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WSOP main event


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Had to look twice at this when I saw it..... Phil Ivey is between 160/1-66/1 to win the main event 160 with sportingodds EW 1/8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (so 20s to make final table) 66 at bet365 EW 1/1 1,2,3,4,5(so 33s to finish in top 5) Yet Bluesq go 66s for Ivey to make the final table Has to be worth a few quid on this at that price....... I know anything can happen in the main event but thats a cracking price. Football-Tipper :)

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Re: WSOP main event yep ,it sounds like a good price tipper ,any idea on entry numbers this year so far? i think its going to be a huge number as they reckon 1st prize will be $10 million plus, so im not so sure(he'll probably get knocked out by a hungarian all in with a 72 off:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin )

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Re: WSOP main event 66 just to make the final table? that is too good to be true if you can only get 160/1 for him to win - it makes his win price closr to 500/1 (which is the least I would take!) are you sure? - that is probably the best price you will get on anyone at the WSOP - its very very difficult for anyone to make it that far but Phil has the game to do it Damo

Had to look twice at this when I saw it..... Phil Ivey is between 160/1-66/1 to win the main event 160 with sportingodds EW 1/8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (so 20s to make final table) 66 at bet365 EW 1/1 1,2,3,4,5(so 33s to finish in top 5) Yet Bluesq go 66s for Ivey to make the final table Has to be worth a few quid on this at that price....... I know anything can happen in the main event but thats a cracking price. Football-Tipper :)
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Re: WSOP main event

yep ,it sounds like a good price tipper ,any idea on entry numbers this year so far? i think its going to be a huge number as they reckon 1st prize will be $10 million plus, so im not so sure(he'll probably get knocked out by a hungarian all in with a 72 off:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin )
Hungarians can't afford the entry fee - they only just about manage $1.
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Re: WSOP main event cheers matey well lets see whom I would have 10 bob on Phil Ivey - best player in the world IMHO Dan Negraneu - just remembered how to win a tourney Greg Raymer - 25th last year which given the rise in numbers from the previous year when he won equates to top table and as my 'celeb' I'll take Toby Mcguire who wins a few in the LA clubs and my live outsider will be Tony Bloom, who plays few tournies but has an excellent record people to lay - virtually evryone else - esp Phil Hellmouth as he lays down too many good hands, TJ Cloutier (come one how old?), all of the Hendon Mob as they are too short a price, all the women simply because the stats are against them, Joe Hachem coz bak-2-back victories are nearly impossible, and me coz I ain't there yet ;) cheers Damo ps maybe we should have competition - pick 5 (including one 'celeb'), use the bizarre formula for the $up and winner gets a nice avatar for a year:ok

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Re: WSOP main event Ben didn't take part last year and he'll probably be too busy with his marriage to Jennifer Garner as well as looking after baby Violet (I'd give up my poker career an' all to be with her! :tongue2 :lol :ok). Phil Ivey broke a few hearts crashing out in 20th and being so close to make it to the final table as well (most bookies had a named player to finish in the last ten although some were stingy and only considered 'last NINE'!). Last year's most recognised name to finish up at the final table was of course, MIKE MATUSOW in which bookies were offering anything from 50/1 to 150/1 on The Mouth to make it to the final table. If you bet on Andrew Black at odds of 80/1+, you'd have been betting on the Betfair co-founder and not the rediscovered Irish poker pro who happened to finish fifth but some punters may have got lucky if a bookie didn't pay too much attention and just looked at the name and not the person. Other recognised pros? Tim Phan finished 24th, Greg Raymer 25th, John Juanda 31st, Dustin Woolf 32nd, Kenna James 44th, Lee Watkinson 45th and Hung La 49th. http://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/event.php?a=r&n=14015 Last year, there an imposed limit of 6600 players. the actual number was 5619 who took part. This year's total number of entrants has a maximum limit of 8000. :loon 66/1 doesn't recognise the true odds (no matter how skilful the player is) to actually make it to the final ten but bookies fearing monster payouts will of course, offer such stingy odds (some players were backing themselves with a few thousand here or there such as Juan Carlos Mortensen with online offshore sportsbooks. It's rumoured Phil Ivey making the final table would have cost bookies around the world an unprecedented FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS! :eek) http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/2006wsop.asp ODDS from BODOG: 2006 World Series of Poker - What will be the age of the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event Champion? Winner's age as of August 10th 2006, day of the Final Table 21-25 yrs 8/1 26-30 yrs 7/1 31-35 yrs 5/1 36-40 yrs 3/1 41-45 yrs 5/1 46-50 yrs 7/1 51 yrs & up 8/1 2006 World Series of Poker - How many entrants will there be in the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event? All wagers have action. No refunds Less than 6000 10/1 6001-6400 5/1 6401-6800 7/2 6801-7200 5/2 7201-7600 5/1 7601-8000 7/1 2006 World Series of Poker - What will be the winning hand of the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event? The very last hand played in the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event. All wagers have action. No refunds. Royal Flush 175/1 Straight Flush 100/1 Four of a Kind 50/1 Full House 22/1 Flush 16/1 Straight 15/1 Three of a Kind 12/1 Two Pair 13/2 Pair 3/2 High Card 4/1 2006 World Series of Poker - Of what sex will be the winner of the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event? All wagers have action. No refunds Male -1500 Female +1000 2006 World Series of Poker -What will be the birthplace of the future winner of the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event? Please note BIRTHPLACE. All wagers have action. No refunds United States of America -700 Rest of the World +450

