with 1070.00 Killrkraze is at seat 4 with 2175.00 Stad12 is at seat 5 with 1470.00 bigbucks27 is at seat 6 with 790.00 csabka is at seat 7 with 1470.00 betilo123 is at seat 8 with 1465.00 andras2600 is at seat 9 with 985.00 ICEMAN718 is at seat 10 with 2670.00 tomato2001 posts the large blind 30.00 friskyfit posts the small blind 15.00 friskyfit: 4d, 2h tomato2001: --, -- Lost_Soul: --, -- Killrkraze: --, -- Stad12: --, -- bigbucks27: --, -- csabka: --, -- betilo123: --, -- andras2600: --, -- ICEMAN718: --, -- Pre-flop: Lost_Soul: Call 30.00 Killrkraze: Call 30.00 Stad12: Fold bigbucks27: Fold csabka: Call 30.00 betilo123: Fold andras2600: Fold ICEMAN718: Fold friskyfit: Raise 210.00 tomato2001: Call 210.00 Lost_Soul: Fold Killrkraze: Fold csabka: Call 210.00 Flop (Board: 9h, 10c, 2d): friskyfit: Bet 210.00 tomato2001: Fold csabka: Call 210.00 Turn (Board: 9h, 10c, 2d, 4c): friskyfit: Bet 210.00 csabka: All in friskyfit: Call 1050.00 Showdown: friskyfit shows: 4d, 2h (two pair, Fours and Deuces) csabka shows: Kd, 10d (a pair of Tens) River (Board: 9h, 10c, 2d, 4c, 5s): Mainpot: friskyfit wins the pot of 3210 with two pair, Fours and Deuces (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! 2 hands later - Hand #243047106 at table: Safety Net Started: Thu Mar 23 19:25:10 2006 friskyfit is at seat 1 with 7420.00 tomato2001 is at seat 2 with 1760.00 Lost_Soul is at seat 3 with 2490.00 Killrkraze is at seat 4 with 1155.00 Stad12 is at seat 5 with 1395.00 bigbucks27 is at seat 6 with 305.00 Tibííí is at seat 7 with 460.00 betilo123 is at seat 8 with 1465.00 jouvin is at seat 9 with 1350.00 Tibííí posts the large blind 50.00 bigbucks27 posts the small blind 25.00 bigbucks27: --, -- Tibííí: --, -- betilo123: --, -- jouvin: --, -- friskyfit: Jd, Ks tomato2001: --, -- Lost_Soul: --, -- Killrkraze: --, -- Stad12: --, -- Pre-flop: betilo123: Fold jouvin: Fold friskyfit: Raise 400.00 tomato2001: Call 400.00 Lost_Soul: Call 400.00 Killrkraze: All in :loon Stad12: All in :loon bigbucks27: All in :loon Tibííí: All in :loon friskyfit: Call 1395.00 tomato2001: Call 1395.00 Lost_Soul: Call 1395.00 Flop (Board: Js, 10d, 2h): friskyfit: Bet 500.00 tomato2001: All in :loon Lost_Soul: Call 500.00 Turn (Board: Js, 10d, 2h, 10s): friskyfit: Check Lost_Soul: Check River (Board: Js, 10d, 2h, 10s, 4c): friskyfit: Bet 500.00 Lost_Soul: All in :loon friskyfit: Call 595.00 Showdown: friskyfit shows: Jd, Ks (two pair, Jacks and Tens) tomato2001 shows: 7d, 7h (two pair, Tens and Sevens) Lost_Soul shows: Ac, Kc (a pair of Tens) Killrkraze shows: Kd, 9d (a pair of Tens) Stad12 shows: 3h, Qh (a pair of Tens) bigbucks27 shows: 10c, Qs (three of a kind, Tens) Tibííí shows: Ah, Kh (a pair of Tens) Sidepot 6: friskyfit wins the pot of 1460 with two pair, Jacks and Tens Sidepot 5: friskyfit wins the pot of 1095 with two pair, Jacks and Tens Sidepot 4: friskyfit wins the pot of 960 with two pair, Jacks and Tens Sidepot 3: friskyfit wins the pot of 3225 with two pair, Jacks and Tens Sidepot 2: friskyfit wins the pot of 1080 with two pair, Jacks and Tens Mainpot: bigbucks27 wins the pot of 2310 with three of a kind, Tens (0.00 rake were taken for this hand) :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin Wish Id got the screenshot!!!

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! well i just lost ak flush to a full house , thibk ive only ever got top 3 once in a SO stt, my bad play i spose but, hardly any money left in it now so once pl league finishes dont know if ill go back cant seem to get anywhere

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Guest gazza271

Re: sporting odds problems still!!! Just played a couple of STT's with no problem :nana BUT 1 player was on sit out for most of the game,when he finally got in said it had taken him all that time to get re-connected:\

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Re: sporting odds problems still!!! I don't believe it - even though I was forced out of the 22:00 $4000 gtd game last night in a low stacked position I still made the money (just) :nana . Game had 456 entrants at $10 each - hence paid 50 places - 41-50 got $13.68. It was a very very loose game with over half the players going out in the first hour. Halfway into the second ghour of play I got forced out with 155 players remaining and me short stacked (think bilinds were 100/200) with 1200 or so chips. Even at this halfway stage the play was so loose as to be almost unbelievable (typical a couple of all ins against each other every other hand which is wht I suspect that I made the money after getting forced out). I am going to try and play this game every evening (even with the problems) - it looks like a license to print money if these same muppets are playing every day :lol . My theory follows (please feel to regard as rantings): I have to own up to a bit of sympathy with Sporting Odds on this (:clap SO have been very good to me and PuntersLounge over the last year or more so I continue to give them a lot of slack). Their typical response is "There's no problems our end - our servers fine" when punter after punter is seeing "unable to connect". I don't think they are totally blameless though. I'm thinking its a network problem and one which they have probably contributed to through application design and useage of flakey outgoing connections. The way I read it is there you are - you've got connected through to the Sporting Odds front end server sign up for a game and they then provide you with address (post code if you like) of the particular server that is running your game. So up comes your game session - basically you have a virtual piece of wire through to that server and your table and small packets of info flow backwards and forwards. Way t'internet works these packets go from node to node on the super highway. Now when theres a problem and one of the nodes goes down or gets clogged then theres retry and rerouting mechanisms that come into play. I suspect one or more of SO's immediate outbound nodes (i.e. next station down the line) is occasionally suffering (could even be a DoS attack from those devious Hungarians in Debrecen :unsure ) and voila the communication between you and the game is disrupted and SO don't have the skill to detect it and fix it quickly. Normally in that situation a restart of the poker software would clear it up (basically you'd find an alternative route to the game), however I'm beginning to suspect that various cached addresses somewhere along the waymean that with SO you hit the same out of order route again and again - you keep banging your head against the same brink wall :wall - or alternatively with one way into the server(s) out of commission some load balancing mechanism is not letting you in because the reduced capacity ain't able to take the load. As a provider of a service SO have to take some of the responsibility for this problem. Other sites are much more willing to own up to "Network problems" now and again than SO and respond responsibly to requests for compensation. Its really not good customer relations to basically say "piss off - its not our problem" - sure keep a list of people who've asked for compo and create a hitlist of those who might be seen to be abusing the system, but for the average Joe who once in a blue moon asks for a refund when you know or suspect network problems down the SO end of the line then give him a refund. :spank :spank :spank Anyway thats my rant for this week. Oh I feel much better for getting that out my system. :cheers

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