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Courses to avoid?

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I've been looking over my betting book for the last year, I noticed that horses I back on some courses my record is pretty dreadful, ie Epsom 11 bets no winners, only 3 placed 2nd/3rd. Another course is Brighton 11 bets, again no winners. 
Anyone else had similar results? 
Any courses you guys avoid backing on? Be interesting to hear views.  :)

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You got me thinking there @Johnrobertson

I only keep 3yrs of stats on my comp just for yearly graph comparison all other years are on a separate HD

Since I started betting seriously 10yr ago I've had 4438 bets up to yesterday with 1740 winners and a 39% sr,

Not surprised twig hopping tracks are near the bottom,but surprised to see them at the top as well albeit from a small sample size as I dont back that many twig hoppers.

Newbury doesn't actually fair as bad as I first thought (just proves the vileness of variance over a short 3yr time span)


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16 minutes ago, Johnrobertson said:

. I see you're doing great at Brighton may just persevere with that course,

Dont forget the sample size is only 48 over 10+ yrs so not that reliable.

I was surprised how low the sr at Ascot and Newmarket are considering theyre top tracks and have the top races that I like to bet in

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In my tracks to follow thread its quite surprising how well i do at some courses and absolute rubbish at others. I cant see any rhyme or reason for it to be honest.
They are quite fair figures too as they include every race not just the 'easy' ones.

Warwick is particularly poor over sticks as is Nottingham on the flat?

Personally I cant stand Ayr, just cant seem to work out the draw/pace of the place.
Over jumps i dont do well at Hexham and avoid it totally now, so many horses cant act around that track. Never known a place to have so many 'good things' turned over.

*Valiant, well done on your stats, I hope you are retired in Barbados or somewhere:clap

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1 minute ago, BillyHills said:

*Valiant, well done on your stats, I hope you are retired in Barbados or somewhere:clap

 I WISH :lol

Far from it BH started off small stakes gradually building up to the stakes I am on now. happy with my returns as Im not really a greedy person, as long as I can pay my bills and have a few pints that does me,

Best part of it my lads taking it serious now and using a rolling bank will soon be on the way to some serious dosh if he keeps his head screwed on, :hope


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I'm the same, don't make that much on my own accounts because of bookies restrictions but enough for a few beers. I've set up accounts for my daughter now she's got her own house / address and she's raking in the money by using all the free bet offers and laying on the exchanges. I only give her my best bet of the day, wish I could have been so disciplined on my own accounts in the past !

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7 hours ago, MCLARKE said:

wish I could have been so disciplined on my own accounts in the past !

I wish I knew what I do now in my 20's thing might have been different who knows, but the fact is I didn't so no point crying over spilt milk.

As for getting the money on he works near Chinatown in Manchester so has no problems getting the money on as the bookies around there are used to far larger bets than he puts on.

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9 hours ago, Valiant Thor said:

 I WISH :lol

Far from it BH started off small stakes gradually building up to the stakes I am on now. happy with my returns as Im not really a greedy person, as long as I can pay my bills and have a few pints that does me,

Best part of it my lads taking it serious now and using a rolling bank will soon be on the way to some serious dosh if he keeps his head screwed on, :hope


Thats a great attitude mate, some of the younger member could learn from that:ok

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I don't keep detailed records so can't provide any stats but I tend to avoid the tracks that have no individuality or peculiarity

I'm a great believer in horses for courses and like tracks that not every horse will act on …….. enables you to pinpoint false favourites and good things

When I'm looking at a horse's form I'm looking for good course form or good form on similar tracks ………. obversely poor form on similar tracks

In particular I like to find horses that have 'stiff finish form' at tracks with uphill finishes and avoid horses who have a record of weakening or fading on stiff finishes

As I've been doing this for 30 years I have all the track info in my head so a glance through the form is usually enough



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