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Re: WSOP main event

Had to look twice at this when I saw it..... Phil Ivey is between 160/1-66/1 to win the main event 160 with sportingodds EW 1/8 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (so 20s to make final table) 66 at bet365 EW 1/1 1,2,3,4,5(so 33s to finish in top 5) Yet Bluesq go 66s for Ivey to make the final table Has to be worth a few quid on this at that price....... I know anything can happen in the main event but thats a cracking price. Football-Tipper :)
Blue Square is even better than that. Look at what they say on the page: To make the final table of 9 players in the main event PLUS we also pay out on the 10th place "bubble" position. Others on request. I think now Daniel Negranu has come into a bit of form, he might be worth a bob or two for the top 10. To join in the informal compy, heres my 5 Phil Ivey. Obvious choice really Daniel Negranu. Come into form as robilaruk points out Dan Harrington. Is it me or does he seem to pop up there or there abouts nearly every year, if not in the main, then at least two of the smaller tourneys? Outsider. Annie Duke. The braclet in 2004 (even if it was omaha) and the Champions tourney win should have helped her last year, but maybe she just needed that year in between. Maybe one for the final table, but doubt she will win.
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Re: WSOP main event

ODDS from BODOG: 2006 World Series of Poker - What will be the age of the 2006 World Series of Poker Main Event Champion? Winner's age as of August 10th 2006, day of the Final Table 21-25 yrs 8/1 26-30 yrs 7/1 31-35 yrs 5/1 36-40 yrs 3/1 41-45 yrs 5/1 46-50 yrs 7/1 51 yrs & up 8/1
Judging by the amount of younger players coming through and the Online boom of new younger players who will get there from the Online sites, 3 x £20(eg) on 21-25/26-30/31-35 = £60 out with a minimum return of £100 (IF! one of them comes in!!) and a possible £160!! looks Great value :ok Not sure what the average age was last year or will be this but got to be under 35, hasn't it? C.R.
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Re: WSOP main event

Celeb. Phil Taylor. Used to winning, which helps. Competitive and agressive at the right time, & can concentrate for long periods and will need to. Can also deal with long periods of sitting down and waiting, since he usually despatches his darts opponents pretty sharpish!
He won't be there ;)
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Re: WSOP main event Chris Ferguson was 36, Juan Carlos Mortensen was 29, Robert Varkonyi was 40, Chris Moneymaker was 28 (he looks much older, yeah), Greg Raymer was 39 and Joe Hachem was 39 when they won. Phil Hellmuth. Jr is still the youngest WSOP Main Event winner at 24. Statistically speaking, the youngest-player-to-win record will be broken.

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Re: WSOP main event He'll be too busy looking after his new trophy shop!!! I think the WSOP final table will be populated by a lot of newcomers this year. There are so many unknown people entered from online tournies that you have to think some of them will make it. The EPT in Monte Carlo last week for example was won by a 19 year old US college graduate who qualified via an online satellite.

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Re: WSOP main event 175 to 1 that a royal flush wins main event ,bet they get a lot of takers on that:lol . id go with the magician at those odds if anyone ,esfandiari has been in good form over the last year (won a few big tourneys) or maybe gus hansen ,but the odds look pretty poor on everyone,and everything connected to it . a pl fantasy league sounds like a good idea , could run it through the whole world series ,id do it but it took me 10 mins to type this and im awful on a pc ,can just about turn the bloody thing on. do you know the odds on a unknown getting final table tipper? just in case i get in somehow you never know:hope

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Re: WSOP main event

wasn't he first out in the Ladbrokes Cruise this year?
Yes indeed he was! Anyone betting on him needs their head examining. I was not happy with THE_POWER being 100/1 on the laddies coupon and mr_muse_man 250/1 :spank :lol Yep i agree those royal flush odds are bloody stupid, god ive never seen a worse value bet than that!
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Re: WSOP main event That's fooking ridculous odds (just to win, is it and not to be in the last 9/10? If it is then it's even more stupid then and which chicken of a bookie has slashed Ivey's odds to 33/1!?) if there are something like 6,000+ runners. Even the best player in the world would struggle. A better bet might be if any bookies are offering as to who'll make the money which has usually been the last 10% of the field. Stan James were offering such odds last year.

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Re: WSOP main event

Was thinking of having a punt on Irishman Andy Black . can;t seem to find odds for him anywhere. can't believe he's not taking part.
Here you go mate http://www.sportsbook.com/sports-betting/Sports-2006%20WSOP%20Main%20Event%20%20%20Odds%20to%20Win%20(All%20Bets%20Action)-753.html after looking at his profile here http://www.pokerlistings.com/poker-player_andrew-black (2005 stats) @ 1000/1 he could be worth a shout but as its so open I'm sticking with my post above on the 3 markets under 35 to win it with guaranteed profit if any 1 comes up :ok
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Re: WSOP main event Hmmm. To win? On any random internet qualifier (unless word gets around as to how they're killing the cash games or online/real world tourneys) probably 400/1 and at least 100/1 to make the final table but you gotta ask as they'll most likely never have heard of whoever it is you want odds quoting. hobbo? I haven't been browsing the bragging rights thread so I haven't a clue who hobbo is (no offence whoever you are but the name doesn't ring a bell. :\).

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