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Goal Poker and anything to do with it


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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Got back from Paris a couple of hours ago - have 20+ pictures on PC, what do I have to do to get them on here!! Had a great couple of days - football was fantastic, and great bunch of people. Thanks to GoalPoker for the hospitality...do we get a free invite back next year???

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

Got back from Paris a couple of hours ago - have 20+ pictures on PC, what do I have to do to get them on here!! Had a great couple of days - football was fantastic, and great bunch of people. Thanks to GoalPoker for the hospitality...do we get a free invite back next year???
Washman - did you get any photos of the massive 'chipstack' you managed to accumulate at the end of the poker last night??! :lol :lol
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Milou, forgot to take photos of my chipstack :) , but could probably host a guided tour of Paris with all those pamphlets!! Hope you enjoyed the evening (other than the result of course) - see you next week at the Betfair do - I'm sure you'll get your revenge TaxMonkey - thanks for that. Hopefully the link below will show PL team from Tuesday night dscf01034pf.jpg More images from Tuesday are here: http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/search/FrameSet.aspx?s=ImagesSearchState%7c0%7c0%7c-1%7c28%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c1%7c%7c%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c7%7c%7cpoker%7c1125084063323127%7c0%7c0%7c0%7c0&p=7&tag=1

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Just got back myself and it was an unbelievable couple of days and the company was 2nd to none. Fenners you are a poker star mate but just remember who won the main event on the Eurostar when ALL the runners were in. Big dave and wishy washy also great company and a pleasure to be with. Ian Fraser and his side kick Jimmy were top quality entertainment. Burnley Joe (enough said). Also manbag, viking and the other Dave it was a pleasure and I hope you all find the lounge. We even met up with 6ooner and Milou and played till 6 this morning:unsure But special thanks to Goalpoker for really looking after us and putting the event on especially our 'holiday reps' in Paris Harry and Vics the pics and vids will be going up once I have had some sleep:ok

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

Just got back myself and it was an unbelievable couple of days and the company was 2nd to none. Fenners you are a poker star mate but just remember who won the main event on the Eurostar when ALL the runners were in. Big dave and wishy washy also great company and a pleasure to be with. Ian Fraser and his side kick Jimmy were top quality entertainment. Burnley Joe (enough said). Also manbag, viking and the other Dave it was a pleasure and I hope you all find the lounge. We even met up with 6ooner and Milou and played till 6 this morning:unsure But special thanks to Goalpoker for really looking after us and putting the event on especially our 'holiday reps' in Paris Harry and Vics the pics and vids will be going up once I have had some sleep:ok
Out of nowhere, losing the biggest final I've ever been to, getting fekking soaked, going into a transvestite bar where the trannies were so real they looked like ugly women that you thought were men, we had a storming time- fenners you are a star- you have a night in Brugge whenever you want, MCFC the same goes for you, washman, you're welcome too but we can't guarantee that we can get enough tourist pamphflets. Jeeeesuz, Punters lounge has given me faith in the human race again:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana really enjoyed meeting up with you guys:ok Actually, the guys from goalpoker were pretty good fun too - MCFC - include me your grand extortion plan, I was a witness!
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it Have to take my hat off to Goalpoker and especially Harry and Victoria - better hosts we could not have wished for - despite Harry's karaoke. GP pro Ian Frazer also great company and his brother Al Capone Jimmy. Three PL in the top 5 made it a great start to the trip. Roll on Ibiza, apparently there is a game of underwater poker planned!! :eek :eek :loon Once again - Thanks Goalpoker. :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

Hi, Good to meet you all, great to get so drunk and not care, had a great laff with John before the match and Al afterwards, even though had to walk about 5 miles for a cab. Good luck in Ibiza all of you who are going. Regards Joe:lol
Nice one Joe glad to see you made it home OK because it was touch and go for you on a couple of occasions, hope your colour has come back now :) Anyway :welcome
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it :loon ian frazer accumulated 3000 tlb points in a few hours yesterday.wtf tournaments did he win for that?man he must have been busy,think i have managed about 3800 this month from about 12 final tables in mtt :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy i bow to you mr frazer

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

of course not,strange thing is i looked at the results on yesterdays mtt tourneys and never saw any he had won,must have all been on stt tables. like guinness........pure genius;)
did see that he came 7th in100K guarranteed for $3500
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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana Whoo Hooo.....just remembered from last night I now have a seat in the Goal Poker WSOP 50 seater tourney thanks to my win last night ,the generousity of Julian and Ted from Goal Poker and the hard work from Paul " illegal immigrant smuggler" Ross Come on Boys n Girls Join me in the final! :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana :nana

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Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it

I now have a seat in the Goal Poker WSOP 50 seater tourney thanks to my win last night ,the generousity of Julian and Ted from Goal Poker and the hard work from Paul " illegal immigrant smuggler" Ross
That's some prize!!! Well done!!!!!
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